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Everything posted by evrydayimbyfuglien

  1. Is the Individual Leaders list not updating for other people?
  2. First goal and first ever shootout goal if I'm not mistaken.
  3. Poor choice of words on my part. I understand the situation and was very surprised that the rumor was he was coming here for next to nothing next season. What I had intended by my post is that I agree with what you were saying but unfortunately that means my team potentially loses great talent. I agree with this.
  4. Unfortunately this is my team that will be penalized...
  5. Flip on QC Rodriguez has been working on the physical aspect of his game. Felipe Rodriguez is finally in the big leagues. He had a great sophomore campaign in the VHLM last year. He was second in points behind MVP/Best Defenseman/Whatever other award winner, Black Velvet, with 117 points. He also led the league in blocked shots with 162 while second place was only able to block 142 shots. This season Flip will not be seeing as much ice time right away. He’s currently on the second pairing behind John Sleeman and Brandon Holmes. However, Rodriguez has managed to pick up right where he left off, that is in the defensive department. Only two games into the season Rodriguez is tied for the lead in blocked shots with seven but has zero points. “I don’t mean to sound like a broken record with the whole Black Velvet feud, if you can even call it that. I said what I had to say about the situation. He’s a nice guy, he’s a great player, and I hope maybe we can play together somehow in the future, All-Star game, perhaps? But in order for that to happen, I need to prove that my 117 point season wasn’t just a fluke. I know it’s early but I haven’t gotten my offensive game clicking like it was early last year. I focused a lot on my defense during my last VHLM season and the off season. I entered into the VHLM two years ago as an offensive defenseman but I really think I can handle my own in either end of the ice. My physical game has picked up in the shot blocking and also checking departments. The offense will come, but until it does, I need to make sure I keep playing defense like I now know I can.” His team, the Quebec City Meute, has not done very well in previous seasons. They were in an all out rebuild mode and it looks like that might be coming to an end. With the addition of Unassisted and Rodriguez to the VHL roster this season, they look improve upon their 15-48-9 record from last year. They’re still a few key pieces away from a good post season run but they’re closer than they have been in quite a while. Rodriguez is very pleased with the way the roster is shaping up. “I really think we have a lot of talent in the small roster we do actually have. Sleeman and I should be a great pairing on the blue line for years to come. Unassisted will be a force for a long time as he’s already shown what he can do last year in the VHLM. Oh, and we can’t forget about the loophole that got us Kronos for next year. Yeah, that might result in less ice time for me, but that’s just how it goes when a lot of good, young defensemen coming through the league. Look out for us in a couple of years when we get things rolling as a team. I wouldn’t count us out for too much longer.”
  6. Really good insight into this rebuild. We'll have to see how things shake out for you guys. No grammar issues and it read very well. Keep up the good work. Maybe we'll see you in the post season very soon.
  7. Is this just top 10 based on TPE under 500? Nice little write up on each player. I also hope to make it on this list in the near future. Keep up the articles, I like em. Didn't see any grammatical errors or any other issues. Nice job.
  8. Cobtent-wise, this is great. The only issue I saw was already pointed out. Congrats on getting back to where it all began. Looking forward to playing against you this season. Good luck!!
  9. Don't question the voters, just accept the award lol
  10. I thought I'd get one vote for 2nd in points lol
  11. Not a single vote for top defenseman while leading the VHLM in blocked shots?
  12. Should be easier since I'll actually be in the VHL and be paying attention this time around...
  13. I was one of only 2 people to get zero points in this....
  14. Last year I couldn't care less about the awards with my horrible numbers but I have a chance, however small, at one award this year.
  15. Where are we at with awards? It's listed for 2 days, I'm assuming it's one of the two days but with everything shifting, where does it fall now?
  16. Hay guise, you done beating the dead horse yet or should I come back later to ask a question about the schedule?
  17. Looks good. I only noticed one error here: should probably be "no doubt" and this whole phrase seems like it could be worded differently. The overall profile was thorough and hit on the 3 negatives and positives well enough. It gives a very clear idea of what type of player this could be. Whether or not it comes to fruition, though, is a question for later down the road. Best of luck this year. I'm not sure what else to say when reviewing a Rookie Profile other than "good job" so good job and keep up the writing. You'll be a superstar in the VHL very soon. I look forward to seeing what we can do together in QC.
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