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Everything posted by evrydayimbyfuglien

  1. Thank you for clarifying what you were receiving.
  2. I was on mobile so I didn't realize he had a sig other than those guys dancing around and pointing and all that.
  3. Review: Only one issue I noticed "lessons the sting" should be "lessens" Otherwise, good article. I like the concept for the article as well. Didn't notice any other grammar or spelling issues. Keep up the good work!
  4. Review: Well done, man. Brampton and Saskatoon will always have a special place in my heart lol Nice to see the mag guys staying busy even though there's no new edition. Didn't see any grammar/spelling issues, layout was nice, so good on you there.
  5. Uhh, can you point me in the direction of the post?
  6. @boubabi, congrats on the great career. I never had the pleasure of playing alongside you but maybe if (when?) you recreate I'll have the opportunity. Best of luck, dude!
  7. What band/group/whatever is that?
  9. Flip would just take a hands off approach then, that's all.
  10. Oh, didn't notice and it wasn't crossed off lol
  11. @KingRobbie I have no authority but come to Quebec.
  12. Wouldn't have noticed had this not been posted lol
  13. Sorry, man. Great article. As you said, grammar issues throughout but nothing unforgivable. I never heard anything about anyone leaving QC... I guess I should really read ALL the articles and quotes to learn about my own team. Keep the hits coming!
  14. Shortly after the Quebec City Meute were eliminated from the VHL Playoffs, Felipe Rodriguez took the time to return to his hometown of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. He hopped aboard a plane and flew the 9 hour and 45 minutes just a few hours after the Game 5 loss. He spent the first day or two relaxing and spending time with his friends and family before getting back to work. This time, though, instead of lacing up his skates, he volunteered in his community. His newly created foundation, Flipping for Kids, purchases old, abandoned houses, fixes them up, and sells them for profit. Generally, those working on the house would receive the profit but this foundation actually donates the profit to the local children’s shelter. A lot of the time professional athletes just slap their name on a foundation and call it a day. What makes Felipe’s foundation different is that on any given day, you’ll find him out there working with the other men and women making this all possible. He isn’t afraid to pick up a saw or a hammer and get to work. Flipping for Kids is currently improving three houses just a few blocks from where Felipe grew up. A lot of the homes in the area are small, under 1,000 square feet and selling for $20,000 to $45,000 USD. When Flipping for Kids is done with the properties, they usually end up selling for above market value meaning they can make a pretty good amount of money for the kids in a short amount of time. We asked Felipe why he felt the need to give back to his community. “That’s where I grew up, that’s my home. Mexico has a bad reputation for having a lot of crime and poverty. This is my attempt to turn that around, prove people wrong. It’s a long process but I think if we can get other athletes, Mexican or not, to give back and help out, we can make a big difference. If I didn’t find the VHL, I would probably end up like one of the kids in the children’s shelter. I need to help out the little guy, give someone a chance who wouldn’t otherwise have one.” When asked about the recent violence in France, Flip had this to say: “It’s absolutely terrifying. I told my foundation that we’ll be working extra hard to raise more money to donate to those in need in Nice and Paris. That could happen anywhere in the world. I’m fortunate enough to be in a position where I can help others so that’s what I plan to do as long as I can. That’s the main reason I came out here so quickly after losing to Toronto. That, and it’s a way for me to get my mind off of the loss. But the faster we finish up these renovations, the faster we can sell these houses and give, give, give. That’s what this is all about, helping those in need.” And with that, Flip began painting the walls of a small two bedroom home just blocks from where his parents still live.
  15. Review: Not really the most interesting to read for me. All the requirements check out and this will be interesting as a series. I just won't be the one to grade them every week Keep up the good work, man! Also, this ended up posted twice, not sure what happened.
  16. Review: Looks good but very similar to your last article if I'm not mistaken. No grammar issues that I saw. Hit the word count I think, everything checks out. Nice job, dude!
  17. I would assume you can be outstanding on a good team making you not as valuable as someone who carries an entire team while having a great season.
  18. Is there most outstanding and most valuable?
  19. I don't know timetable for release in Canada but I'm guessing they have several additions they plan on rolling out to keep interest high.
  20. I used to know your pain. Everyone would be talking about these apps and games and couldn't join in the fun.
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