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Prague Phantoms Press Conference


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1. How have you improved over the off season and how do you think that will effect your play?

I trained super hard and will have a quicker start to the season. 

2. What's your favorite thing to do in-between game sims?

I create new music and cook. Plus I am a writer and artist. 


3. What player are you looking forward to seeing how they progress this year?

I really like our new goalie. I think he will progress well. 


4. What is your favorite thing about our GM?

Diamond has been great he has constructed a good team and he is more of a realist. 


5. If we had a team dinner where would you take us and what would you recommend getting?

Im all about pizza so any good pizza place , but I’m willing to try a new venue. 


6. If you could rename you're character what would it be and why?

Honestly I would never rename him. I’m happy with his name. 


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On 11/13/2019 at 7:12 PM, Liberty_Cabbage said:

1. How have you improved over the off season and how do you think that will effect your play?


2. What's your favorite thing to do in-between game sims?


3. What player are you looking forward to seeing how they progress this year?


4. What is your favorite thing about our GM?


5. If we had a team dinner where would you take us and what would you recommend getting?


6. If you could rename you're character what would it be and why?



1. I have worked a lot on my skating and puck control, so hopefully that leads to more goals...

2. Train. All I do is workout.

3. I'm really looking forward to seeing how new addition Owen May helps this team this year in between the pipes.

4. He's built a very strong team out of nothing.

5. We are going for Chinese food, and I am ordering the whole menu for the team.

6. Thor. Just a great guy and a total beast.

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Hey guys! I got bored so here’s some weekly questions!


1.Were off to a hot start? Think we can keep it up?


2. DC is also off to a hot start, who will finish higher in the standings?


3.Who will finish last this year?


4. Are you more of a shooter or a passer?


5. What are some personal goals for this season?


6. Who do you think our MVP will be?

Edited by Jayrad28
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11 hours ago, Jayrad28 said:

Hey guys! I got bored so here’s some weekly questions!


1.Were off to a hot start? Think we can keep it up?

Absolutely, we are a deep team with players still growing so if anything we'll get better.

2. DC is also off to a hot start, who will finish higher in the standings?

us! those losers are just pretenders.

3.Who will finish last this year?

davos only has 19 goals thats only 8 more goals then they have games so i'd say its a good chance that its them

4. Are you more of a shooter or a passer?

I love to shoot as you can see from my stats last year in the VHLM but who knows if that will carry over

5. What are some personal goals for this season?

Stay at a positive -/+ and to make the playoffs i've done neither so far

6. Who do you think our MVP will be?

i think Alex Pearson has a good chance especially if he can maintain a point per game pace.


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L1.Were off to a hot start? Think we can keep it up?

I think we will eventually regress back to the norm as we play more and more often against opponents. I just hope we can remain close to the .500 Mark this season as a strong sign of progress and our development as a team. 


2. DC is also off to a hot start, who will finish higher in the standings?


i think DC is a little better than us this year from a team standpoint. But that’s not going to stop us from giving them a run for their money and bragging rights. 


3.Who will finish last this year?


wheoevers at the bottom right now, that’s going to be where they will remain at. I think that’s HC Davos right? 


4. Are you more of a shooter or a passer?

I think I’m a better shooter as I pack plenty of power and speed in my slap shot, but that’s better utilized on the power play. I’ve been working on my puck handling and passing so I can contribute better in full strength play. 


5. What are some personal goals for this season?


I want our team to pick up more wins compared to last year. If we can finish .500 or better - greaT! As for myself - I want to improve my play and my +/- rating. My points are always going to fluctuate and my stats too - it’s all about that plus/minus rating. If it can be positive, I’ll be happy.


6. Who do you think our MVP will be?


i think Erik Draven. The guy has been putting in work this offseason and I expect his hard work to pay off. 

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1.Were off to a hot start? Think we can keep it up?

We can definitely keep it going as long as we keep hitting that practice facility hard.

2. DC is also off to a hot start, who will finish higher in the standings?

I think we will finish higher in the standings and keep out hot streak

3.Who will finish last this year?

Dont know, dont care. As long as Prague stays hot and we continue gelling.

4. Are you more of a shooter or a passer?

I tend to shoot more but I rack up assists along the way.

5. What are some personal goals for this season?

I want to hit at least 30 goals/60 points

6. Who do you think our MVP will be?

Captain Draven.

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On 11/19/2019 at 10:33 AM, Jayrad28 said:

Hey guys! I got bored so here’s some weekly questions!


1.Were off to a hot start? Think we can keep it up?

Fucken right we can. 


2. DC is also off to a hot start, who will finish higher in the standings?

We're gonna finish higher in the standings, we're the better team and their a bunch of losers.


3.Who will finish last this year?

Davos looks to be the worst team in the VHL this year


4. Are you more of a shooter or a passer?

I've always been more of a shooter my whole hockey career so far but we have so many good shooters on our team i've been trying to pass the puck around more this year. 


On 11/19/2019 at 10:33 AM, Jayrad28 said:

5. What are some personal goals for this season?

Well i'd like to finish the year in the pluses when it comes to plus/minus.


6. Who do you think our MVP will be?

It's gonna be a toss up between Don Draper in Alex Pearson I think


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On 11/19/2019 at 8:33 AM, Jayrad28 said:

Hey guys! I got bored so here’s some weekly questions!


1.Were off to a hot start? Think we can keep it up?


2. DC is also off to a hot start, who will finish higher in the standings?


3.Who will finish last this year?


4. Are you more of a shooter or a passer?


5. What are some personal goals for this season?


6. Who do you think our MVP will be?

1. I think so, we have a good squad capable of making some noise

2. I hope us, I think us, let's do it!

3. Not us, that is for sure :)

4. I am a goalie so...shooter :)

5. Just to play and help the team win some games!

6. Hopefully I can come in and dominate but the other goalie was on track for a possible team MVP haha

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1.Were off to a hot start? Think we can keep it up?

We definitely can keep playing good. 


2. DC is also off to a hot start, who will finish higher in the standings?

Prague is going to end up on top of DC for sure. 


3.Who will finish last this year?

Most likely HC will finish last. 


4. Are you more of a shooter or a passer?

Im actually a two way forward. So probably pass first mentality unless I have a wide open shot. 


5. What are some personal goals for this season?

I just want to lead this team to our first ever playoff birth. 


6. Who do you think our MVP will be?

I think Alex Pearson has a good shot at it. I would say even myself (Draven) has a shot also because I’m 2nd in points and first in assists. 

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New Presser


1. The Phantoms are on a 3 game losing streak,  is there a sense of frustration in your locker room right now?


2. Where do you feel we can most improve our play?


3. What are your thoughts on the new man in net, Solomon Crawford?


4. What is your go to alcoholic beverage of choice? 


5. What is your typical pre-game ritual?


6. Do you still think the team can finish above .500?

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2 minutes ago, Sebster03 said:

New Presser


1. The Phantoms are on a 3 game losing streak,  is there a sense of frustration in your locker room right now?

I'd say were pretty frustrated, we're taking several dumb penalties. We all wanted to play above .500 hockey this year and well it's not looking so hot right now but a good winning streak can change all that!

2. Where do you feel we can most improve our play?

We gotta be more disciplined out there, our penalties are costing us games!


3. What are your thoughts on the new man in net, Solomon Crawford?

Cool kid, got his first shutout yesterday! He's gonna be a future stud in the league if he continues on with his good work ethic. He's not there yet though but I hope all our fans can have some patience with the guy.

4. What is your go to alcoholic beverage of choice? 

I like my AKs (Alexander Keith's) and my Rum.

5. What is your typical pre-game ritual?

I dont really tend to believe in rituals, but I usually go out for a smoke before the game starts. 

6. Do you still think the team can finish above .500?

I think we can make a comeback for sure. We just need to all be playing our best hockey and keep outshooting the opposition.


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1. The Phantoms are on a 3 game losing streak,  is there a sense of frustration in your locker room right now?

I think the team is bound to get some good and bad streaks, its a part of the gelling process. Nothing to be worried about. Either way it goes there is a lesson.

2. Where do you feel we can most improve our play?

I think its on defense, but not necessarily just our Dmen, the team defense aspect.

3. What are your thoughts on the new man in net, Solomon Crawford?

He's doing his job and I think we can afford to help him out a bit in the defensive end.

4. What is your go to alcoholic beverage of choice? 

Can never go wrong with a cold brewski

5. What is your typical pre-game ritual?

Everyone knows Willie's ritual, gotta roll up a joint before the game.

6. Do you still think the team can finish above .500?

I don't see why not. Standings can be tight, any team can grab a spot in the ploffs.

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12 hours ago, Sebster03 said:

New Presser


1. The Phantoms are on a 3 game losing streak,  is there a sense of frustration in your locker room right now?

While yes we are upset over the loses we know we have the skill to bounce back and win again.


2. Where do you feel we can most improve our play?

We definitely could improve on D all around the team.

3. What are your thoughts on the new man in net, Solomon Crawford?

He's definitely been great for us we just need to continue to help him out up front. 

4. What is your go to alcoholic beverage of choice? 

if its beer oddly enough keystone which is great cause there super cheap

5. What is your typical pre-game ritual?

spend a half an hour on the toilet taking a dump then taking a nap

6. Do you still think the team can finish above .500?

With out a doubt i think we can! we are a very skilled team.


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1. The Phantoms are on a 3 game losing streak,  is there a sense of frustration in your locker room right now?  I think none of us enjoy losing but it just shows we need to play better as a team and play better in front our goalies. 


2. Where do you feel we can most improve our play? We need to play better defensively and play a full 60 minutes. 


3. What are your thoughts on the new man in net, Solomon Crawford? He’s still young and getting used to the league. So hopefully he will settle in soon. 


4. What is your go to alcoholic beverage of choice? I really don’t drink anymore. It’s all water for me. 


5. What is your typical pre-game ritual? I usually make sure I’m fully rested and in a relaxed mood.


6. Do you still think the team can finish above .500? It’s definitely possible but we might have to share time for both goaltenders and play better all around defensively. 

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On 11/30/2019 at 8:07 AM, Sebster03 said:

New Presser


1. The Phantoms are on a 3 game losing streak,  is there a sense of frustration in your locker room right now?

Not really. We've all been playing pretty well and I feel that we're just falling back to Earth. I have no doubt that we'll bounce back.

2. Where do you feel we can most improve our play?

Defense definitely. We're producing pretty good offense but we keep getting outscored and our +/-s show that it isn't just one line that's struggling with that. If we get our defensive game up, we'll be in a much better place.

3. What are your thoughts on the new man in net, Solomon Crawford?

Good for him getting the starting role this early. Good to see that he keeps getting better and will definitely be a hard man to beat in the future.

4. What is your go to alcoholic beverage of choice? 

Angry Orchard hard cider. 

5. What is your typical pre-game ritual?

I like to get all my gear on and jump rope a little bit. I keep going till I fall over. The longer I can last means the better I'll play. Coach doesn't like it because he thinks I'll hurt myself but I'm always fine.

6. Do you still think the team can finish above .500?

Yea I think it's possible, but I don't know if it's best for the team. I think we can benefit from getting some more high draft picks for another season.


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Press Conference:


1. In your opinion, Who is the most dangerous player in the offensive end for the Prague Phantoms?


2. In your opinion, Who has the best shutdown ability on defense for the Phantoms?


3. What do you think is the best way to pull a full 180 degree St Louis Blues comeback?


4. What is one thing you would change about the VHL?


5. How important to you is the idea of building a team through the draft?


6. What is one thing that you can always rely on to improve your mood?

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Just now, sjs88speed said:

Press Conference:


1. In your opinion, Who is the most dangerous player in the offensive end for the Prague Phantoms?


2. In your opinion, Who has the best shutdown ability on defense for the Phantoms?


3. What do you think is the best way to pull a full 180 degree St Louis Blues comeback?


4. What is one thing you would change about the VHL?


5. How important to you is the idea of building a team through the draft?


6. What is one thing that you can always rely on to improve your mood?

1. I think Pearson has to be up there, his ability to remain a constant threat and open up his teammates is admirable.

2. Seabass Perrin has been shutdown, remaining positive whilst putting the hurt on the opponent and stopping shots whenever he's in the lane.

3. If we were to try it, probably switch up the lines a bit and try to spark something.

4. I think getting more people in the league is a priority, being able to expand even further would really benefit the league.

5. For Prague, it was a success. We got a great draft and thus have a core group of guys that can get it done, all we have to do is find the right keys to success.

6. I love how much my mood elevates when I get a good workout in. It never fails to put energy into my day and get the mood going.

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1. The Phantoms are on a 3 game losing streak,  is there a sense of frustration in your locker room right now?

There is some frustration in the locker room, which I completely understand. We were doing pretty well through the first third leg of the season -- then the front office folks and the coach decided to make the switch at the goaltender position, which seems to have instantly put us out of the postseason picture. Winning and losing does mean a good amount to me, but ultimately -- our team is built for the future, not the present moment.  


2. Where do you feel we can most improve our play?

It's easy to just point the finger at the rookie goaltender -- but it takes a team to build a village and earn a championship cup. So, I'd have to say our defense leaves a lot to be desired for. We're simply letting our rookie face too many shots, and that's something we need to improve on as a team. 


3. What are your thoughts on the new man in net, Solomon Crawford?

Man, can we talk about something else? Solomon Crawford is a pretty good sport and he knows his place in the locker room. He doesn't say anything to challenge anybody 'cause if he does, that's going to open a whole can of worms onto him. I think I, as well as the rest of the team, need to do a lot more to help him out. 


4. What is your go to alcoholic beverage of choice? 

I don't drink. I like a good old full cup of milk. 


5. What is your typical pre-game ritual?

I like to eat four chicken wings, and seven chicken legs. Or is it the other way around? I've been switching back and forth between the two a lot more this year than I did last year. I think it's cause the expectations for our team has been raised, and we're sort of underachieving at the moment. 


6. Do you still think the team can finish above .500?

That's probably out of the window. We just have to aim to finish close to the postseason picture. Try to beat D.C. - that's our primary focus at the moment. 

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On 12/5/2019 at 6:36 PM, sjs88speed said:

Press Conference:


1. In your opinion, Who is the most dangerous player in the offensive end for the Prague Phantoms?

probably the captain Erik Draven 


2. In your opinion, Who has the best shutdown ability on defense for the Phantoms?

Definitely Seabass Perrin. WSJ is a good 2way more offensive kind of player and Perrin helps stabilize the defence.

3. What do you think is the best way to pull a full 180 degree St Louis Blues comeback?

Same way they did.

4. What is one thing you would change about the VHL?

Adding suspension’s. I’d you did something stupid breaking one of the site rules you’re player has to sit games out. Idk how this isn’t a thing

5. How important to you is the idea of building a team through the draft?

Very, you only have so many trade chips and FA is hard on the cap.

6. What is one thing that you can always rely on to improve your mood?



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On 12/5/2019 at 5:36 PM, sjs88speed said:

Press Conference:


1. In your opinion, Who is the most dangerous player in the offensive end for the Prague Phantoms?

Erik Draven has been quite the force this season so far and hopefully it continues.

2. In your opinion, Who has the best shutdown ability on defense for the Phantoms?

WSJ has been able to maintain a plus +/- on a team that has taken a nose dive in the negative.

3. What do you think is the best way to pull a full 180 degree St Louis Blues comeback?

All just keep improving as best we can and maybe try to find some new chemistry on lines.

4. What is one thing you would change about the VHL?

Ah giving me a free 20 TPE every week. But really maybe intoduce a new way to get some TPE

5. How important to you is the idea of building a team through the draft?

Thats the prime way to do it. you can pick what you need and they're not gonna be dead weight in like two years in FA signings 

6. What is one thing that you can always rely on to improve your mood?

Coming home to an exited dog is the best way to bring up my mood. 


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On 12/5/2019 at 5:36 PM, sjs88speed said:

Press Conference:


1. In your opinion, Who is the most dangerous player in the offensive end for the Prague Phantoms?

Alex Pearson has been our most dynamic offensive player this year. He really has taken an extra step in his development this year.


2. In your opinion, Who has the best shutdown ability on defense for the Phantoms?

Wolf has had a pretty good season defensively this year. But, I think over time you'll see that Block has the best shutdown potential. 


3. What do you think is the best way to pull a full 180 degree St Louis Blues comeback?

Simple, stop taking stupid penalties.


4. What is one thing you would change about the VHL?

The cliquey nature of it's members, but that's not going to change it's been that way for 10 yrs. 


5. How important to you is the idea of building a team through the draft?

Every good team was built through the draft. You still have to do some tinkering from outside sources (trades,free agency) usually but the core should always be comprised of players selected from the draft.


6. What is one thing that you can always rely on to improve your mood?

My dog always seems to help my overall mood. Just the vibe a dog gives off is enough to make you feel happy. 


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1. In your opinion, Who is the most dangerous player in the offensive end for the Prague Phantoms?  Alex Pearson has been the biggest scoring threat for sure. Draven has been getting it done also by leading team in points. 


2. In your opinion, Who has the best shutdown ability on defense for the Phantoms? I’m a big fan of Seabass but I think the coach needs to put back on that PP because he’s very dangerous and typically puts up great numbers that way. 


3. What do you think is the best way to pull a full 180 degree St Louis Blues comeback? The best way to do that, is to be the St. Louis Blues ! Lol that’s a super special group of guys who believe in each and support each other no matter what! I don’t see that in our locker room. The Blues are a family. 


4. What is one thing you would change about the VHL?

More power to the players. 


5. How important to you is the idea of building a team through the draft?

Thats what every team is supposed to be trying to do. So it’s nothing new. 



6. What is one thing that you can always rely on to improve your mood?

I generally have a good attitude despite all the haters, I’m not one to worry about popular opinion. But playing hockey makes me the happiest. 

Edited by Jbeezy76
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Holiday Press Conference:


1. What is something about the December holidays that you love?


2. What is an activity that you do during the holidays?


3. How will you make someone else's holidays a little bit better?


4. Is there a tradition that you and your family follow this time of year?


5. What is your preferred meal during the holidays?


6. What is your favorite holiday themed movie?


Happy Holidays to my teammates in Prague! Have a great time with family and friends!

Edited by sjs88speed
Added happy holidays
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Just now, sjs88speed said:

Holiday Press Conference:


1. What is something about the December holidays that you love?


2. What is an activity that you do during the holidays?


3. How will you make someone else's holidays a little bit better?


4. Is there a tradition that you and your family follow this time of year?


5. What is your preferred meal during the holidays?


6. What is your favorite holiday themed movie?

1. Love being around the family, and getting to see distant family come around for the holidays.

2. We do a white elephant exchange during one of our parties.

3. Help out where I can, offer to those who are in need.

4. My family tradition is a bit crazy, we have a big family so we do multiple parties. There is a lot of traveling in a short 2-3 day span.

5. I'm a breakfast guy, and when my close family is in town we usually make some Eggs Benedict, oh my lord I'm hungry now.

6. I don't watch much movies now, but Elf has got to be a all time classic.

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1. What is something about the December holidays that you love?

I think I enjoy the Christmas lights most of all. It’s so nice to see the city brighten up with the holiday lights. Especially when the nights are long, it helps cheers people up. 

2. What is an activity that you do during the holidays?

I try to spend my time with the family. It can be hard when your family is a long flight away and not on the mainland Europe. Travel in the VHL can be tough sometimes, so they gonna come over.


3. How will you make someone else's holidays a little bit better?

A smile goes a long way toward cheering people up, that much I can confirm to you. The holidays can be tough on some people because it reminds them of what they don’t have. 


4. Is there a tradition that you and your family follow this time of year?

We all try to build an igloo. We missed out on this last year, so we hope to get back to igloo-building this year now that I know what my travel schedule looks like in advance. 


5. What is your preferred meal during the holidays?
I eat just about anything. But the gingerbread cookies is a nice touch since we we basically don’t go there other times of the year. 


6. What is your favorite holiday themed movie?

You can’t go wrong with Home Alone. I’ve also enjoyed some old school cartoons such as Charlie Brown and maybe... that Midnight Express train movie or something. 

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