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Calgary Wranglers press conference


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21 hours ago, Greg_Di said:



1. Training camp has started...what will you be working on?


2. The world cup just finished, did your team you got called up for (or if you didn't get called up your prediction) finish where  you expected them to finish?


3. The draft was held a few days ago, what do you think of Calgary's selections?


4. If you followed the draft, what are your thoughts on the top 2 highest TPE prospects going late in the draft?


5. If you didn’t know your age, how old would you think you’d be?


6. How does your player measure success?

1. Conditioning, this old body is getting slower with age so I need to make sure im in 10x better shape then everyone else just to keep up!


2. yes they did! Canada won gold baby!


3. I was very happy with Calgarys selections! Ricer always does a good job! So far at camp meeting the new players they seem hungry and eager to learn from us! Makes me happy knowing Calgary will be in safe hands after I’m gone!


4. I did not follow the draft! But I can only assume it’s because they will be moving up very soon so they aren’t of much value to any team drafting them. 

5. 21


6. Victory! Team victories, on the ice off the ice, the connections you make along the way! Life long friendships, as well as lessons you learn that make you a better parent, spouse, friend and overall better person! 


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1. Training camp has started...what will you be working on?

Fitness and endurance is the number one. I need to get ready for the regular season. I tried to keep active during the break, but it's always different to get back on the ice and back to playing at full intensity.


2. The world cup just finished, did your team you got called up for (or if you didn't get called up your prediction) finish where  you expected them to finish?

I was hoping we would win the whole thing, so in that sense the tournament did not go as well as hoped. I think next time around we need to be a lot better as a team.


3. The draft was held a few days ago, what do you think of Calgary's selections?

Good picks. I think Janser brothers will have natural chemistry that will help the team. Great jr and Hagstrom are also talented young players, who have all the potential to be VHL players in the future. Solid draft for CGY.


4. If you followed the draft, what are your thoughts on the top 2 highest TPE prospects going late in the draft?

I did not follow, but that is the way it goes. I assume teams had talks with the players before the draft and they did not like what they heard. 


5. If you didn’t know your age, how old would you think you’d be?

I don't know. Pretty young, I guess. I workout.


6. How does your player measure success?

Championship, points, money.

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On 11/21/2021 at 6:56 PM, Greg_Di said:



1. Training camp has started...what will you be working on?


2. The world cup just finished, did your team you got called up for (or if you didn't get called up your prediction) finish where  you expected them to finish?


3. The draft was held a few days ago, what do you think of Calgary's selections?


4. If you followed the draft, what are your thoughts on the top 2 highest TPE prospects going late in the draft?


5. If you didn’t know your age, how old would you think you’d be?


6. How does your player measure success?


1. Been working on my puck handling skills as of late. I want to be able to stick handle among the elite in the top league.

2. I played for Europe in the World Jrs and we lost in the finals. Silver is a good finish. Obviously not Gold, but Silver is nothing to be ashamed of.

3. Calgary drafted me, so I trust our GM's drafting skills.

4. It's not always about the TPE.

5. Early 20s, maybe. I'm 30 and I still do all the same things I did 10 years ago.

6. A great team culture and championships along the way.

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1. Training camp has started...what will you be working on?

for some strange reason(maybe age?) all my skills have gone downhill this season. So I’ve been working a little bit on everything to try to get back to where I was last season.


2. The world cup just finished, did your team you got called up for (or if you didn't get called up your prediction) finish where  you expected them to finish?


Western Europe did an admiral job. Needs came in strong but we defeated them in the knockout round so pretty decent. 

3. The draft was held a few days ago, what do you think of Calgary's selections?


I didn’t follow the draft class super closely, but I think we did a pretty decent job with our selections. Time will always tell

4. If you followed the draft, what are your thoughts on the top 2 highest TPE prospects going late in the draft?


I did not follow the draft. Who’s the top two prospects??

5. If you didn’t know your age, how old would you think you’d be?


weird question - probably exactly around the same age I actually am. I kind of act my age

6. How does your player measure success?


-Do i suck still

-Do I hit over 350 players in a season

- Do I get over a point per game

-Did we get close to winning the cup

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On 11/22/2021 at 3:56 AM, Greg_Di said:



1. Training camp has started...what will you be working on?


2. The world cup just finished, did your team you got called up for (or if you didn't get called up your prediction) finish where  you expected them to finish?


3. The draft was held a few days ago, what do you think of Calgary's selections?


4. If you followed the draft, what are your thoughts on the top 2 highest TPE prospects going late in the draft?


5. If you didn’t know your age, how old would you think you’d be?


6. How does your player measure success?

Training camp has started...what will you be working on?


Becoming better friends with my teammates as I want to grow chemistry with them




2. The world cup just finished, did your team you got called up for (or if you didn't get called up your prediction) finish where you expected them to finish?


 I have no idea tbh, I don't really know who's playing and what not.  Although I do cherry for team Sweden


3. The draft was held a few days ago, what do you think of Calgary's selections?


 Good picks definitely, can't wait until they get into the Grove and start scoring some


4. If you followed the draft, what are your thoughts on the top 2 highest TPE prospects going late in the draft?


 I did not watch the draft but the 2 highest going late isn't something I've heard of, surely a reason to that too


5. If you didn’t know your age, how old would you think you’d be?


 Probably 1-2 years older than I usually am 


6. How does your player measure success?


By giving the team success, it does not matter how good you are individually if your team can't win games

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1. Calgary is off to a hot start! What do you think are the main reasons for this?


2. Who will finish in the top 3 for points on the Wranglers this season?


3. How are you feeling about your player's start to the season? 


4. How did you do in last seasons VHFL? Do you think you will do better this season?


5.  The Wranglers secret santa is a few weeks away, list who you got and what did you get them?


6. Is there such a thing as fate or destiny, or do we make our own future?

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45 minutes ago, Greg_Di said:



1. Calgary is off to a hot start! What do you think are the main reasons for this?


2. Who will finish in the top 3 for points on the Wranglers this season?


3. How are you feeling about your player's start to the season? 


4. How did you do in last seasons VHFL? Do you think you will do better this season?


5.  The Wranglers secret santa is a few weeks away, list who you got and what did you get them?


6. Is there such a thing as fate or destiny, or do we make our own future?

1. My impending arrival next season let all the others fear for their roster space and that is their way to tell the coach/GM 'Don't sack me. See, I am productive/valuable to the team, pick an other one.'

2. Nasherov, Johnson and Eagles

3. 6g, 3a in ten games for a two way forward is ok in my book, however the team cannot win games, so I will have to do better.

4. I sucked and probably will again (I did not pick enough Wranglers apparently)

5. I could tell but then I would have to kill you.

6. We can do a lot to eliminate some RNJesus, and I do believe that everything you did will come back at you for better or worse.

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6 hours ago, Greg_Di said:



1. Calgary is off to a hot start! What do you think are the main reasons for this?


2. Who will finish in the top 3 for points on the Wranglers this season?


3. How are you feeling about your player's start to the season? 


4. How did you do in last seasons VHFL? Do you think you will do better this season?


5.  The Wranglers secret santa is a few weeks away, list who you got and what did you get them?


6. Is there such a thing as fate or destiny, or do we make our own future?

1. Everyone has boughten in! Ricer has a goal and a plan on how it will all work! Perry and other vets lead that plan in the room and on the ice! The young stars are impressing early!


2. Johnson, Perry, Nasherov


3. It has been okay, but after a career year last season, and with all the talent around him now perry is okay with being the reliable offensive presence but not necessarily main guy if that’s what it takes to win! 

4. finished with 5 points I think 3rd or 4th place! I think my team is very solid this year and I expect to do very well!


5. I see what you’re doing, nice try! It’s a secret! But let me tell you my secret Santa is getting a very good gift. 

6. Don’t mistake coincidence for fate!!!!! 

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1. Calgary is off to a hot start! What do you think are the main reasons for this?

All the players are executing the game plan. We are making less mistakes than the opposite team, and we are using our chances more often than not.


2. Who will finish in the top 3 for points on the Wranglers this season?

Johnson, he is a cannonball, always at the dirty areas. Fizzlebeef Jr, he is a elite offensive defender with a hell of a shot. Third one is a tough one, we got a lot of scorers in the team. I'll say Tallinder, because he is a center. He will have a strong season.


3. How are you feeling about your player's start to the season? 

It has been alright. I have not taken too many pims and I also have fair number points. I wish I had few more goals, but they will come - maybe.


4. How did you do in last seasons VHFL? Do you think you will do better this season?

I was second, I think. I did well. I'm not sure if the same happens this time around. I was happy about my team though, but no idea how well it does against the others in my group.


5.  The Wranglers secret santa is a few weeks away, list who you got and what did you get them?

I'm not saying I forgot, but I'm also not saying that I remembered that such a thing is coming.  I need to get on it, asap.


6. Is there such a thing as fate or destiny, or do we make our own future?

I believe both are true. I believe the universe sends us clues and signals. If you are a good person and live your life with an open mind - you might see and sense those clues and signals. Some people are destined to miss them. Someone missing the clues and signals could be a clue or signal itself. What does it all mean. Nobody knows


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On 11/29/2021 at 6:31 PM, Greg_Di said:



1. Calgary is off to a hot start! What do you think are the main reasons for this?


2. Who will finish in the top 3 for points on the Wranglers this season?


3. How are you feeling about your player's start to the season? 


4. How did you do in last seasons VHFL? Do you think you will do better this season?


5.  The Wranglers secret santa is a few weeks away, list who you got and what did you get them?


6. Is there such a thing as fate or destiny, or do we make our own future?

1. Calgary is off to a hot start! What do you think are the main reasons for this?


How good we are as a team




2. Who will finish in the top 3 for points on the Wranglers this season?


 I have no idea.  It will be a tight race though


3. How are you feeling about your player's start to the season? 


 I'm doing good I feel, could do better in some cases 


4. How did you do in last seasons VHFL? Do you think you will do better this season?


 I haven't been in the vhfl in the last couple of seasons


5. The Wranglers secret santa is a few weeks away, list who you got and what did you get them?


 Never had secret Santa and I have no idea what it is


6. Is there such a thing as fate or destiny, or do we make our own future?


Pffff, I don't have the energy to think about this rn

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On 11/29/2021 at 9:31 AM, Greg_Di said:



1. Calgary is off to a hot start! What do you think are the main reasons for this?


2. Who will finish in the top 3 for points on the Wranglers this season?


3. How are you feeling about your player's start to the season? 


4. How did you do in last seasons VHFL? Do you think you will do better this season?


5.  The Wranglers secret santa is a few weeks away, list who you got and what did you get them?


6. Is there such a thing as fate or destiny, or do we make our own future?


1. A well balanced roster and some great goaltending.

2. Probably Phil and Fizzlebeef as the top 2. 3rd is a crapshoot, but likely Tallinder.

3. Decent. I'm a rookie on a great team, so I just hope to be point per game. It's not like some rookies cases with a good rookie on a bad team, so I can't expect tons of points. :P

4. Honestly, I just mostly copy other people's picks in the other threads and hope for the best.

5. I'm not telling! Maybe they got a lump of coal.

6. Work hard and you will achieve great things.

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1. Calgary has slid down from 1st to 5th in the North American conference after a 6 game losing streak, what do we need to do to turn that around?


2. How does your player stay motivated through a rough stretch where nothing seems to go right?


3. Fans have recently started throwing jerseys on the ice due to the losing streak, what is your players reactions to this? 


4. Who has been the most underrated player on the team this season in your opinion and why do you think they are underrated?


5.  Where do you see yourself 3-4 seasons from now? Will you still be playing in the VHL or will you have already retired?


6. You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

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1. Calgary has slid down from 1st to 5th in the North American conference after a 6 game losing streak, what do we need to do to turn that around?

We need to sacrifice something or someone to please the sim gods. They are not happy with us, or they are testing us. Safer bet would be to assume they are not happy.


2. How does your player stay motivated through a rough stretch where nothing seems to go right?

I look at my bank account.


3. Fans have recently started throwing jerseys on the ice due to the losing streak, what is your players reactions to this? 

I don't really get the point of something like that. Why spend all that money on the tickets and the jersey just to throw it away? Nobody wants to see that. I think people who are upset should complain in the internet. It will be fine soon.


4. Who has been the most underrated player on the team this season in your opinion and why do you think they are underrated?

Viitanen perhaps. Excellent two-way player. He has scored 16 points in 24 games, but he is also reliable in the defensive end.


5.  Where do you see yourself 3-4 seasons from now? Will you still be playing in the VHL or will you have already retired?

Still in VHL, hopefully. I will be close to retirement though, so perhaps I'm enjoying the prime years by then! Or they are just past me.


6. You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

Whatever color tears would be.

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23 hours ago, Greg_Di said:



1. Calgary has slid down from 1st to 5th in the North American conference after a 6 game losing streak, what do we need to do to turn that around?


2. How does your player stay motivated through a rough stretch where nothing seems to go right?


3. Fans have recently started throwing jerseys on the ice due to the losing streak, what is your players reactions to this? 


4. Who has been the most underrated player on the team this season in your opinion and why do you think they are underrated?


5.  Where do you see yourself 3-4 seasons from now? Will you still be playing in the VHL or will you have already retired?


6. You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

1. a few changes in strategy might do the trick but our players are getting chances just not converting! They can turn this around!


2. Perry likes to spend these times making sure the younger players spirits are high! Take them away from the rink do other things away from hockey! Once you start overthinking itll get worse.


3. Their jersey their choice ;) but it’s tough to see cause they deserve better as a fan base, we need to do better.


4. Nasherov, maybe underrated coming into the season but no longer! He has been absolutely fire all season long! Consistency is key!!


5. Perry will be retired hopefully laying on a beach for a season or two and then get into management with the wrangles organization.


6. Smokey, cause it sounds cool and spooky. 

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On 12/6/2021 at 3:03 AM, Greg_Di said:



1. Calgary has slid down from 1st to 5th in the North American conference after a 6 game losing streak, what do we need to do to turn that around?


2. How does your player stay motivated through a rough stretch where nothing seems to go right?


3. Fans have recently started throwing jerseys on the ice due to the losing streak, what is your players reactions to this? 


4. Who has been the most underrated player on the team this season in your opinion and why do you think they are underrated?


5.  Where do you see yourself 3-4 seasons from now? Will you still be playing in the VHL or will you have already retired?


6. You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

1. Patience and hardwork. At the beginning we had the puck going for us, now we don't. That is live. Considering that we lost 6 games in OT shows, that we are not as far off as it appears.

2. just taking one step at the time. Look for success in details and hold on to them. Never despair, that does neither help man nor beast.

3. I can understand the frustration. It is their right to be upset and since they paid good money for the Jerseys, they can do with them whatever pleases them.

4. I think Levecque does the little things right, blocking shots, shooting from promising angles. He is underrated as he is not as productive as others, but you notice when he has a bad day.

5. In the second line, maybe even wearing a letter on the chest. I will be in my prime and hopefully already collected some silverware.

6. Black. Because if fits with every other color and is literally a dark horse.




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On 12/6/2021 at 3:03 AM, Greg_Di said:



1. Calgary has slid down from 1st to 5th in the North American conference after a 6 game losing streak, what do we need to do to turn that around?


2. How does your player stay motivated through a rough stretch where nothing seems to go right?


3. Fans have recently started throwing jerseys on the ice due to the losing streak, what is your players reactions to this? 


4. Who has been the most underrated player on the team this season in your opinion and why do you think they are underrated?


5.  Where do you see yourself 3-4 seasons from now? Will you still be playing in the VHL or will you have already retired?


6. You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?





1. Calgary has slid down from 1st to 5th in the North American conference after a 6 game losing streak, what do we need to do to turn that around?


We need to get into that winning mentality.



2. How does your player stay motivated through a rough stretch where nothing seems to go right?


 To never give up, no matter how rough it is there is always a light at the end of the tunnel


3. Fans have recently started throwing jerseys on the ice due to the losing streak, what is your players reactions to this? 


 I just want to make the fans happy and seeing them do this is something I don't want.  I want to change it and we will win more games


4. Who has been the most underrated player on the team this season in your opinion and why do you think they are underrated?


 There are many and I don't want to let out favorites here


5. Where do you see yourself 3-4 seasons from now? Will you still be playing in the VHL or will you have already retired?


 I have no idea.  Life will lead me where life leads me


6. You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?



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On 12/5/2021 at 6:03 PM, Greg_Di said:



1. Calgary has slid down from 1st to 5th in the North American conference after a 6 game losing streak, what do we need to do to turn that around?


2. How does your player stay motivated through a rough stretch where nothing seems to go right?


3. Fans have recently started throwing jerseys on the ice due to the losing streak, what is your players reactions to this? 


4. Who has been the most underrated player on the team this season in your opinion and why do you think they are underrated?


5.  Where do you see yourself 3-4 seasons from now? Will you still be playing in the VHL or will you have already retired?


6. You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?


1. Just need some consistency. Believe in the W and the sim will answer.

2. Just keep putting the puck on net and putting in the work in practice.

3. I have more jerseys to give to my family that I don't have to put on my credit card.

4. Nasherov has been fuego.

5. Hopefully among the top players in the league.

6. Kotkakoivu colour. Some kind of Wranglers red.

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1. What Wrangler player is most likely to drop the gloves during the game to protect our players?


2. Its Christmas time in the VHL! Will you be participating in any of the activities that are currently happening? 


3. The Wranglers have been approached by multiple companies to become our new sponsors, who do you think should be our main sponsor?


4. If you could change one thing about the VHL, what would that be?


5.  Out of the VHL league leaders in points, who are you most surprised to see?


6. What is the one personal item you refuse to share with anyone?

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1. What Wrangler player is most likely to drop the gloves during the game to protect our players?

The Rock Johnson is one player like that. He is a physical player and a tank of a person. He will not take any steps backwards.


2. Its Christmas time in the VHL! Will you be participating in any of the activities that are currently happening? 

I don't know yet. More than likely not in the time/date specific ones as I will take a little Christmas break from simulation leagues for the holidays.


3. The Wranglers have been approached by multiple companies to become our new sponsors, who do you think should be our main sponsor?

Cowboys and cigarettes go well together. It's about time Marlboro steps up and shows us some love. And with love I mean give us money and we will pose in some pics. Or I will at least.


4. If you could change one thing about the VHL, what would that be?

Right now, I would look into taking away few teams. Those teams at the bottom look like they have a rough ride coming. Do we need to watch something like that?


5.  Out of the VHL league leaders in points, who are you most surprised to see?

Aurelien Moreau perhaps. As a D he is 5th in scoring, that is a lot of points


6. What is the one personal item you refuse to share with anyone?

My mustache brush


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9 hours ago, Greg_Di said:



1. What Wrangler player is most likely to drop the gloves during the game to protect our players?


2. Its Christmas time in the VHL! Will you be participating in any of the activities that are currently happening? 


3. The Wranglers have been approached by multiple companies to become our new sponsors, who do you think should be our main sponsor?


4. If you could change one thing about the VHL, what would that be?


5.  Out of the VHL league leaders in points, who are you most surprised to see?


6. What is the one personal item you refuse to share with anyone?

1. Phil Johnson mostly because he’s a freak and wants to love us so much!


2. most definitely! VHL does a great job during the holidays of giving back!


3. Smokes poutinery! Can sell it at the arena and we can be the brst Wrangler Poutine in NA.


4. Maybe a program to encourage or guide more managers for future jobs! Seems as if we always have more jobs then people. 

5. Moreau, even tho I have him in fantasy so I’m happy :)!


6. My Girlfriend for the most part

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1. What Wrangler player is most likely to drop the gloves during the game to protect our players?


Most have said The Rock - but actually - the Rock has only dropped the gloves TWICE IN HIS CAREER! ( @Ricer13 is your mind blown)? So I would say Pekko Viitanen


2. Its Christmas time in the VHL! Will you be participating in any of the activities that are currently happening? 


HECK YES! CHristmas is the best season. 


3. The Wranglers have been approached by multiple companies to become our new sponsors, who do you think should be our main sponsor?


Red Bull - because Horses and Bulls are interchangable. And with Red bull giving you wings, the horsies basically become Pegasus - WE WOULD BE UNSTOPPABLE!!!!


4. If you could change one thing about the VHL, what would that be?


a Slight update to the update system. Simon T is a cruel mistress


5.  Out of the VHL league leaders in points, who are you most surprised to see?


Surprised to see the Seabastard ( @Seabass) up there. He's already around the same amount of points that he had last season. Man is on FIRE like Denzel WAshington. 


6. What is the one personal item you refuse to share with anyone?


My deodorant - fucking buy your own - we're all making millions - I bet you Old Spice GIVES that shit away to us. 

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1. What Wrangler player is most likely to drop the gloves during the game to protect our players?


Phil the rock Johnson for sure.  With his exceptional muscle mass he will take down anyone trying to mess with him or his teammates




2. Its Christmas time in the VHL! Will you be participating in any of the activities that are currently happening? 


 Twelve days if Christmas that's all tbh


3. The Wranglers have been approached by multiple companies to become our new sponsors, who do you think should be our main sponsor?


Taco Bell, cause who doesn't live tacos?


4. If you could change one thing about the VHL, what would that be?


 Nerf the meta build so you can have fun with your build and still not be absolutely crap


5. Out of the VHL league leaders in points, who are you most surprised to see?


Don't keep track of individual points as the wins are what matter.


6. What is the one personal item you refuse to share with anyone?


Phone, pretty self explanatory?

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1.) Your VHL player is going on a Christmas break. What is your player doing for the holidays?

2.) What are YOUR plans for the holidays?

3.) Despite having a contending roster over the last few seasons, what has been holding Calgary back from performing like one? 
4.) If someone were to make a player card for you, what render would you choose and why?

5.) What is your favourite part about the holiday season?

6.) Choose a teammate, tag them

and give them a shoutout about why you appreciate them!

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1.) Your VHL player is going on a Christmas break. What is your player doing for the holidays?

I will go somewhere sunny and warm. I will relax and enjoy the beaches.


2.) What are YOUR plans for the holidays?

Not much. Taking it easy. Heading back to the old hometown for some days. Eating and resting.


3.) Despite having a contending roster over the last few seasons, what has been holding Calgary back from performing like one? 

Our fans. They are too demanding and at the same time too quiet. They show support the wrong way and that is by not showing enough of it.

4.) If someone were to make a player card for you, what render would you choose and why?

Erik Karlsson could be one. Any offensive Dman works really


5.) What is your favourite part about the holiday season?

Everything slows down, or I try to slow down at least.


6.) Choose a teammate, tag them

and give them a shoutout about why you appreciate them!

Rolf Fizzlebeef Jr sounds like a barbeque sauce tycoon. I like barbeque. Your player is a great player as well! @TacticalHammer

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On 12/19/2021 at 10:21 PM, WranglersSuck said:



1.) Your VHL player is going on a Christmas break. What is your player doing for the holidays?

2.) What are YOUR plans for the holidays?

3.) Despite having a contending roster over the last few seasons, what has been holding Calgary back from performing like one? 
4.) If someone were to make a player card for you, what render would you choose and why?

5.) What is your favourite part about the holiday season?

6.) Choose a teammate, tag them

and give them a shoutout about why you appreciate them!

1. Heading back to Vancouver to visit family! His family goes all out for Christmas and he is very excited!


2. Had dinner with sister and her hubby this past weekend, for Christmas weekend I am going to my girlfriends families Christmas.


3. The sim engine lol, but luck overall…. We definitely should do better and everyone in the wrangler organization deserves better! 

4. Hmmm I’ve always gone with toews cause I’ve had a million people in real life say I look like him including random strangers at Walmart but he also sucks at life sooo hmm I don’t know maybe JT Miller that would be a new one! 

5. Stuffing! And giving gifts!! I love getting loved ones gifts!!


6. @Phil is a Wrangler legend! Not only does he earn like a champ throughout his entire career but he puts out quality content that helps the league! Even better he’s a great leader in the locker rooms on discord! Fun, helpful, and just genuinely a nice guy! 

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