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What's A Conspiracy Theory You Actually Believe In?


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I kind of believe that there were people working on the inside on the world trade centers to bring it down because buildings like the world trade centers are built to withstand plane crashes, but not entirely.

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15 minutes ago, der meister said:

I don't know that it's conspiracy theory or just plain fact, but when those blasted weasels chewed through the cables of the LHC, we created an alternate timeline where EVERYTHING WENT TO SHIT. 


Life imitates Douglas Adams. 

Alls I know is that when the world ends, I'm going to know where to find my towel.

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39 minutes ago, Eynhallow said:

Well...I kinda/sorta subscribe to the Grassy Knoll thing.  

I think that yes, Lee Harvey Oswald probably wasn't the lone gunman he's made out to be. I think he shot JFK by himself, but the real conspiracy is who radicalized LHO and encouraged him to do it...

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Well, there is that and how they prevented LHO from talking....enter Jack Ruby.  A guy who died from  a pulmonary embolism while awaiting a retrial.  In September 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that Ruby acted alone in killing Oswald. I believe Ruby was involved with major figures in organized crime and that he killed Oswald as part of an overall plot to assassinate President Kennedy.  



Skeptics often say it would have been impossible for Mr. Oswald to fire fast enough to hit both Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Connally, or for the same “magic bullet” to strike both men. (Mr. Connally said he thought he was struck by a separate bullet.)

The proposed explanation would be a second shooter on what has become known as the “grassy knoll,” an area ahead and to the right of the motorcade.

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The world is controlled by a small group of elite businessmen established via market industry leaders in the early 20th century. This group uses the military industrial complex, the financial system, and the media to perpetrate their control and manipulation of society. They are responsible for engineering numerous world events such as the JFK assassination and 9/11 terror attacks.

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2 hours ago, bigAL said:

I think that yes, Lee Harvey Oswald probably wasn't the lone gunman he's made out to be. I think he shot JFK by himself, but the real conspiracy is who radicalized LHO and encouraged him to do it...


did you see the ig post RFK Jr put up the other day?

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  • Senior Admin

JFK for sure. The Epstein death is pretty suspect. Recently attempted suicide, cellmate moved, guards fell asleep, cameras magically malfunctioning that night.. it at least seems someone wanted to give him the opportunity 


Then again, it also seems like there'd be way less suspicious ways to go about it so who knows.

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40 minutes ago, Quik said:


did you see the ig post RFK Jr put up the other day?

No but I did go look at it now, and huh. Isn’t RFK Jr tied up in the QAnonsense, like he’s their messiah or something?

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1 minute ago, bigAL said:

No but I did go look at it now, and huh. Isn’t RFK Jr tied up in the QAnonsense, like he’s their messiah or something?


no clue, tbh I'm not big on conspiracy theories lol

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1 hour ago, gorlab said:

The world is controlled by a small group of elite businessmen established via market industry leaders in the early 20th century. This group uses the military industrial complex, the financial system, and the media to perpetrate their control and manipulation of society. They are responsible for engineering numerous world events such as the JFK assassination and 9/11 terror attacks.


I, too, have played Metal Gear Solid

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The Las Vegas shootings were the result of a failed FBI operation that saw arms fall into the hands of Al-Qaeda, as opposed to a lone real estate agent. 


Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself. 

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A secret cabal of league power brokers meet in an undisclosed location and decide who’s going to be drafted where ahead of draft night. 

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