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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. less is more Not fan of the font choices for those type of graphics
  2. dope work clean af. great render fx
  3. Don't forget to smash that like button and click the notification bell
  4. Beaviss is here to please the masses
  5. No. I'm offended
  6. Thanks hombre
  7. Dope render fx. Needs more things in the background to create a better contrast/focal point. I like the sub-font (diljohd) and the size of it. Not a fan of the main font. Not a fan on the placement as well. I would have left more empty space on the right side
  8. We had to do an advertisement as a school projet with 2 random words. We got "pinata" and "hot sauce". It was a 6 weeks assignment from scratch. There it is okay bye
  9. I'll vote for my favorite member
  10. the font blows on the watchmen's logo but there was some potential the brampton was one of my first, its horrible indeed
  11. stockholm color scheme/logo was great imo the black and white was also pretty cool to use for different sigs
  12. the real boulet thanks homie
  13. Inb4 multiple conflict of interest
  14. quik banned me so that Mats Johnsson could finally win some awards over Ay Ay Ron.
  15. The best duo is @boubabi and @Higgins tbh
  16. Carrying inactive is great
  17. Is there a way to disable the @ member tag notification for our account?  Its spam at this point

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShawnGlade


      i have it muted, idk how but i do

    3. Gustav


      When they made me GM, they made my role GM but didn't keep "member" as a secondary role. Had to ask for it to be put back because I was missing all the fantasy posts and announcements.

    4. boubabi


      I will blame @Willfor that

  18. conditional trade makes me horny
  19. I like the style. Render efx are a little bit overdone but I like the composition. The lens flare on his helmet is a little distracting from what we want to focus on. The font is clean and I like it Keep your good work, your sig quality is improving a ton.
  20. Im voting tzuyu because he does the funnay
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