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Everything posted by Spade18

  1. I dont feel like welfare is at all the problem. If someone is going to be a welfare player, let them be a welfare player. I feel like a lot of the problem comes from keeping members who join. Just these past weeks, It's been a while since we've received an update in the VHLM, and you can tell activity slowed significantly around the VHLM from it. I myself write a weekly MS in which it is IMPERATIVE that the league be updated for, and I now may go 2 weeks without doing a MS as I've been waiting for the updates to happen. It may be coincidence, but we also lost a newly rejoined (if I remember correctly) member in @Green during the time where there haven't been updates. I would propose not being harder on the players trying to gain TPE, but on the higher up positions who run the league. It may sound like i'm honing in on the updaters, but this is just coming to mind, so I'm gonna run with this thought process and use them as an example. I think that the commissioners, the BOG, who ever it may be, should run a balance against the Job positions which claim TPE. Why are they allowed to Claim TPE for not fulfilling their job? I feel as though, unless updates are made during the week in question, the updater should not be allowed to claim the TPE. This will hold the tops of the league to a higher standard, make things run smoother, and show newer members that we care. I know some people immediately get turned off when another league is mentioned, but I'm a casual welfare guy over at the EFL, and they are TIGHT on their updating, they have a couple mishaps with simming and roster moves, but they move quickly to fix the problems, and it shows. I know It's a new league and that brings other things with it, but you get a sense that the league is in good hands when you can see issues being handled from the top down and it promotes people to do their work because they know they will be rewarded for it. Increased activity comes from the top down. Not the other way around.
  2. Fam I full support the long game building rage tactic. Fuck you Elli in the 5th grade. I dated chicks at very least a little hotter than you.
  3. them vegas filler players showing up in a big spot
  4. Honeslty, I came here with the sole intention of being a welfare player and turned into an active after seeing what the league was really about. Welfare can be an easy access point to some people, and is a good way to keep long time members some what involved rather than them just going fully inactive. Lowering welfare = lowering user count and in order to grab active members we need to cast a WIDER net, not a narrow one.
  5. First hat trick wasn't enough! MAKE IT FOUR
  6. I pitched something like this a while ago. Along the lines of "Post a picture of your favorite piece of hockey memerobelia" or "tell us the story of how you met an NHL player" and things like that. So im on board with you. It's person to person I think. I'm in the EFL, and I just link to my MS here. but that doesnt stop me from participating in predictions and reddit recruitment and posting in the sim threads there. I think it could work.
  7. You mentioned the unholy phrase of "activity check" I forget who it is, but someones bout to come out of left field and flame your ass to hell.
  8. what happend to not wanting him!?!? claim, but it dont matter lol
  9. sigh, my allegiances are so torn
  10. The Las Vegas Aces Offer $2 million for the year and encourage LPL2 to drop the gloves as often as possible and fight FOR GLORYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Also #1 Defenseman status
  11. the last two dont really count in hockey... right?
  12. Idk this seems pretty tight to me
  13. Las Vegas Aces offer $1 Million for the season
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