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Everything posted by evrydayimbyfuglien

  1. So Banackock is a goalie, AK switches away from goalie, Banackock gets GM job in Seattle, Stockholm trades up to get 11th pick, takes AK who is now winger, AK gets dealt to Seattle who doesn't need a goalie anymore? Am I following that right? Why was Banackock involved in AK switching positions at all as shown with this message?
  2. This is where my main gripe is. Not everyone knew this was an option.
  3. I just think this potentially opens the door for people switching before the draft to a position of greater need to boost their draft position or planning with a GM to change to fit their team needs. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing either way.
  4. I don't want to switch. I asked when he switched. Someone asked how he was able to switch. Then they said that they might have to switch, too and were told they'd have to do it the regular way. Idk what's going on but it doesn't matter to me personally.
  5. Not according to our locker room.
  6. Apparently goalie to other position is okay before the draft, forward to defense and the other way around has to purchase the position change.
  7. Yeah. I'm just waiting for part deux
  8. I'll withhold judgement until I see part two lol
  9. Congrats. VHL GMs, be prepared to get bombarded with trade offers
  10. Let's play like this, not like we played against Europe.
  11. Who are our captains going to be?
  12. Best of luck to all the draftees. I'm excited to see who we can end up taking in the 2nd round now.
  13. My bad, didn't realize it was going to last so long.
  14. So I already did my Media Spot for the week, what now?
  15. Great job with this. Also, Go Team World!
  16. If you really are leaving, can you make me a dope sig? We ARE World Cup teammates after all.
  17. Well, the World Cup of Hockey is coming up and I’ve been selected as the fourth defenseman on Team World led by hedgehog337. I fully expected to go to Team Mercenaries as a player not selected for any other nation’s team but I’m glad with where I ended up. Hedgehog put a great team together and I think we’ve got a pretty good shot at earning a medal, the first of my career. If our first line ends up being Raphael Pettyfer, Lord Karnage, and Edwin Reencarnacion, I think we’d have the best top line out there and we’d be a definite force to be reckoned with. I’m probably one of, if not THE, least experienced player on the squad so I will be looking to players like Biggu Kyanon or Prince Gigga-Bijou for guidance when it comes to adjusting to playing on the blue line with the World Cup rules and regulations. Between the pipes, I expect Ariel Weinstein to get the majority of starts for us and anytime he’s in net he makes the guys in front of him look like all-stars. I haven’t really looked at any of the other nations’ rosters but I am predicting at least a silver medal for this squad with a very real shot at gold. I find it hard to believe anyone else has a better roster than we do right now. That’s it for this time. Maybe I’ll come back on here and update everyone on how things are going throughout the World Cup tournament or during the regular season next year. (262 words)
  18. Thanks! There was a time when I struggled to write stuff.
  19. Let's win this thing, guys and girls!
  20. Definitely expected to see lower numbers your rookie year but idk what your TPE count was by then. Oh, I know, I'm not worried about it. Just thought we were gonna be fine as is. I'm just excited to see what we can do now.
  21. The Quebec City Meute turned a few heads recently with their acquisition of Greg Clegane and Aleksi Koponen, both season 45 players. Of course to bring in some top talent you have to ship out some definite potential and that came in the form of goaltender of the future, Dmitri Dadonov. They also shipped out their first round pick in the upcoming draft as well as their second round pick for next year. With rumor that this is the first of many trades, one can only speculate what QC management has up their sleeve. With this trade, it can be assumed that the top line moving forward will be Koponen centering the line with Tom Lincoln and Unassisted on the wings. Koponen has played in all 288 VHL games with the Helsinki Titans since being drafted. In those four seasons, he’s averaged 90.5 points per year with his career high coming last season with 46 goals and 52 assists for 98 points. About the only negative for him is his 72 penalty minutes last season but his first three seasons in the league he hadn’t exceeded 30 PIMs so this could be a fluke statistic. His 61.4% faceoff percentage was good for third in the league last year so it’s hard to see Unassisted playing center assuming he’s going to get first line minutes. The next piece to this puzzle is Greg Clegane. Since coming into the league, Clegane has not won less than 44 games in a season, Quebec City, on the other hand haven’t won 30 games since season 45. They do have two of the best young defenseman in the league so with any luck, they can keep Greg’s streak alive and win forty-four plus games this upcoming season. When this trade was announced, management said this trade “will certainly make us a contender” however that remains to be seen. Expectations will definitely be a lot higher with the talent they have at their disposal. Additionally, the acquisition of such a stud goaltender should do wonders for the team. We caught up with Felipe Rodriguez, who will be entering his second year as a defenseman for the Meute, to ask him what he thought of the trade. “It’s a great trade, absolutely no doubt about it. But do I wish we still had Dadonov coming up for us next year? Yeah, maybe a little. I know Clegane is good but it is always a little disappointing to ship out someone you’ve worked with consistently. I’ll get over it, I’m sure, as long as we can string together some W’s when he’s out there. I always thought we were a few key pieces away from making this work in Quebec so now that we’ve got those pieces, it’s time to put up or shut up.” On what he’s done to get ready for the season: Felipe fails to capitalize on the opportunity. “I’ve been working on my puck handling this off season, put a lot of hours into it since we didn’t have to worry about post season games I had a lot of time on my hands. I think it will help with many aspects of my game actually. We’ll have to wait and see. Maybe I can show off some of my new skills in the World Cup tourney, if I’m selected for a team, of course.” On what he thinks management means when they say this is the first of many trades: “I really have no idea. I know we have three centers now in Coutzen, Koponen, and Unassisted but only one true winger in Lincoln. I’m not sure how long Coutzen is on contract with us though. We don’t have any other players we could really move and we just dealt our first round pick for this year. If we give up next year’s first round pick we better be getting a guaranteed ticket to the cup. If we move a player, there’s no one I’d want to see go. I’m probably the least experienced so it could easily be me though I was originally told I wasn’t going anywhere, this is a business and things to happen.” (687 words)
  22. I think he meant first gens in this upcoming draft? Otherwise I was forgotten too.
  23. Are you really done after season 49? You don't break the record for most TPE by not getting rewarded for the work you put in so I would hope you wouldn't leave because you don't think you're getting back what you put in.
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