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Everything posted by evrydayimbyfuglien

  1. I'm not a beer fan at all but micro brews are the way to go here.
  2. Review: Best of luck next season. I had an atrocious first year so things do get better. As for the article, could use a a picture or something to break it up, it's a big wall of text currently. Keep it up and you'll be getting better in no time.
  3. Review: Perfect. Very well written and easy to read without being boring. Keep it up, man! Very creative.
  4. Review: Great work! Glad to see someone do these types of articles. I can usually only manage to write articles about my player Didn't see any issues here. Again, great job and we'll have to see how the next group of rookies performs.
  5. I know a lot of my options don't appear unless I go full screen. I'm on mobile now but I know I have the source button on PC usually. Edit: Even going portrait to landscape on mobile gives me more options. No source button on mobile though.I'm using the blackout skin.
  6. Review: I have no idea where you come up with all this stuff. Some grammar errors throughout like when they were getting yelled at in the carriage, it should be "Idiots" not "Idiot's" Will there be an episode 3? I will be patiently waiting.
  7. Review: Really good job with this. Definitely looking forward to what you can do out there. The season is pretty much over now but good luck in the upcoming VHLM draft, I'm sure wherever you end up, you'll be good. I went as an offense first defenseman and I'm kind of wishing I had started off with the physical aspect instead. Keep up the writing.
  8. We could re-sim with the same lines and you'd probably come out on top. I thought that was half the fun. If everytime, the better team won, we wouldn't need the sim engine.
  9. We're not making playoffs anyway, just give them the Ws.
  10. Six assists, let's see this play carry over into the games that matter.
  11. We decided to lighten the mood a little in this edition of Latino in The News. Instead of asking only hockey questions, we decided to open up the topics of discussion to anything and everything. Interviewer: “Flip, thanks for sitting down with us again. We’ve decided to change gears a little bit and we’ll focus on non-hockey questions this time around. I guess we’ll go ahead and get started. When you’re not practicing or playing hockey, do you ever get a chance to watch T.V.? What is your favorite show? Flip: “Oh, that’s a tough one. I like The Walking Dead of course. It took me several seasons to finally get into it so I had to catch up on Netflix. Same situation with Breaking Bad, I didn’t start watching that until after the series was over. I’m on the final season now, so no spoilers, please. The Family is also a really interesting show. I also like to catch some of the other games from around the league on T.V. when I can, you know, do a little scouting.” Interviewer: “Any guilty pleasure T.V. shows or shows you might not like to admit watching?” Flip: “Eh, maybe Pretty Little Liars. I watch The Biggest Loser a lot, too. Maybe not guilty pleasures but shows people wouldn’t expect me to watch. It’s not like I have a lot of free time to really sit and watch though.” Interviewer: “Alright, I know I said we’d keep it away from hockey but just one quick hockey question. Who is your favorite current NHL player?” Flip: “This one is a tie between Nicklas Hjalmarsson and Dustin Byfuglien. Hjalmarsson because he’s become a very reliable defensive defenseman in Chicago. He’s not going to put points on the board but he doesn’t get paid for that. I like his playing style and his willingness to lay it on the line and block shots. Big Buff is just a monster out there. His playoff run with the Hawks a few years ago was great, that hat trick against Vancouver, awesome.” Interviewer: “Transitioning away from hockey again now. What about movies, what’s your favorite movie?” Flip: “I know you’re probably expecting a hockey movie but honestly, my favorite movie is probably Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, it always has been, even though I didn’t understand any of the dialog when I watched the English version as a kid.” Interviewer: “And music? Any bands either from here or Mexico you like?” Flip: “Yeah, in Mexico, there’s a band called Panda that I really like. They’re kind of punk rock I guess you’d say, or that’s what they started off as anyway. English music, I’m a fan of most rock music. Not big on hip hop or rap or country really. Some bands I like are Muse, Arctic Monkeys, bands like that.” Interviewer: “Alright, thank you again for your time. Just thought we’d change things up a little bit. Next time we’ll focus more on hockey and less on personal stuff.” Flip: “Not a problem. Don’t be a stranger. I don’t mind what we talk about to be honest. Thanks.” That's all for this edition of Latino in The News. Check us out next time where we'll reflect on the Meute's season and plans for the future.
  12. I could have sworn I had this issue before and there was no way of remedying it... Thanks for finding a solution.
  13. Unassisted with the hat trick and fight!
  14. I mean, she's got the 3 pros and 3 cons. Would just have to verify word count on them. I have no issue with reviewing this as a Rookie Profile if no one else does. This seems like more work than the other format actually. The rookie profile rubric doesn't specify how it needs to be done, just what needs to be included unless I'm missing something.
  15. Review: Not sure "ironic" is the right word, probably more like "coincidental" but that was really my only complaint with this article. Congrats on the ASG appearance, I'm still hoping I get in at some point.
  16. Review: Nice article, man. I only noticed one issue, you said he was staring on the ice for Halifax but I think you meant starring. And I would center the text under the picture. Other than that, couldn't ask for much more. Definitely a solid article and if you keep this up you'll be a star in no time. Welcome.
  17. Review: Good stuff here. Not sure anyone would question your ability as a GM though. Love it or hate it, you know what you're doing and are, shall we say, persistent with trades. As for the writing itself, it's very well done. Didn't notice any grammatical issues so if there were any, they weren't distracting. Keep up the good work, I'm not sure I've seen too many articles from you...
  18. Review: This is great. Sure there were some grammar errors throughout but nothing major. Just keep an eye on it in the future. 10/10 for creativity, as usual. I look forward to reading the next episode of "Deadly Tide." Keep it up!
  19. I'm eligible for this? I'll take it!
  20. It has been a long season for the Quebec City and with 15 games to go it doesn’t appear things will get any better for them this year. Losing, whether by design or not, is no fun. Yeah, there’s a better shot at a first overall pick, but making the players on the team miserable in the process may not be the way to go. Throughout Felipe Rodriguez’s career, he has been a fairly active member of the locker room but with the season the way it is, it’s hard to be talkative when nothing seems to be going their way. I know he’s not the only one that feels this way as the Quebec City locker room as a whole has gone very quiet lately. It could be attributed to several things, but it seems like it is at least partially related to the team’s struggle on the ice. As it stands, the evrydayimbyfuglien agency only comes on to check the games every day and basically that is it. When Felipe was just starting out in Ottawa and Saskatoon of the VHLM, the agency would spend hours at a time on the site, reading articles, checking out graphics, talking in the locker room. All of that has seemingly stopped. The drive to pay attention to everything in the league when his team or player isn’t involved is low. Call it selfish, call it what you want, but it’s the truth. Enough with the pity party, though. Things aren’t going to get any better if people don’t put in the work. Felipe’s training time has slowed significantly with the lack of success and that’s not helping anyone. He needs to rededicate himself to the game that he loves and start making the changes he wants to see. When the puck isn’t bouncing his way, he needs to take his focus off of the offensive side and focus more on what he can control and that is his defense. He leads the league in blocked shots with 150 through 57 games. He has also racked up 129 hits, good for third on the team, to go along with 82 penalty minutes which keeps him just outside of the top ten in the league. This is while playing on the second defensive pairing, something he hopes his play from this season can change for next season. We caught up with him to ask him a few questions regarding the team’s play so far this year. “It has been tough, definitely. Nobody likes to lose and this is the first time I’ve been on a losing team. It’s affected me more than I thought it would but I need to keep on working hard and getting better. I think the addition of our goalie prospect will do wonders for this team. Our goalie now is giving up like three goals per game and when we’re averaging just over two goals scored per game, it’s hard to win like that. So we need to get better in all aspects of the game moving forward. I’m not sure I can take another season like this.” On the future: “The future looks bright for the Meute, we just need to keep it together until then. Like I said, our new goalie of the future is going to help us out a lot. We have all the pieces, we just need to put the puzzle together and see what we can do when we’re firing on all cylinders.” (580 words)
  21. Review: Very nicely done. I think we're supposed to review these... Like Phil said, I look forward to the Bio. I really hope these aren't supposed to be legit grades. If so, everything looks good, good grammar, good length, you have all the criteria and the length for each section looks good.
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