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Everything posted by evrydayimbyfuglien

  1. The Waiting Game The Brampton Blades ended the season in first place in the North American Conference giving them a first round bye in the playoffs. They have sat idly as the Yukon Rush and Ottawa Lynx have played to a 3-1 series favoring Yukon. The series between the two has been very close, three of the four games being decided by one goal including a six overtime game four. The Blades will be anxiously awaiting the results of the next set of games which will determine who they will play for their first appearance in the playoffs this year. Looking at their record against each team, the played the Rush and Lynx ten times a piece, going 6-3-1 against both teams. They had a better goals against to goals for ratio against the Lynx as they had 26 goals for, 17 against them and 24 goals for, 23 against the Rush. They also had a 34.21% power play percentage against the Lynx compared to 15.56% against the Rush. Interestingly, their penalty kill percentage was better against the Rush than against Ottawa, 90.32% compared to 82.93%. I guess if one had to choose who to face in the playoffs, in this situation, Ottawa is the lesser of two evils. Comparing records is pretty much a wash. An eight percent difference in penalty kill percentage doesn’t seem like much but that means almost one out of every ten opportunities ends in a goal. We asked Daryl Dortch of the Brampton Blades what he thought of the match ups and who he would prefer to face off against. “I think it would be pretty cool to play against the team that gave my player agency’s first player his start in the league and that would be the Ottawa Lynx. Their GM has been doing this a while and he’s had some success recently so to knock off a top dog would be great. That’s not to say Yukon isn’t a team worthy of a cup but I, unfortunately, am not very familiar with the team. Better the Devil you know and all that.” He also gave us some predictions on the playoffs. “I think it’s going to come down to physical play. Whoever can lay the lumber is going to come out on top. Now I don’t mean reckless hits, I’m talking calculated, carefully placed hits. The other guys better keep their head on a swivel, I’m gonna be coming for them. I know I wasn’t very effective on the body during the regular season but I’ve had plenty of time to watch tape and learn the skaters’ tendencies with this first round bye. I think we have a really good shot to make it to the Finals. Either team we face is going to be tired from the long series they’ve played already so that gives us a leg up in that regard. I really like the way this team has played as of late and I don’t expect any of that to change.” We’ll have to see if DD will be eating his words come Finals time or if his predictions come true. Stay tuned for the next edition following the next round of playoff games. (533 words)
  2. I think I knew that haha I just quoted whoever said it, shouldn't have said you though.
  3. I would guess so. You did play over 73 mins
  4. Looks like some Willy Wonka inspired font.
  5. Fair enough. Was leading defensemen in points with the first sim. Not expecting the same now.
  6. Review: My start in the VHLM has been less than stellar, as well. Keep it up though and Judo will be great in no time. I'm hoping to see a lot of the second players amount to something good. It's not going to be easy to keep up with all the media spots though. 515 words, fine grammar, fine spelling. Best of luck in the VHLM. I look forward to a full season competing against you.
  7. Review: It's tough to try to rebuild when you have no one and no picks. Best of luck moving forward, man. Same situation as the other article, everything looks good, no issues on my end. Keep up the hard work!
  8. Review: Good to see the bad since everyone usually talks about the good. I wasn't around for most of these teams though, fortunately, because I'd probably be stuck on one of them. Everything checks out, maybe I read too fast but I didn't see any spelling/grammar problems. Now I'm off to part 1. I think I read these backwards.
  9. Review: Looks like you guys should be set for a while. Nice job GMing so far. I hope for nothing but the best for you guys, unless you're playing QC of course. Content/Grammar/Spelling all looked good, I think you missed an 's for a possessive talking about this season's prospects but that was all I noticed. Keep it up!!
  10. Review: Another nice article from you. Glad to see someone else do weekly media spots. I don't recall reading much from you prior to the 2 player things so I guess it's working? Some of the formatting and text sizes are off but that's minor. Again, keep it up!
  11. Review: Very nice job. I like reading about the VHLM players who usually get neglected. It's even more surprising to see the article come from someone who did not create the player in the article. Everything checks out, keep up the good work, man. I should be seeing twice the media from you with your second player.
  12. Review: That would be a great team. Would be interested to see how they would perform together. Grammar/Spelling checks out. You were actually just short of the word count at 497. That's counting the headings and player names which I normally wouldn't count. Just be mindful of that next time.
  13. Review: Nice job analyzing all this. I know QC is going to be pretty barren next season if we can't interest a few guys in staying. But it also looks like a lot of FAs will be available anyway. Nice job with grammar/spelling. I didn't see anything worth noting. This article was double posted.
  14. "If your team was the only one not updated then yeah, that's BS. If no one was updated, it sucks but at least it's even'" says the player on the winning side here. Edit: I wasn't updated either but I didn't have a 40 TPE update. Sorry, dude! I like winning and all but it isn't as sweet when something like this happens.
  15. Agreed. My only complaint is my team sucked.
  16. When I saw the MythBusters talk, they said the most dangerous thing they did while recording all 16 seasons was drive to the set/office. You get in a metal box and drive it towards other metal boxes just missing each other by a few feet.
  17. I just kinda thought this was something the user did (like a job) so it wasn't player specific. Well, dang.
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