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Las Vegas Aces Press Conference


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1) So Juan was really kind and built a new Vegas arena, How are you enjoying it so far?


2) Do you ever want to get into GMing/AGMing, and if you're already GMing/AGMing  how is it?


3) What do you think is our (Vegas) biggest strength so far?


4) What do you think is our (Vegas) biggest weakness so far?


5) Are you enjoying this season so far?


6) So theme week is here, What do you think of the theme for theme week, do you like it yes/no why?

Edited by Jason kranz
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On 12/5/2022 at 9:48 AM, Jason kranz said:



1) So Juan was really kind and built a new Vegas arena, How are you enjoying it so far?


2) Do you ever want to get into GMing/AGMing, and if you're already GMing/AGMing  how is it?


3) What do you think is our (Vegas) biggest strength so far?


4) What do you think is our (Vegas) biggest weakness so far?


5) Are you enjoying this season so far?


6) So theme week is here, What do you think of the theme for theme week, do you like it yes/no why?


1) I’ve never been to the arena, so no clue!

2) It’s great. I love teaching first gens and also attempting to build a roster to compete.

3) The casinos.

4) Goaltending.

5) Yeah, Mexico seems to always beat Vegas so I’m having a great time!

6) I think it’s a great idea, because you can take it anyway to be honest.

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1) Should the Vegas GM (blazzer) be able to take the Juan Practice facility away from Juan if Juan doesn’t update?


2) We made a trade with Mexico, what are your thoughts about the trade, do you like it yes/no why?


3) TDL is here that means only a few more games until the off-season, how excited are you for the off-season?


4) If you could change something about your player what would it be?


5) Do you like the lineup right now, if no, what would you change?


6) Would you rather have Christmas with snow or without snow?

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On 12/13/2022 at 12:49 AM, Jason kranz said:



1) Should the Vegas GM (blazzer) be able to take the Juan Practice facility away from Juan if Juan doesn’t update?


2) We made a trade with Mexico, what are your thoughts about the trade, do you like it yes/no why?


3) TDL is here that means only a few more games until the off-season, how excited are you for the off-season?


4) If you could change something about your player what would it be?


5) Do you like the lineup right now, if no, what would you change?


6) Would you rather have Christmas with snow or without snow?

1. Yes because we need to keep the facility running for the players and team


2. Well I approved the trade so I think it's the best we can do if we abide by the rules of the M 


3. I'm excited to get scouting and find some gems in the draft


4. Honestly I'm happy with my player rn and it's pretty cool to see him pop off



5. Honestly, what can we change Jason? I'm crying every time I stare at sths 


6. With snow, not a blizzard but some light snow would always be welcomed

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1) Should Juan Ceson be able to give dragons to people or should the GM do that?


2) It’s the final day of the regular season, is there anything your player could of done better or are you happy on how they did?


3) What teams do you think will go on to the 2nd round?


4) Have you enjoyed playing for Vegas yes/no why?


5) Are you excited for next season already?


6) Does Pineapple belong on pizza?

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1) Do you think Mexico City KIngs is the right place for Juan?


2) What are you planning on doing in the off-seasons, will you be joining any off-season tournaments?


3) What goals do you have as a player for next season?


4) Are you excited for New Years yes/no why?


5) How long have you been in the VHL and are you enjoying it?


6) What did you get for christmas?

Edited by Jason kranz
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1) Do you think Mexico City KIngs is the right place for Juan?
I am sorry but I have no idea for Juan is, but yes Mexico is a decent team so hopefully he can enjoy his time there.


2) What are you planning on doing in the off-seasons, will you be joining any off-season tournaments?
Yes, I will be joining some off-season tournaments to see how my current built does.


3) What goals do you have as a player for next season?
I want to improve to the best of my ability by staying active, and as well as score some good goals and help bring the team to victory.


4) Are you excited for New Years yes/no why?
I am excited because every new year should HOPEFULLY bring something good to look forward too, and it also gives you a chance to reflect on the goals you had set at the start of the year.


5) How long have you been in the VHL and are you enjoying it?
I've been playing VHL on off since I think like 2 years ago. I do indeed enjoy it, but sometimes get caught up in other things and forget to do my tasks.


6) What did you get for christmas?
I got money for Christmas, guess I'll save it haha.

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On 12/28/2022 at 2:37 AM, Jason kranz said:



1) Do you think Mexico City KIngs is the right place for Juan?


2) What are you planning on doing in the off-seasons, will you be joining any off-season tournaments?


3) What goals do you have as a player for next season?


4) Are you excited for New Years yes/no why?


5) How long have you been in the VHL and are you enjoying it?


6) What did you get for christmas?

1. He will definitely set Mexico on fire

2. Off season is pretty chill this time. Staying active, scouting, watching offseason tourneys so Jason isn't gonna sleep all day and not scout

3. I'll be heading to the VHL already, New York Americans. Looking to do my best as a rookie in the big leagues, help the team out and keep pushing to be better

4. The new years, honestly yes. It marks a new year and a new chapter in my life, a pretty huge chapter since I'll moving out and being more independent. Having a working/studying lifestyle. But on new years itself, I ain't doing anything

5. I've been here since COVID times and I've only enjoyed my time here, no shitty moments. 

6. I got a digital watch, that's the real gift 

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  • 2 weeks later...



1) Do you think Juan should get a panda?


2) How has you’re off-season been so far?


3) How do you think you’re player will do in the upcoming season?


4) Who do you think will be the first OA player/goalie selected in the VHLM draft?


5) If you’re in the draft are you excited to see to what team you’re going to go if your not in the draft is there anyone that you want to see go early on in the draft?


6) If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

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On 1/9/2023 at 9:15 PM, Jason kranz said:



1) Do you think Juan should get a panda?


2) How has you’re off-season been so far?

Good, I'm going to be drafted today and I return home to Istanbul.

3) How do you think you’re player will do in the upcoming season?

I'm hoping for a good season.

4) Who do you think will be the first OA player/goalie selected in the VHLM draft?

I'm not sure I haven't really payed attention to be honest


5) If you’re in the draft are you excited to see to what team you’re going to go if your not in the draft is there anyone that you want to see go early on in the draft?

There's three teams I'm hoping to go to

6) If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Taco bell


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On 1/10/2023 at 3:15 AM, Jason kranz said:



1) Do you think Juan should get a panda?


2) How has you’re off-season been so far?


3) How do you think you’re player will do in the upcoming season?


4) Who do you think will be the first OA player/goalie selected in the VHLM draft?


5) If you’re in the draft are you excited to see to what team you’re going to go if your not in the draft is there anyone that you want to see go early on in the draft?


6) If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

1. Probably not, I feel like he's got too many animals for him to keep them all healthy at this point.

2. Very uneventful, not much has happened for my player or the team in general.

3. Usually dmen follow up 100+ point season with 80 point seasons. So probably one of those.

4. idk, maybe Bek's player?

5. Honestly haven't even really checked who all is in this draft class. Now that I don't have to pay attention to that anymore.

6. Food. Obviously, what else would I pick?!

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1) Should the Las Vegas Aces management team give a restaurant to Juan Ceson called Juan Ceson diner


2) Are you excited that you’ve been picked by Vegas yes/no why?


3) Who do you think did the best in the draft?


4) How do you think our team is going to do this season?


5) Who do you think will be 1st in the standings by the end of the season?


6) Who is your favourite hockey player?

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1. I would say yes since it would only boost the reputation of the team


2. I am definitely excited since I had a great rookie season with them


3.I would say the lynx did the best since they got the first overall pick in the draft. They got the best player available. 

4. I would say our team would do better this season since we have new talent in the team. 

5. I’m gonna have to say the marlins possibly since they are last season’s champs 


6. my favorite is either Patrick Roy or Peter Forsberg 

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3 hours ago, Jason kranz said:




1) Should the Las Vegas Aces management team give a restaurant to Juan Ceson called Juan Ceson diner


2) Are you excited that you’ve been picked by Vegas yes/no why?


3) Who do you think did the best in the draft?


4) How do you think our team is going to do this season?


5) Who do you think will be 1st in the standings by the end of the season?


6) Who is your favourite hockey player?

1. I would say yes since it would only boost the reputation of the team


2. I am definitely excited since I had a great rookie season with them


3.I would say the lynx did the best since they got the first overall pick in the draft. They got the best player available. 

4. I would say our team would do better this season since we have new talent in the team. 

5. I’m gonna have to say the marlins possibly since they are last season’s champs 


6. my favorite is either Patrick Roy or Peter Forsberg

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3 hours ago, Jason kranz said:




1) Should the Las Vegas Aces management team give a restaurant to Juan Ceson called Juan Ceson diner


2) Are you excited that you’ve been picked by Vegas yes/no why?


3) Who do you think did the best in the draft?


4) How do you think our team is going to do this season?


5) Who do you think will be 1st in the standings by the end of the season?


6) Who is your favourite hockey player?

1. I would say yes since it would only boost the reputation of the team


2. I am definitely excited since I had a great rookie season with them


3.I would say the lynx did the best since they got the first overall pick in the draft. They got the best player available. 

4. I would say our team would do better this season since we have new talent in the team. 

5. I’m gonna have to say the marlins possibly since they are last season’s champs 


6. my favorite is either Patrick Roy or Peter Forsberg

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1) Yes, from what I’ve heard, Juan is a real team guy and it would be well deserved. 

2) Yes! Couldn’t be happier…Vegas is my kind of town and I’m ready to get some games under my belt. 

3) Vegas. Varlamov in the 2nd round is an absolute steal! 

4) Definitely better than last season. New blood in the mix should help get us back winning some games. 

5) I think that Vegas will be in the top spot when it’s all said and done. Gonna shock the league!


6) Current: Vince Dunn / All time: Tie Domi 

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1) Juan has been very silent about where he’s going to sign, do you want Juan to sign with Vegas?


2) What lineup do you think you’ll play in 1st 2nd 3rd or 4th?


3) Which VHLM team do you think are our rivals?


4) What team do you think will be the hardest to beat this season, why?


5) What team do you think we’ll do the best against, why?


6) If you could dis-invent one thing, what would it be?

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6 hours ago, Jason kranz said:




1) Juan has been very silent about where he’s going to sign, do you want Juan to sign with Vegas?


2) What lineup do you think you’ll play in 1st 2nd 3rd or 4th?


3) Which VHLM team do you think are our rivals?


4) What team do you think will be the hardest to beat this season, why?


5) What team do you think we’ll do the best against, why?


6) If you could dis-invent one thing, what would it be?

1. I definitely want Juan to resign with Vegas as he and I had a good thing going. We complimented each others play styles. 

2. I don’t think I’m ready for the 1st lineup yet given my jst performance. I think I’m skilled enough to be on the 2nd line. 

3. currently I’m gonna have to say San Diego since they’re trying to steal/ or already stolen Juan from Vegas from what I’ve heard


4. I’m gonna have to say the marlins as they have a impressive lineup of players and they were last seasons champs 


5. currently I don’t know since I have yet to see the new team in action. 

6. if I can dis-invent one thing it would have to be tiktok. I honestly can’t stand it 

Edited by StoneWallGoalie077
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1) Juan has been very silent about where he’s going to sign, do you want Juan to sign with Vegas?


No. I think that is a terrible idea. I hope he goes somewhere else and we don't have to put up with him.


2) What lineup do you think you’ll play in 1st 2nd 3rd or 4th?


I will be on all the lines because I am the best player on the team.


3) Which VHLM team do you think are our rivals?


All of the other teams are our rivals. There are no friends in professional sports.


4) What team do you think will be the hardest to beat this season, why?


None of the teams will be hard to beat. We are the best team there is.


5) What team do you think we’ll do the best against, why?


We are going to win every single game so we will be best against all the teams.


6) If you could dis-invent one thing, what would it be?


I would dis-invent the E since it is the worst invention ever.

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1) Who do you think should do the guide to Juan and CBBE for newbies, Blazzer or CBBE?


2) How do you think Vegas is doing so far?


3) How has you’re player done so far better then you expected or worse?


4) Who do you think is the best VHLM team right now?


5) Do you have a nickname for your player, what is it? if not what would be your players nickname and why?


6) What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy?

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11 hours ago, Jason kranz said:




1) Who do you think should do the guide to Juan and CBBE for newbies, Blazzer or CBBE?


2) How do you think Vegas is doing so far?


3) How has you’re player done so far better then you expected or worse?


4) Who do you think is the best VHLM team right now?


5) Do you have a nickname for your player, what is it? if not what would be your players nickname and why?


6) What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy?

1. I’m gonna have to go with Blazzer since she is the GM


2. I would say, not bad for a team that’s currently rebuilding. 

3.I would say my player has done as I expected since I did expect improvement compared to my first season


4. I would have to say Mexico city kings since they have some talented players and having the season schedule more towards their favor. 

5. I would say my nickname would be jack of all trades since I’m able to produce points with any line my manager puts me in. 

 6. A croissant dipped in fruit flavored yogurt. 

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12 hours ago, Jason kranz said:




1) Who do you think should do the guide to Juan and CBBE for newbies, Blazzer or CBBE?


2) How do you think Vegas is doing so far?


3) How has you’re player done so far better then you expected or worse?


4) Who do you think is the best VHLM team right now?


5) Do you have a nickname for your player, what is it? if not what would be your players nickname and why?


6) What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy?

 1) Blazzer, she’s the boss!

2) we’re doing ok, if we string together a few wins, we’ll be right in the mix for 2nd in the conferences 

3) Pretty well…wish I had a few more Hits,  but Rip has been working hard in the weight room, so hopefully the aggressive play continues to escalate. 
4) Mexico City is a buzzsaw so far this season. 
5) Rip…I feel like all good nicknames come

from whatever the boys are feelin’…not gonna give myself a nickname…if it happens it happens. 
6) bacon and maple….either bacon with pancakes and syrup or a bacon maple bar…taste combo us 🤌🤌🤌.

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1) CBBE because it’s literally in the name.

2) Alright, we’re not great but I didn’t have high expectations

3) I’m new so my player is doing way better than expected, I though I would suck but I’m almost a point per game

4) Mexico City because they’re doing so well

5) Well my player’s name is Tarro and his nickname is Taro

6) I like lemon toothpaste which isn’t really food but I think it’s still weird enough to count

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1) CBBE re-branded to CR what do you think of the name do you like it?


2) What do you think about the lineup do you like it yes/no why?


3) What are you going to work on the most to help you improve this season?


4) What place do you think we’ll be at, at the end of the season?


5) What VHLM logo is your least favorite, why?


6) Would you rather live (permanently) in a roller coaster or a zoo?

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14 minutes ago, Jason kranz said:




1) CBBE re-branded to CR what do you think of the name do you like it?


2) What do you think about the lineup do you like it yes/no why?


3) What are you going to work on the most to help you improve this season?


4) What place do you think we’ll be at, at the end of the season?


5) What VHLM logo is your least favorite, why?


6) Would you rather live (permanently) in a roller coaster or a zoo?

1. I like it since it gives it a more simple but more eye catching name. Similar to apple’s apple logo


2. I like the lineup, however since we are a rebuilding team, we have to change it in order to see what works best. 

3. I would say either my shooting abilities or my stick handling abilities


4. probably bottom 4 which makes sense for a rebuilding team. 

5. I would have to say the Saskatoon wild logo just because it’s way to similar to the Nashville predator logo


6. I would choose the zoo since I prefer animals over oil and grease any day

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