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11 hours ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S97 Quick Q's - CHRISTMAS EDITION :sea:

Santa Claus GIF by Mexico Indie



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):




*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


18. What are your plans this year for Christmas?

19. What's your favourite Christmas song?

20. What's some food you look forward to at this time of year?

21. What do YOU want for Christmas this year?

22. What does your player want for Christmas this year?

23. How do you feel the Bears off-season went?

24. What does your player plan to do over their "christmas break"? Let's pretend they get one ;) 

25. What's something cool or unique that could be in next years auction?

26. If the VHL were to make a theme for the forums and portal, what are some they could do? 

27. Your player is asked to be in a Christmas commercial. What is it? What's it about? What's the part they play?

28. Your player writes a new Christmas jingle about the VHL. What is it called?





Edited by Mongoose87

1. What do YOU want for Christmas this year?

Well, nothing specific. Actually, I'd be happy to visit my relatives and spend all my spare time with school friends. I have a lot of stories to tell!


2. What does your player want for Christmas this year?

Hmmm, there are a few thoughts. As a goalie, I'd love to get new helmet painted with some russian traditional patterns and some stuff related to Ottawa Lynx 


3. How do you feel the Bears off-season went?

Pretty busy, as I can see! We'll see how good the team is, but I'm sure Bears will make the playoffs and show their best hockey. 


4. What's something cool or unique that could be in next years auction?

I don't know, I suppose more live interactions would be fun to watch. "Hey, I'm Josh. Donate 150$ and I'll travel across the Canada to meet Beketov and touch his hair!"

5. If the VHL were to make a theme for the forums and portal, what are some they could do? 

Minimalist, it'd include some logos related to both VHL/VHLM. Probably something that reminds of previous cup champions.

6. Your player is asked to be in a Christmas commercial. What is it? What's it about? What's the part they play?

Haha, I am a big fan of Alex Ovechkin Ads. Especially some from late 2000's, these ones were banger! I'd definitely be in some comedy sport commercial, cause a typical one is just super boring. To be honest, I am not that creative to make up my own commercial so let's keep it on producers. 



  • 3 weeks later...

Bana's S97 Quick Q's - Almost Halfway, somewhere in the middle-  EDITION :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


29. Thoughts on Seattle trading away @Chillybro Nowazcyk for @InstantRockstar Allard?!

30. Rate your player from 1-10 this season on their stats. Are you happy with it so far?!

31. Thoughts on where Seattle stands right now? Do you think that recent trade will help things out more?

32. EU is a bit easier to predict. How do you think things finish in the NA?

33. Any big plans for the rest of January?

34. What are you looking forward to this week?

35. What's something you could do better this week?

36. If you were on the recruitment team, what is something you would pitch?

37. What's an outside of the box idea for recruitment that is crazy, but could also work?



2 hours ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S97 Quick Q's - Almost Halfway, somewhere in the middle-  EDITION :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


29. Thoughts on Seattle trading away @Chillybro Nowazcyk for @InstantRockstar Allard?!

30. Rate your player from 1-10 this season on their stats. Are you happy with it so far?!

31. Thoughts on where Seattle stands right now? Do you think that recent trade will help things out more?

32. EU is a bit easier to predict. How do you think things finish in the NA?

33. Any big plans for the rest of January?

34. What are you looking forward to this week?

35. What's something you could do better this week?

36. If you were on the recruitment team, what is something you would pitch?

37. What's an outside of the box idea for recruitment that is crazy, but could also work?



30. 3/10. I think I'm the highest TPE G in the league and I'm pretty bad. 


31. We're looking pretty solid if the above improves. 


33. We're gonna to to actually have a date this month. 


35. Respond to my emails more quickly. 


36. Mandatory participation. If you to IA, we get your ISP to cancel your service. 


37. What, the other one wasn't good enough for you?

30. Rate your player from 1-10 this season on their stats. Are you happy with it so far?!

Happier to be on a team that is seeking contention & actively communicates. 


31. Thoughts on where Seattle stands right now? Do you think that recent trade will help things out more?

Biasly, I think it's working out pretty damn good so far. Two first stars in two sims ;)


33. Any big plans for the rest of January?

Hoping to be moving jobs after just moving houses, so a lot to come in January. 


34. What are you looking forward to this week?

The end of it ;) Seriously though, some quality time coming up with the family. 


35. What's something you could do better this week?

Be more grounded and stop taking time away from the family with work. 


37. What's an outside of the box idea for recruitment that is crazy, but could also work?

Going outside of the norm with youtubers (that have little to no relevancy to leagues & sim leagues) and actually going after sports fans overall. Finding groups or discords or reddits of like causes. I don't necessarily think we'd found the most success with the YTers as none of them stick around so all those that followed them here, also leave. 

Bana's S97 Quick Q's -  Point Task Heaven:sea:

Test Test Nba Trade Deadline GIF by hamlet

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

Somewhere in the Middle


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


38. Your player needs a pick-me-up mid-game. What's their go-to?

39. Who is your biggest rival in the VHL?

40. Which VHLM franchise is your favourite?

41. What's something you want to accomplish next on the VHL?

42. Donald Trump wants to talk to you. What do you think it's about?

43. Your player is an ambassador for a new beef jerky flavour. They named it after your player. What is it?

44. You had some Chinese for lunch. It's the final 3 minutes of the game, and the score is 3-3. You have to use the washroom so fucking bad. What do you do? 

45. Who is your favourite player in the VHL that isn't yours? Why'd you pick them?

46. Who are some of the best players in the VHL right now?

47. Who is an underrated hero on Seattle?


3 minutes ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S97 Quick Q's -  Point Task Heaven:sea:

Test Test Nba Trade Deadline GIF by hamlet

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

Somewhere in the Middle


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


38. Your player needs a pick-me-up mid-game. What's their go-to?

39. Who is your biggest rival in the VHL?

40. Which VHLM franchise is your favourite?

41. What's something you want to accomplish next on the VHL?

42. Donald Trump wants to talk to you. What do you think it's about?

43. Your player is an ambassador for a new beef jerky flavour. They named it after your player. What is it?

44. You had some Chinese for lunch. It's the final 3 minutes of the game, and the score is 3-3. You have to use the washroom so fucking bad. What do you do? 

45. Who is your favourite player in the VHL that isn't yours? Why'd you pick them?

46. Who are some of the best players in the VHL right now?

47. Who is an underrated hero on Seattle?


38. Watermelon jolly ranchers

41. After Ahsoka I'm giving the forward position a try.

42. Don't know and don't fucking care. Hope he gets into a car accident on the way to the meeting. 

43. All Up In Your Tano (jalapeño) 

44. Punch someone and get a 5 minute misconduct. 

45. Jillian Woods. Cause Jacob ☺️ 


9 minutes ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S97 Quick Q's -  Point Task Heaven:sea:

Test Test Nba Trade Deadline GIF by hamlet

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

Somewhere in the Middle


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


38. Your player needs a pick-me-up mid-game. What's their go-to?

39. Who is your biggest rival in the VHL?

40. Which VHLM franchise is your favourite?

41. What's something you want to accomplish next on the VHL?

42. Donald Trump wants to talk to you. What do you think it's about?

43. Your player is an ambassador for a new beef jerky flavour. They named it after your player. What is it?

44. You had some Chinese for lunch. It's the final 3 minutes of the game, and the score is 3-3. You have to use the washroom so fucking bad. What do you do? 

45. Who is your favourite player in the VHL that isn't yours? Why'd you pick them?

46. Who are some of the best players in the VHL right now?

47. Who is an underrated hero on Seattle?


38. Zyns and Redbull

39. whatever team im playing against (and toronto, cant like that city as a habs fan)

40. I value Halifax and Vegas equally 

41. making it to the VHL

42. I'm declining the interview

43. Powers Protein


4 hours ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S97 Quick Q's -  Point Task Heaven:sea:

Test Test Nba Trade Deadline GIF by hamlet

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

Somewhere in the Middle


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


38. Your player needs a pick-me-up mid-game. What's their go-to?

39. Who is your biggest rival in the VHL?

40. Which VHLM franchise is your favourite?

41. What's something you want to accomplish next on the VHL?

42. Donald Trump wants to talk to you. What do you think it's about?

43. Your player is an ambassador for a new beef jerky flavour. They named it after your player. What is it?

44. You had some Chinese for lunch. It's the final 3 minutes of the game, and the score is 3-3. You have to use the washroom so fucking bad. What do you do? 

45. Who is your favourite player in the VHL that isn't yours? Why'd you pick them?

46. Who are some of the best players in the VHL right now?

47. Who is an underrated hero on Seattle?


38. There's this soup joint, the owner is an absolute master. 


40. I'll always have a soft spot for Miami, since I was on their inaugural roster. 


41. I9'd like to play up to my TPA.


42. I don't now, but I'm going to make it the most annoying phone call of his life. 


43. Giorgiy's Gerky - you Can't Standov to put it down!


44. Look, I've got IBS and I'm lactose intolerant. I'm bee- lining it for the can for everyone's sake. 

On 1/19/2025 at 6:38 PM, Banackock said:

Bana's S97 Quick Q's -  Point Task Heaven:sea:

Test Test Nba Trade Deadline GIF by hamlet

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

Somewhere in the Middle


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


38. Your player needs a pick-me-up mid-game. What's their go-to?

39. Who is your biggest rival in the VHL?

40. Which VHLM franchise is your favourite?

41. What's something you want to accomplish next on the VHL?

42. Donald Trump wants to talk to you. What do you think it's about?

43. Your player is an ambassador for a new beef jerky flavour. They named it after your player. What is it?

44. You had some Chinese for lunch. It's the final 3 minutes of the game, and the score is 3-3. You have to use the washroom so fucking bad. What do you do? 

45. Who is your favourite player in the VHL that isn't yours? Why'd you pick them?

46. Who are some of the best players in the VHL right now?

47. Who is an underrated hero on Seattle?


38. My go to would probably be to pray. 
39. My biggest rival would be the Warsaw Predators because they eliminated the Phoenix multiple times in the postseason. 
40. I have a soft spot for the Chicago Phoenix because my former player was a franchise legend. 
41. I want C.J Daniels to become a hall of famer. 
42. Probably cats and dogs. 
43. "C.J.'s Smokin' Kick."

> Your player needs a pick-me-up mid-game. What's their go-to?

Definitely putting the headphones on and plugging in to some kind of up-tempo song to get the blood pumping. For Rin, that's the kind of thing that would never fail to get her going.


> Who is your biggest rival in the VHL?

I feel like this has rotated constantly between a few fun and not-so-fun answers. I'll still never forget the PT-for-PT rivalry between fellow draft class goaltenders Alexander Pepper and Cole Mertz. These days, it's hard to say I formally have one, especially since I've been back and forth with activity.


Which VHLM franchise is your favourite?

It's hard to solidify an answer between the Las Vegas Aces and the Houston Bulls. On one hand, I'm a Las Vegas native who had a hand in updating the Aces logo to what it is today. While it was designed by another member, it was polished a bit and transformed into a vector format by me, and I'm glad to see it still exists in its current iteration. As someone who's from the city, I really like that the Aces name now acts as a double entendre celebrating the gambling culture of the city as well as its rich presence in aviation history. The gambling comparison is easy, but connections that recognize the more diverse history of Vegas will always have a place in my heart.


On the other hand, I currently live in Houston, and at this point practically grew up there/have lived here most of my life. I've slowly been feeling more like someone from Houston, rather than a transplant from another city. I served as the inaugural GM for Houston (though it was short-lived due to it taking place during a stressful time), and have a lot of good memories trying to make the best out of that situation. I feel like I really put my all in trying to push the idea of what a VHL(M) team could be. Definitely a fan of both that branding and the memories.


What's something you want to accomplish next on the VHL?

While I'm happy to have won a cup with all three of my players, I'd love to finally get one into the HoF. They've all been pretty okay, but the first two definitely felt a little underwhelming for how much I was willing to put into them.


Players aside, I might like to take up the helm of a VHLM team again and really try to focus hard on the role of retaining new players/creating a fun initial environment to jump into. During my last few tenures, I feel like I put way too much focus on trying to trade and put together the best team possible in order to win. Nowadays, I feel like it'd be better to keep as many draft picks as you can to make sure you can be competitive just about every season. Enough of the rebuild/all-in attitude, I feel like constantly drafting and maintaining a fun environment that free agents can enjoy will keep you in the picture more often than not.


You had some Chinese for lunch. It's the final 3 minutes of the game, and the score is 3-3. You have to use the washroom so fucking bad. What do you do? 

You do what you can. Nothing more to it, it just a'int your day.


Who is an underrated hero on Seattle?

Is it cheating to give a shoutout to Rin in this scenario? I'm surprised at how much she's been able to hang around and contribute, despite me not funneling in as much TPE as I can. With a little extra push on the way out, I'm hoping she can contribute just enough to be one of the most valuable depth pieces in the league.

Bana's S97 Quick Q's -  TDL PASSES!! :sea:

Falling Asleep Dr Steve Brule GIF

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

Somewhere in the Middle

Point Tasks Heaven


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


48. What are your thoughts on this season's theme week?

49. What are some things the VHL could do to help with league activity?

50. Where is somewhere you think we could recruit?

51. Would you support the VHL doing a leaguer fundraiser in the name of recruitment with the purpose of YouTube ads?

52. Grade your player's TDL report card. A-? B+? F????? How'd they do and why?

53. How do you feel about the Bear's position right now?

54. In North America, which team misses the playoffs that's currently in the race?

55. What do you enjoy about the VHL?

56. Are you active on the league's Discord? What could make you more active?

57. If you could be any animal, which would you pick and why?

58. You invent a new hockey tool, gizmo, gadget.. contraption.. you get it.. what did you invent?



Just now, Banackock said:

Bana's S97 Quick Q's -  TDL PASSES!! :sea:

Falling Asleep Dr Steve Brule GIF

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

Somewhere in the Middle

Point Tasks Heaven


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


48. What are your thoughts on this season's theme week?

49. What are some things the VHL could do to help with league activity?

50. Where is somewhere you think we could recruit?

51. Would you support the VHL doing a leaguer fundraiser in the name of recruitment with the purpose of YouTube ads?

52. Grade your player's TDL report card. A-? B+? F????? How'd they do and why?

53. How do you feel about the Bear's position right now?

54. In North America, which team misses the playoffs that's currently in the race?

55. What do you enjoy about the VHL?

56. Are you active on the league's Discord? What could make you more active?

57. If you could be any animal, which would you pick and why?

58. You invent a new hockey tool, gizmo, gadget.. contraption.. you get it.. what did you invent?



48. It's fine. Could be worse, but we've had better ideas. 


49. Institute corporal punishment. 


51. Sure, growing the league helps all of our participants. 


52. D - not a total disaster, but for his TPA, he should be much better. 


55. I like watching my imaginary man's numbers go up. 


56. No, I have too many Discord servers to keep an eye on as is.

6 hours ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S97 Quick Q's -  TDL PASSES!! :sea:

Falling Asleep Dr Steve Brule GIF

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

Somewhere in the Middle

Point Tasks Heaven


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


48. What are your thoughts on this season's theme week?

49. What are some things the VHL could do to help with league activity?

50. Where is somewhere you think we could recruit?

51. Would you support the VHL doing a leaguer fundraiser in the name of recruitment with the purpose of YouTube ads?

52. Grade your player's TDL report card. A-? B+? F????? How'd they do and why?

53. How do you feel about the Bear's position right now?

54. In North America, which team misses the playoffs that's currently in the race?

55. What do you enjoy about the VHL?

56. Are you active on the league's Discord? What could make you more active?

57. If you could be any animal, which would you pick and why?

58. You invent a new hockey tool, gizmo, gadget.. contraption.. you get it.. what did you invent?



48. I honestly found it too difficult to write about. I don't have the time to dive into who needs what and who might move nor do I have that sort of insight. 

51. Hell yea. I think we could use some fresh blood in the league and I think the VHL having an ad budget would help. 

55. The people. I love watching everyone interact and the friends that I've made. 

56. I am. Unfortunately if life wasn't in the way I would be more active. Nothing about the server itself is keeping me away. 

57. Penguin. I would love to be able to belly slide on the ice. 

58. A shock collar for the refs. Fans get to vote to shock them on bad calls. 



48. What are your thoughts on this season's theme week?

49. What are some things the VHL could do to help with league activity?

50. Where is somewhere you think we could recruit?

51. Would you support the VHL doing a leaguer fundraiser in the name of recruitment with the purpose of YouTube ads?

52. Grade your player's TDL report card. A-? B+? F????? How'd they do and why?

53. How do you feel about the Bear's position right now?

54. In North America, which team misses the playoffs that's currently in the race?

55. What do you enjoy about the VHL?

56. Are you active on the league's Discord? What could make you more active?

57. If you could be any animal, which would you pick and why?

58. You invent a new hockey tool, gizmo, gadget.. contraption.. you get it.. what did you invent?


48) A little predictable given the date/timing questions, a little cliche since it's always a big talking point for the NHL and other leagues when the time comes. I think highlighting it even further this year made it noticeably more disappointing when nothing of note happened.


50) Hilariously, I think more roleplay-focused communities would make for a decent recruiting target. It feel like it'd be far easier to convince roleplayers to type out articles or create custom graphics (essentially, do creative homework) than people who are into hockey but not into arbitrary online activities. I always pictured us closer to a complex D&D group or roleplay forum than a "Be a Pro" community or however we marketed ourselves in the past.


51) Sure, I don't see why not. I would want a little more effort to go into the actual advertisements themselves, though, and perhaps a bit more research toward the right creators to approach. The "just like Be a Pro" campaign we had some time ago brought over a LOT of (noticeably younger) people who thought we would be more like the EA NHL games, who then left upon realizing that everything revolved around text-based box scores LOL


53) It's going to be tight, but I think we have the talent to squeak into the playoffs and it's hard to feel bad about that. I think we could truly give any other playoff team a decent run for their money, but it's hard to deny that everything going forward is an uphill battle.


55) I've always loved what is essentially fake hockey. CPU vs CPU, managed by human players that put together rosters and put time into team identities, branding, etc. I love that the VHL is a big community of other people just like that, literally just a whole bunch of us taking up one small role to create something bigger than the sum of its parts. It's also a consistent creative outlet that gets me into hobbies I would otherwise struggle to do on my own, like write or edit photos.


56) No, and I probably never will be again. Around when I first joined, it was a pretty open secret that the league's Discord general chat was the worst way to engage with the community, and that stigma has just passively lived with me ever since. Even if that's changed, I think I'm just entirely exhausted with/over the idea of big Discord servers anyway. If you're not terminally online, discussion is way too easy to miss or keep track of. You could spend hours doing nothing but typing away in conversations that have little staying power unless something controversial or outright rancid was said.


For trackability, ease of use, accessibility, respect toward one's time, and even recordkeeping, I feel like forums are far more useful. I'd much rather scroll through discussion threads that get a more thought-out reply every now and then than dozens of instant thoughts being sputtered out as quickly as they're conceived.

19 hours ago, Banackock said:

Bana's S97 Quick Q's -  TDL PASSES!! :sea:

Falling Asleep Dr Steve Brule GIF

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S96 Regular Season Index [VHL]



This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



Xmas Edition

Somewhere in the Middle

Point Tasks Heaven


*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


48. What are your thoughts on this season's theme week? Considering there was only one trade that occurred, it wasn't the best theme week. 

49. What are some things the VHL could do to help with league activity? They could probably host some mini-games, other than that, not much you can do. 

50. Where is somewhere you think we could recruit? Reddit. 

51. Would you support the VHL doing a leaguer fundraiser in the name of recruitment with the purpose of YouTube ads? If I can, yes. 

52. Grade your player's TDL report card. A-? B+? F????? How'd they do and why? My player didn't get traded, so A.

53. How do you feel about the Bear's position right now? We are in a similar position compared to last year, so it's a pretty good spot to be in after the trade-deadline.

54. In North America, which team misses the playoffs that's currently in the race? I would say the New York Americans will miss the playoffs. 

55. What do you enjoy about the VHL?

56. Are you active on the league's Discord? What could make you more active?

57. If you could be any animal, which would you pick and why?

58. You invent a new hockey tool, gizmo, gadget.. contraption.. you get it.. what did you invent?




  • 4 weeks later...


Falling Asleep Dr Steve Brule GIF

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S97 VHL Playoffs


This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


1. CHAMP!!! How does it feel to win the Continental Cup?

2. At the start of the season, how likely did you feel this was?

3. Rate the teams overall season 1-100. Why?

4. Rate your players season the same. 1-100. Why?

5. What does Seattle do this off-season to REPEAT the cup win?

6. What are your plans for this week?

7. What's something you are looking forward to?

8. What can the VHL do to make the off-season more fun?

9. What can the VHL do to make the World Cup or Hockey tournament more fun for the VHL?

10. You get a 5 days to do whatever with the cup. Where you going? What are you doing?



5 minutes ago, Banackock said:


Falling Asleep Dr Steve Brule GIF

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S97 VHL Playoffs


This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


1. CHAMP!!! How does it feel to win the Continental Cup?

2. At the start of the season, how likely did you feel this was?

3. Rate the teams overall season 1-100. Why?

4. Rate your players season the same. 1-100. Why?

5. What does Seattle do this off-season to REPEAT the cup win?

6. What are your plans for this week?

7. What's something you are looking forward to?

8. What can the VHL do to make the off-season more fun?

9. What can the VHL do to make the World Cup or Hockey tournament more fun for the VHL?

10. You get a 5 days to do whatever with the cup. Where you going? What are you doing?



1. It feels pretty goddammed good. 


2. Honestly, thought it was a long shot. Not impossible, I just didn't see us as favorites. 


4. In the season? 35. Severe underperformance as the top TPE G. In the post- season? 90. Still a few messy games to clean up, but overall a great performance. 


5. Figure out what changed in Giorgiy between the regular season and playoffs. 


8. I wouldn't change it. They're not very long here and a little down time is nice. 


10. Giorgiy will be taking out back home in a failed attempt to get his father's approval. 

28 minutes ago, Banackock said:


Falling Asleep Dr Steve Brule GIF

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S97 VHL Playoffs


This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


1. CHAMP!!! How does it feel to win the Continental Cup?

2. At the start of the season, how likely did you feel this was?

3. Rate the teams overall season 1-100. Why?

4. Rate your players season the same. 1-100. Why?

5. What does Seattle do this off-season to REPEAT the cup win?

6. What are your plans for this week?

7. What's something you are looking forward to?

8. What can the VHL do to make the off-season more fun?

9. What can the VHL do to make the World Cup or Hockey tournament more fun for the VHL?

10. You get a 5 days to do whatever with the cup. Where you going? What are you doing?



1. Feels really freaking good! Just wish I had had the energy to realize we were that close to winning it all lol.

4. I'd say 60. I think she could have done a lot better but I know she did well. Just hoping next season I can get a few more points.

5. Not trade away key players and bolster where we are weak. Also TPE earning.

6. Work, work, and more work. And reading.

8. I still think offering prompts outside of theme week would be a great way to help people have something to post about, espcially first gens.

10. Taking it to as many hockey games as I can and using it as a ticket to all the suites.

3 hours ago, Banackock said:


Falling Asleep Dr Steve Brule GIF

Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S97 VHL Playoffs


This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


1. CHAMP!!! How does it feel to win the Continental Cup? I didn't do anything, so I'll take the early wins. 

2. At the start of the season, how likely did you feel this was? Honestly, didn't think Seattle had a chance. 

3. Rate the teams overall season 1-100. Why? 100, we just won the cup against all odds. 

4. Rate your players season the same. 1-100. Why? 100, the last time I came close to experiencing a VHL final was three years ago with the Chicago Phoenix.

5. What does Seattle do this off-season to REPEAT the cup win? The rookies have to be on-point, and we must continue to find ways to gel as a squad together.  

6. What are your plans for this week? There's no school so I'm probably going to invent electronic shades on windows. 

7. What's something you are looking forward to? I'm looking forward to playing on the Seattle Bears.

8. What can the VHL do to make the off-season more fun? They should add more interactive events, like power-rankings, and guess the player.

9. What can the VHL do to make the World Cup or Hockey tournament more fun for the VHL? They should add live simulations, like on Twitch or YouTube. 

10. You get a 5 days to do whatever with the cup. Where you going? What are you doing? I'm not touching the cup because I didn't do anything to earn it.



Only questions 1-6 count.

Edited by xNJDevilsFanx
1-6 questions for Press Conference.
  • 2 weeks later...

BANA'S S98: CHAMPIONS x 2 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S97 VHL Playoffs


This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


11. What's something you're looking forward to?

12. What's a TV show you're a little embarrassed to say you watch? For me, Little People Big World. Alaskan Bush People!

13. How has your time been in Seattle?

14. I don't take this as negative. I want Seattle to be the best. How can we improve on things? 

15. Where can the VHL recruit next? Think cereal box ads.. be creative, crazy or whatever.

16. Big trades by the Bears this off-season. What are your thoughts on them?

17. Newly traded for @OblivionWalker was welcomed in a big way to Seattle. What went on?

18. Attire is flying off the shelves for @Hogan Phantom after their huge playoffs. What are the craziest items selling on EBAY?!

19. You're in Riga during this off-season with some of the Bears. You thought it would be neat to travel back there with the cup and to have some fun. Truly experience what Latvia has to offer and take in the win. While there, you have some neat encounters with VHL fans. How did they turn out? Anything crazy said by the fans?



15 hours ago, Banackock said:

BANA'S S98: CHAMPIONS x 2 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S97 VHL Playoffs


This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


11. What's something you're looking forward to?

12. What's a TV show you're a little embarrassed to say you watch? For me, Little People Big World. Alaskan Bush People!

13. How has your time been in Seattle?

14. I don't take this as negative. I want Seattle to be the best. How can we improve on things? 

15. Where can the VHL recruit next? Think cereal box ads.. be creative, crazy or whatever.

16. Big trades by the Bears this off-season. What are your thoughts on them?

17. Newly traded for @OblivionWalker was welcomed in a big way to Seattle. What went on?

18. Attire is flying off the shelves for @Hogan Phantom after their huge playoffs. What are the craziest items selling on EBAY?!

19. You're in Riga during this off-season with some of the Bears. You thought it would be neat to travel back there with the cup and to have some fun. Truly experience what Latvia has to offer and take in the win. While there, you have some neat encounters with VHL fans. How did they turn out? Anything crazy said by the fans?




11. April 16th! My next day off!

12. Nothing at the moment, but I used to be obsessed with Bear Grylls and Dirty Jobs.

13. Amazing! Ahsoka still needs some work but I think she's really found her home.

12. I think we gotta play a little meta and find the best way to utilize our player's stats to have them play off of each other as best as possible.

17. Black out, no one talks about it, delete all the pictures.

18. His jock strap I hear is going for major bucks.


20 hours ago, Banackock said:

BANA'S S98: CHAMPIONS x 2 :sea:



Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S97 VHL Playoffs


This season's PC's (if you need to, you can answer past questions):



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there are enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if not for the following week. One more time, I POST LOTS OF QUESTIONS SO THAT IF I MISS A WEEK, YOU ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. YOU CAN ANSWER ANY OLD WEEKS Q's. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


11. What's something you're looking forward to?

12. What's a TV show you're a little embarrassed to say you watch? For me, Little People Big World. Alaskan Bush People!

13. How has your time been in Seattle?

14. I don't take this as negative. I want Seattle to be the best. How can we improve on things? 

15. Where can the VHL recruit next? Think cereal box ads.. be creative, crazy or whatever.

16. Big trades by the Bears this off-season. What are your thoughts on them?

17. Newly traded for @OblivionWalker was welcomed in a big way to Seattle. What went on?

18. Attire is flying off the shelves for @Hogan Phantom after their huge playoffs. What are the craziest items selling on EBAY?!

19. You're in Riga during this off-season with some of the Bears. You thought it would be neat to travel back there with the cup and to have some fun. Truly experience what Latvia has to offer and take in the win. While there, you have some neat encounters with VHL fans. How did they turn out? Anything crazy said by the fans?



11. I'm looking forward to making my debut with the Seattle Bears. 
12. Power-Rangers. 
13. My time in Seattle has been excellent, as I got a bonus for my activity. 
14. We should all improve on passing, helps for more fluent play. 
15. You'd be surprised how many people are waiting for leagues like the VHL on Reddit. 
16. I like the trade, getting more depth in the defence with a player like Sheithaus. 

11. What's something you're looking forward to?

retiring and making my new player! 

12. What's a TV show you're a little embarrassed to say you watch? For me, Little People Big World. Alaskan Bush People!

not a big tv guy but basically whatever drama show my gf watches lol 


13. How has your time been in Seattle?


it has been great, got traded here and won a cup, couldn’t be better lol 


14. I don't take this as negative. I want Seattle to be the best. How can we improve on things? 

it’s hard because it’s not on you, but if the LR was a tad more active it would be nice, but life is busy and it’s hard lol 


15. Where can the VHL recruit next? Think cereal box ads.. be creative, crazy or whatever.


airplane with the banner strapped to the back lol 


16. Big trades by the Bears this off-season. What are your thoughts on them?


Great moves, we are a solid sneaky team just like last season 

Edited by Kisslinger

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