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Everything posted by Laflamme

  1. Content: 3/3 - Great article The Watchmen have a great start of the season. I can see them being a Cup team by the end of the season. Grammar: 2/2- Good job, nothing worth deducting marks. Appearance: 1/1- Good. Final 6/6
  2. Content: 3/3- Great interview based article. Grammar: 1/2- Just like DaD said making sure you read it over before submitting. It will help you out a lot. Appearance: 1/1- Good. Final 5/6
  3. Pablo went out last night to celebrate the draft results with the Seattle Bears. They did not joke around at all they went to the strip clubs and partied all night. Stropko was poppin bottles in the club just like a G6. After they left the bar they were strolling through the streets looking sleazy. They strutted all the way to the arena where they were feeling fly ready to tank the practice that was planned. At first the team started sloppy, but then they turned into the dominate team they are. A video of the practice was filmed and released to the public without the Bears even knowing until after the practice. They did not care that the video was released though because the others teams are scared now. Seattle is worth being scared of, they are hungry and looking to raise the cup. They won't stop until the cup is chilling like a villain in Seattle.
  4. Draft Day After a long hot Summer, the VHL draft has finally creped upon us all. Antsy young players have been very nervous and anxious for this special day. Futures are going to change after this day. With that being said young defence man Pablo Escabar woke up just like he does every morning. Not a thing changed. Pablo was more excited than nervous. He was very excited that his life was about to change as he knew it. Pablo Escabar put on his special fancy tux that he got from his agent, it was very unique. The suit was made of snake skin or crocodile. I'm not quiet sure exactly, but it looked like it was comfy and Escabar look like a boss ass b*tch in it. After Pablo was filled up on food and ready for the day he waited patiently for his ride. A few hours later a limo showed up at his house ready to take Escabar on his journey. The clock on the limo dashboard struck 6:00pm when they pulled up to the front doors of the draft. The draft did not start until eight so Pablo had plenty of time to get a drink and introduce himself to all the general managers. Seemed like Pablo was only there for ten minutes before the draft started. Minutes after the draft was underway the Seattle Bears selected Pablo with the fourth overall pick of the draft. Pablo was through the moon. Numerous of Pablo's friends are on the Seattle organization. They have been talking back and forth with Pablo all season seeing if there was interest for both teams as well as seeing if both got along. Turns out they are blood brothers. Pablo Escabar's personality fit in perfectly in the Seattle locker room. Pablo is mostly looking forward to be paired up with Phil on the top line and power play for the whole season. Pablo is hoping to learn a lot from Phil, possibly become a HoF player just like Phil. The teams back bone is super active which will help Seattle win a Championship, which Pablo likes the sounds of. Pablo Escabar in a Seattle Bears Uniform. In the pre-season the Bears managed to get one win and one loss. The scored there win against the Cologne Express. The score was 4-2 at the end of the game. Pablo was +2 in +/- and managed to land 3 hits. For the rest of the game Pablo was quiet. The loss was painful. The Quebec Meute beat the Bears 6-2. Pablo had another quiet game. He got a 2 minute tripping penalty as well as a single shot blocked and a single hit. Nerves must have definitely taken control. The Seattle Bears are looking like a top contender for the season. With a stacked team full of actives. Things are looking great for Seattle. As long as they all stay active. With such a great team, Pablo is looking to break records if not this season then definitely the next season. Keep an eye on Pablo as he strives to maintain rookie of the year and show the league he is here to tank.
  5. EASTERN CONFERENCE (A1) Montreal vs (A2) Tampa Bay Winner: Tampa Bay # of Games: 6 (M1) New York Rangers vs (M2) Washington Winner: New York # of Games: 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE (C3) Chicago vs (W1) Minnesota Winner: Chicago # of Games: 7 (P1) Anaheim vs (P3) Calgary Winner: Anaheim # of Games: 5
  6. Content: 3/3- Good article. Hope the podcast works out good for you and it becomes successful, maybe even a regular weekly thing for a while. Grammar:2/2- All good in the hood. Appearance:1/1- yep, Pics and title. Looks nice too not sloppy. Final 6
  7. Content: 3/3- Quebec is a bunch of air heads. The Seattle Bears have a very dangerous and intimidating team this season. Grammar:2/2- Nothing worth deducting marks. Appearance: 1/1- Flawless. Final 6
  8. Content: 3/3- I see you last minute wrote this, well i tip my hat to you sir. This was a very good read and i enjoyed it a lot. Grammar: 2/2- Nothing i can see worth deducting marks. Appearance: 1/1 Looks good, I love the Message in sub titles going down the article with pictures. Final: 6/6
  9. Content: 3/3- Holy crap man kill me with that 3,766 word article haha, Canada is gonna kill shit! With a monstrous team like this I smell a gold medal. I am definitely a proud Canadian and us Canadians really know how to play our game! Grammar: 2/2- Surprisingly for an article of this size there was not a single spelling mistake or and crazy out of the ordinary sentences. Normally a article of this rise is rushed and very sloppy. Good Job! Appearance: 1/1- One word: Superb. Final 6/6
  10. Content : 3/3- Great article. Hope you have a great career in New York. They have a great general manager there!! Grammar: 2/2- Looks not to shabby. Appearance: 1/1- Looks great, keep it up!! Final: 6/6
  11. Content: 3/3- Great ranking of the teams that you were interested in. Grammar: 2/2- Nothing worth deducting. Appearance:1/1- Looks good. very professional. Final 6/6
  12. Content: 3/3- Great areticle keep up the great work. Grammar 2/2- Nothing worth deducting. Appearance: 1/1- Love the zuc pic. looks good. Final: 6/6
  13. Content: 3/3- Great article, kept me very entertained. Grammar: 2/2- few mistakes. occured------> occurred labeled-------> Labelled hockeynews---> hockey news to finish the article you forgot the period. Appearance 1/1- Nice picture. Looks well spaced. Final 6/6
  14. good win boys. Sucks a bunch of us are gone tonight.
  15. The league has started to pick up in activity as the Free agency has opened. While all this is going on Pablo Escabar is sitting on a beach in Costa Rica waiting to become pro. Pablo has been taking his 19 month old son swimming in the ocean, walks along the beach and introducing him to the culture (even though he wont remember everything cause he is still young). The two are becoming very tanned. Pablo is eager to get back home though and start practicing. He misses the ice, but the vacation was long over due. Being knocked out of the playoffs in the first round after a great season was very stressful. Almost to the point to make Pablo furious. He kept his cool though and took the fam jam away. When Pablo gets signed by a big league team he plans to buy a island in Costa Rica where he will build a summer home on the oceans beach.. Weird purchase but great at tax time.
  16. Just want to thank the VHL and mostly Da Trifecta for this opportunity. We will have a Championship team in no time!
  17. I would have loved to make this. Next year i guess.
  18. Rumor ive been hearing is Thursday night.
  19. Content: 3/3- Great Career man. Looks like you had a wild ride. Can't wait to see how your recreate turns out. Grammar: 2/2- Looks good man i can tell some time was put into this. Appearance: 1/1 - Very professional. Good work. Final 6/6
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