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Everything posted by Victor

  1. I didn't make or send out that survey. I authorised it.
  2. This is supposed to be CnC not just showcasing how amazing your sigs are.
  3. Victor

    S39 Waiver Thread

    free waiver now
  4. If you were selected to do the survey, do it. It's better than this.
  5. Most of this would be avoided if Vasteras didn't have illusions of being a cup contender and need to clear cap space.
  6. Victor

    S39 Waiver Thread

    How can you free claim someone like an hour after they created? That's a normal claim.
  7. Victor

    QUE/RIG ; S39

    I still don't. What motivation does Mike have to make himself look worse? It's all a conspiracy.
  8. You didn't have to make those trades Vasteras!
  9. I'm telling you, Seattle has a grand plan.
  10. Too many GM re-creates.
  11. Victor

    QUE/RIG ; S39

    Yeah it was the worst-kept secret of the season. Or do I think that because you told me?
  12. Typical anti-Semitism.
  13. TOR G and/or Pergher will not be pleased.
  14. You don't even understand what a great Hiro Renomitsu was.
  15. Yeah that's probably a good idea at this point. The show is its own thing at this point. Like I said before, if Jaime ends up in Dorne as is speculated, Brienne's storyline is a dead end. I'm hoping they're trolling us all with the no Stoneheart thing so it's a real surprise for everyone.
  16. if book 6 is worthy of 2 seasons and it might be hopefully finished before season 5 ends, things could work out.
  17. 40 episodes now. You don't want to fall too far behind.
  18. That's pretty much Mario in a nutshell. Really frustrating as a fan of Italian football.
  19. Find a room you two.
  20. Toronto is excited.
  21. Victor

    QUE/RIG ; S39

    Doomsday incoming. #TopLeader
  22. Victor

    QUE/RIG ; S39

    Well, they're trying, I'll give 'em that.
  23. The second is pretty much non-existent to be fair.
  24. Adolf Hitler!
  25. Victor

    VAS/TOR ; S39

    Vasteras is now basically S36-S38 Toronto. I do love me some S36-S38 Toronto. Also bigger props to Toronto and Quebec for somehow winning in a buyer's market.
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