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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Lies, I actually am.
  2. I'd say Max Molholt, Parechkin, Phil Hamilton and Black Velvet
  5. Boys
  6. Yehahhhh
  7. "even want to win". If only that was correct.
  8. I'm still shocked.
  9. I'm confused how was that one of your worst moves if you weren't the GM? Did I read that incorrectly.
  10. Brampton is cruising! We haven't allowed our team to be shut out in 2 straight I think
  11. I won the goaltending battle in a 6-1 game.
  12. Minnesota gets their 10th straight win. When they got their 9th straight they tied a franchise record. They asked Bruce Boudreau about it after that game and he said the following: "Tying is like kissing your sister. Getting it is better". WHAT?
  13. Hilary already commissioned a league, it was the USFL.
  14. I love my team
  15. Well we stopped the shutout!
  16. Ill try to get in on my hard drive and find a couple shitty ones
  17. Sadly if I do it every week, there isn't much to talk about. Plus this year has an extra special ending that I am working on with a very creative mind!
  18. Well considering this blew up because of Molholt, Mr. Power and various other members chiming in over the past year or so, I'd say it's more than just myself man. There you go against with the backhanded comments haha, you just don't know when to stop.
  19. The first part I bolded is correct, no one can deny you of that comment. The second bolded part might ring true, but if that is the case you have to phrase your responses to people better. Hell I know first hand what happens with that as you've often spoken to me as your Updater like I'm someone there trying to rip TPE away from you. When in all reality, I am there to just ensure you have your updates correct. It's all in how you word things and people are getting annoyed with the passive aggressive shit. I should also state that they are willing to give leeway, but the constant PM's to people even after it was stated "its a little much" is a bit annoying. No one is making drama out of shit actually haha. We are stating that you seem to be lost in why the rest of the league sees Seattle's handling as poor. You are confusing drama with critique. There is no drama here and actually still I have yet to see a bit spurt this calendar year. This isn't drama, this is people sticking up for a lack of knowledge. You are pointing fingers again. "Overtime YOU cause something huge out of something small, I take a lot of hate". In what way? That's pointing fingers because you seem too gung-hoe with transactions. The chance is there for you and whether you learn is up to you. But with the SHL tampering thing, the leash isn't as long as someone else because it's not like the doubt just vanishes. Nothing is changing, but you think so because it's against you. Everyone is willing to give you a chance, just as long as you don't talk to them like they are shit.
  20. From his time in the SHL and now, it doesn't look like his GM abilities are very promising. That is a fact.
  21. These are done every two weeks. That was stated 2-3 seasons ago.
  22. The whole of Seattle isn't hated at all. In fact many of the Seattle members are my favourite members to converse with (you included). It's when it comes to going to Seattle that people draw the line. We love you all, but your GM is the reason no one wants to touch Seattle.
  23. Your player core and quality of players is separate from your GM though. So you deem to unfair, but when the guy pulling the punches isn't really GM material, it's hard to look at the team as a viable option. Negotiations is how you build your team and if you are a FA or another GM you won't want to deal with the headache. Only can build through the draft pretty much
  24. Yeah boys!
  25. But how about that goaltending display by King!
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