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Everything posted by Gudnason

  1. Gudnason

    New Vegas GM

    Maybe @BOOM is Dutch https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2017/03/31/dutch-teen-ends-up-in-the-wrong-sydney.html
  2. That's exactly what I have you, Jenkins, and Rodriguez lined up to do
  3. To Calgary: S55 COL 1st - 1st overall To Cologne: S55 NYA 1st - 7th overall S56 CGY 1st @eaglesfan036
  4. Seems like Team World and Western Europe have had a bit of a rivalry the last three World Cups just looking at the elimination games. Didn't check out the round robin from before, but it's shaping up to be another potential World/Europe matchup in the quarterfinals, albeit it's usually in the semifinals or medal games in years past. No worries though, Bastian Stolzschweiger here to save the day in S56.

  5. League financier laying down the rules! BOOM!
  6. But my mama was young, and Stolzy was S2
  7. Actually Bastian is Hall of Famer Christian Stolzschweiger's son Back in S1, he already chose his birthplace as Cologne, Germany. I was going to choose Kristian but went for Bastian instead. Just a coincidence it matched up with Schweinsteiger. I'm a Whitecaps fan by the way. No comment on the second point.
  8. If you want out before your rookie contract ends, I'm happy to work with you on that. If you want to understand my direction for the team, I'm also happy to share that with you.
  9. Player InformationUsername: punkhippieFull Name: Bastian StolzschweigerPosition: DAge: 18Handedness: RRecruited By/From: Sandro from the Canucks' forums ten years agoWould you like an experienced member to mentor you?Player AttributesTotal Points Earned: 30CK = Checking: 40FG = Fighting: 40DI = Discipline: 40SK = Skating: 40ST = Strength: 40PH = Puck Handling: 40FO = Face Offs: 40PA = Passing: 40SC = Scoring: 40DF = Defense: 70PS = Penalty Shot: 40EX = Experience: 40LD = Leadership: 40OtherJersey Number: 96Height (inches): 6 ft 6 inWeight (lbs.): 170 lbBirthplace: Cologne, GermanyAwardsCareer StatsPlayer MovementPast Players
  10. The Robbie way would be to start CGY G1 ahead of Perought.
  11. Oops missed the deadline. If still allowed, I guess Pittsburgh in 6 and Cup-winning goal is BONINO BONINO BONINO!
  12. Why do you think Robbie got relieved of his GM duties? Do a simple brief mock draft for the S55 VHL Entry Draft with you knowing more about agent and GM personalities and backgrounds? Thoughts on the World Cup so far? Both in general and for Holik/World and Sokolov/Mercenaries? Still think Team World has no shot of making it to the gold medal game? Thoughts on Maksym Barnyashev and Aleksei Federov outplaying Bobby Digital and Guntis Petenis? Legit coming out party for Federov who I think said quite a few times this season he believed he was better than Sokolov, but Sokolov played on Toronto and not Seattle so he had better stats? Rudi Ying first overall to Cologne? Because he clearly has taken more faceoffs than Felix Savard last season in Vegas and taking more faceoffs means winning more faceoffs, and winning more faceoffs means more puck possession, and more puck possession means more goals. Rudi Ying second overall to Toronto? Boeser + Ying + Sokolov + Ironside = let's make a run at Quebec and New York? Rudi Ying third overall to Riga? Marc-Alexandre Leblanc sacrificed because Fredinamijs Krigars is younger. Why not go even younger with Ying?
  13. That was when I was back in high school and still ESL so I had no idea snitch was the filter for bitch. I thought snitching was tattletaling or something like that where you "snitched someone out".
  14. Real weird seeing Robbie in black and not lime green, Kendrick in lime green and not teal green, and Yeah in lime green and not maroon

  15. Gudnason

    New Vegas GM

    Alienated Nuck and Laflamme?
  16. @Green 16 shot hat trick @Beketov back to being dominant And Team World road warriors!
  17. Keep it up @boubabi and coming out party for @Banackock. Federov confirmed better than Sokolov, just played for a worse team? @Beketov
  18. Any rumours on likely date/times for VHL and VHLM drafts?

    1. Will


      VHL is looking like Wednesday or Thursday evening

    2. BluObieZ


      Here's one. I've been fired. Fucking morons

  19. Toronto picking up centers like people had Helsinki picking up goalies last year
  20. Sorry been a bit busy lately. I'll come up with some quality questions today. Have we been able to find a time that mutually works yet? I could do Wednesday early morning for you when you wake up. That would be tomorrow (Tuesday) late night for me and I think it could work? @Beketov
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