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Everything posted by evrydayimbyfuglien

  1. Hmmm, I wonder if I've got a shot at being on this list. I better get to work!
  2. Review: Great job here. Lots of research went into this I'm thinking. Didn't notice any glaring issues grammar-wise either. Overall, very well done. @Da Trifecta And I'm not sure ecstatic is the right word for how I feel about being on Quebec. I don't want out but I definitely don't want to go through many more rebuilding seasons lol
  3. Review: But seriously, nice write up. I hope to be on a successful team eventually, whether or not that's QC, idk. Good use of quotes without saying "Parechkin said," didn't notice any grammar issues or anything like that, either.
  4. Will you be posting screen caps or videos of game play ever? I didn't follow your previous thread though I guess I could go look now.
  5. To expand on this, you don't need a grade so basically get it to the word count and auto claim 8.
  6. @enigmatic Claim 8 TPE for this. Like everyone most a few people above said, it's nice/refreshing to see a different approach to the rookie profile. Word count was on point, 701, well beyond the 500 minimum. All three pros and all three cons are there and explained. Height, weight, age and all that are there. Everything checks out as far as I'm concerned. It's a little difficult to pinpoint the word count for the pros and cons but I think it's fine. P.S. Don't let the first few comments discourage you from doing things differently. If we all did things exactly the same, it'd be incredibly boring.
  7. @bukss_a So I can grade/review this but you may want to take a look here at the Rookie Profile Rubric, just copying and pasting all your text into wordcounter.net gives me a 348 word count and the minimum is 500 for this. If you want me to grade it as is you won't get the full 8 TPE strictly based on length. I haven't reviewed anything else on it but I thought it looked a little short.
  8. Review: Good info here. I noticed two things though, 1. this article is only 466 words according to wordcounter.net and 2. I thought if you said the regular season matchups were a wash, that would mean they tied... I could be mistaken. I would suggest trying to add a little more text between facts and stats, sometimes this can read as a sort of list of statistics but I'm guilty of doing that, too. Just something to be mindful of. Overall, well done and better luck next year. Keep earning that TPE, it's amazing how much you've earned since the draft. What's your secret?
  9. This shirt is pretty hilarious. http://www.glassbangers.com/products/caps-tactics-t-shirt
  10. When should we expect this to be updated?
  11. Most actual fantasy leagues reward PIMs, not sure I agree but it does make for strategic drafting. I do think it was too harsh here though.
  12. I think the issue isn't that Graders are getting the awards at the end of the year, it's that the Updaters aren't. Is that right?
  13. I've earned the second most TPE since draft day in this class.
  14. Okay, I can deal with that then. Assuming we're still getting paid to grade review, of course.
  15. Couldn't you have waited until AFTER I got first place in the Grader standings?
  16. This started as a vhl.com article. I was inspired by the other articles similar to this so thanks lol
  17. We all know all that anyone cares about is points, regardless of position (except goalie).
  18. I'm pretty sure that's the logo for Versus channel which I don't believe exists anymore.
  19. Season 47 Draft In Review The S47 draft barely had enough draftees to fill one complete round but those taken early have done pretty well for themselves since being drafted. The first round has seven players with seven players having earned more than 200 TPE up to this point, two of those seven earning over 300 TPE. 1st Pick – Quebec City Meute: John Sleeman 172 TPE (352 TPE currently, +180) 2nd Pick – Cologne Express: Artom Zhumbayev 97 TPE (333 TPE currently, +236) 3rd Pick – Quebec City Meute: Felipe Rodriguez 105 TPE (287 TPE currently, +182) 4th Pick – HC Davos Dynamo: Sir William Covington 165 TPE (301 TPE currently, +136) 5th Pick – Toronto Legion: David Hamilton 116 TPE (248 TPE currently, +132) 6th Pick – Riga Reign: Vincent Virtanen 111 TPE (227 TPE currently, +116) 7th Pick – HC Davos Dynamo: Vincent Adultman 78 TPE (244 TPE currently, +166) 8th Pick – Stockholm Vikings: Sam Weaver 54 TPE (54 TPE currently, +0) 9th Pick – New York Americans: Jonathan Stark 30 TPE (30 TPE currently, +0) 10th Pick – HC Davos Dynamo: Mikhail Gribov 46 TPE (60 TPE currently, +14) As you can see, the first overall selection, John Sleeman, still leads the way in terms of TPE. If we were to redraft based strictly on current TPE, things don’t change much but we do see Sir William Covington leap frog Felipe Rodriguez. 1st – John Sleeman 2nd – Artom Zhumbayev 3rd – Sir William Covington 4th – Felipe Rodriguez 5th – David Hamilton 6th – Vincent Adultman 7th – Vincent Virtanen 8th – Mikhail Gribov 9th – Sam Weaver 10th – Jonathan Stark TPE is only one way of evaluating players. Now we will take a look at the production of a few of the players atop the list. John Sleeman was the only Season 47 draftee to play in the VHL for season 47, all others played another year in the VHLM. In his rookie year, Sleeman managed 12 goals and 22 assists from the blue line to go along with 43 hits, 167 shots, and 141 shots blocked. He also played just under 30 minutes per game his rookie year. The following season, several other S47 draftees saw their first VHL action. Sir William Covington actually led all rookies in scoring with 86 points, 41 goals and 45 assists. Despite all the points, he only managed a +3 rating but was very careful with his ice time only being called for 16 penalty minutes. He was named first star on nine different occasions throughout the season to cap off a great rookie campaign. Vincent Adultman also had a very good rookie campaign with 24 goals and 50 assists for 74 points. Just like Covington, his +/- rating suffered regardless of personal point production as he had a -3 rating on the year. He was named second start ten times in his rookie year and looks to improve upon those numbers next year. John Sleeman, no longer a rookie, did improve upon his rookie year almost doubled his 34 point total to earn 66 points in the form of 13 goals and 53 assists and a +15 rating, a much improved number compared to his -73 rookie year rating. He was also better on the defensive side of things with 145 blocked shots and 202 hits. David Hamilton had 65 points, 25 goals, 40 assists, throughout the season but was a -18 in the +/- column. He only had 38 PIMs with his 104 hits and 134 blocked shots as a well balanced defender for the Express. He managed to be first start 6 times, second star twice, and third star thrice. Vincent Virtanen got 52 points, 13 goals and 39 assists and was -31 on the year, which isn’t the worst for the season 47 draftees as you’ll see when we announce the next player on the list. He was only called for one two minute penalty which is very impressive considering he started every game for HC Davos Dynamo. Felipe Rodriguez has been the least successful S47 draftee so far. His rookie year he saw himself on the second pairing for the Quebec City Meute. He got a lowly 43 points, 13 goals and 30 assists with a dismal -48 rating, the worst of the draft class. He earned 102 PIMs, 170 hits, and 189 blocked shots good for second overall in the league. Last but certainly not least is the only goalie from the season 47 draft, Artom Zhumbayev. He had a 29-31-3 record to go along with a .910 save percentage and a 2.70 GAA and 6 shutouts. He was named first star seven times, second star eight times, and third star six times to put together a very good rookie campaign. As he progresses, he should be a very solid goalie for the Express. He’s already shown he can put in the work as he is the only draftee to earn more than 200 TPE since the draft, 236 to be exact. (823 words?)
  20. Review: Glad to see some more draft articles. Should be interesting as you said. Didn't notice any grammar issues or anything like that, good use of the one picture and tagging those involved to promote discussion. That's all I got this review.
  21. Review: Will there be another part to this or is it just a one-and-done deal? Good grammar, good content. Could use a relevant picture though...but you did use the team color for text there so that's a step up from some I've seen. Just keep it up and if you end up playing defenseman still, I look forward to competing with or against you. You show a lot of promise early on which is a good thing.
  22. Yeah, I typed it in word and pasted it here. I swear it looked better before lol
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