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Everything posted by evrydayimbyfuglien

  1. I added my location, too. Strange how everyone is so far north.
  2. Yes, but when he said he was going to DC, I wasn't thinking about it. I just assumed he was from the States.
  3. I guess I didn't realize he'd be in a different country by going to DC.... Yes, welcome. DC your only stop?
  4. You really turned it on once you got to New York. Nice job, man.
  5. Was the index updated with these games but the games themselves weren't posted?
  6. I was wondering if that was the record when I saw his astronomical hit total this year. But now the games that really matter are about to start. It's all for naught if one of us doesn't win it all.
  7. Latino in the News: First Post Season Edition Felipe "Flip" Rodriguez takes the time to meet with the press. Felipe Rodriguez has seen another season come and go. This time his team ended up in a lot better position than previously. On a personal level, his numbers suffered despite seeing a lot more ice time with a lot better players around him, either through player improvement within the system or player transactions. We caught up with him following the Quebec City Meute’s 3-0 win to close out the regular season. Flip finished that game with a goal, a plus-one plus-minus rating, two shots, and a hit in 31 minutes of ice time. Interviewer: “Flip, here we are again, the end of another season, but this time you guys won’t be watching the playoffs from your couch. How does it feel to make the post season this time around?” Flip: “It’s great. Last season was rough as you know. This season, with the addition of Clegane in net and Koponen in the faceoff dot to name a few key additions, things are going a lot better. Greg has been a monster between the pipes. I would assume his 16 shutouts is a VHL record. I also think this is a reflection of the sound defense we were able to play in front of him. I’m excited for the playoffs, this will be my first time in the VHL post season so I’m not sure what to expect. I’m sure everyone will bring their A-game though, that’s for sure.” Interviewer: “A huge turn around in Quebec, it’s nice to see this team on the winning side of things. Maybe this can put all the bashing of GM Clinton Chevy to rest. Or maybe not. Despite the team’s drastic improvement, your numbers actually are lower than last year, any idea what may have caused that?” Flip: “I’m not really sure. I thought I had improved in every aspect of my game but it wasn’t reflected on the score sheet. I can’t complain though, there’s no “I” in “team” so I’m happy we succeeded together, even if that means lower personal stats. I’m happy with my 13 goals. I think this is just the beginning for me. I have a few more years in me and plenty of time to improve.” Interviewer: “It’s nice to see a guy with a team mentality out there. But it’s also okay to be a little selfish every once in a while. What has surprised you the most this season?” Flip: “Probably how many guys eclipsed the 100-point mark this year. You practically had to get into triple figures just to be in the top-10. The rate these guys are scoring at is nothing short of amazing. I’m not sure what the point record is for defenseman but if I can match what Phil Hamilton managed to do from the blue line this year at any point in my career, I’ll be happy. You always have to set goals for yourself so my new goal is to reach that 100-point season.” Interviewer: “Who has surprised you this year but not in a good way?” Flip: “Definitely Lord Karnage. Perennial point-leader contender was pretty invisible this season. He did get better after the trade though. I think he had 40-something points his first 50 games then he followed that up with almost two points per game once he got dealt to New York. So I guess you could say he surprised me in a negative way to start the season but then really turned it around at the end. Had he stayed in Stockholm, it’s hard to believe he’d have had that resurgence so it’s nice to see a guy who is on his way out of the league go out with a bang.” Interviewer: “I definitely agree with you about Karnage. He had a rough go in Stockholm this year but as you said, he looked like a different player after the trade. Well, it’s always nice to hear from you and get your insight. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us.” Flip: “Always my pleasure, man. I look forward to the interview when I’m raising the cup!” (683 words)
  8. I think the guy from SVU, Christopher Maloney, was the best character (the cafeteria worker).
  9. I didn't think it was bad, just never ended up watching more of it. I like H John Benjamin or whatever his name is from Home Movies and more recently Bob's Burgers even thought it's just his voice.
  10. The original, yes. I saw one or two episodes of the series. Paul Rudd looks the same in both. Both are hilarious. What did you think of the series? In the same vein as Freak and Geeks, anyone watch Undeclared with Jay Baruchel? I have not.
  11. I really could not get into the show. I tried, my fiancee still watches it but it never caught me.
  12. But you have to keep in mind it was well before they were anybody. Not fair to judge based off of future performances.
  13. I think 3 or 4 cap plus hiring of graders. But I have no say lol
  14. There we go. I think I mentioned earlier in the thread I think a better solution would be to hire more GFX guys.
  15. Though I'm definitely for the increase in the cap, I feel that it's really only going to benefit the gfx guys, mainly Beketov, who graded 26 things the past week. Meanwhile, the media section's most active graders, ADwyer, JPL, Evans, and myself combined for 19 total graded articles and as you'll see, there shouldn't be anything left waiting on a grade. I'm not saying that the MS graders/reviewers need more TPE. I'm not sure what I'm saying tbh.
  16. I'd rather be disqualified than lose lol
  17. Oh, well, thanks for the update anyway. I go from 3rd to DQ in a season
  18. Are you sure? Did I have the wrong price for someone because when I add up what I had in the PM it comes out to $20 million.
  19. @Jala you can claim your achievement tracker TPE but you can't update this?
  20. What are you talking about? The Ghostbusters scratch-off I just bought on Sunday said the chances of winning were 1:4.28. So if I buy 5, I'll win once, duh.
  21. Just read through the rules and every job posting for a grader and didn't see a cap mentioned at all. This says 1-3 depending on quantity... http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/11147-graders-wanted/
  22. I've never seen a rule stating one way or the other actually.
  23. It's been said a few times that apparently all jobs were 2 tpe.
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