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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Not Cam "Crybaby" Newton, am I right?
  2. We should have working Christmas lights on the banner, much like the snow falling.
  3. Legion of Loss
  4. Down with the Legion!
  5. You don't have to, but its an easy way for me to see it! 1. Have you ever thought about writing a book about online sim leagues? 2. Tell me more about your upbringing and your German story? 3. Do you have a favourite VHL moment involving one of your players?
  6. The Snow on the VHL Homepage is another reason why we are hands down the best sim league out there. #Snowmageddon

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Smarch


      i broke all the lights and they came back on the next page, what is this wizard shit

    3. Will


      It's me in bulb form. You can never get rid of me Smarch!!!!!!

    4. Kendrick


      I have finally have bulbs to go with this Lousy @Smarch weather

  7. The cold makes us all dead anyways, its a hard line.
  8. Hit me up you grand ladies and gents! @Phil @Beketov @mpclardy @der meister @eaglesfan036 @DollarAndADream @ADwyer87 @evrydayimbyfuglien @tfong @TheLastOlympian07 @BMax @gorlab @BOOM® @frescoelmo @Smarch @solas @Jericho
  9. 1. Gift every team a Christmas gift that they may need 2. Favorite gift you ever received at Christmas? 3. What is your favourite Holiday drink?
  10. 1. Gift every team a Christmas gift that they may need 2. Favorite gift you ever received at Christmas? 3. What is your favourite Holiday drink?
  11. Welcome! I'm glad our graphic resources have spurred another member. Any questions you may have, feel free to ask them anywhere Andrea!
  12. I listened. Try to have all that you need open before you do it, typing seems to go across the microphone very loud. Also what program you using? Good Podcast!
  13. I know you are a Texan. Growing up, did you have any favourite players in the NHL who were Texans? How big is hockey down there from an early age-----onwards...? Tyler Myers is a Texan, is he the big fish in Houston?
  14. Glad to know there is another Me out there with great names. Last year I had 52 Shades of Clay
  15. Did you really choose that as your name? Hahahaha. I went with Lacy in the Sky with Diamonds
  16. In the Semi-Finals with my NFL.com team despite only a 7-6 record. First round of playoffs I tied the guy but because the Commish has the settings set that division leaders get the tiebreaker, I won. Shitty deal for the other guy but I move on. My lineup is horrible too
  17. The Magnificent Seven + Others like Weinstein and Kohler.
  18. Thats about right
  19. Shawn Muller? Never heard of her.
  20. #Gains
  21. Loading up the squad for some wins
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