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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Not too shabbbbby squad
  2. ZING! There it is. Thank you! It was my personal favourite and you editing it is priceless.
  3. I played well as well
  4. Did you ever play OpticNudeshot (aka @brovy) in COD? Which COD game is your personal fave? Make a 6 person VHL All-Time starting lineup. (Member wise)
  5. So this draft is really heating up and the progression of some of the best youngsters for the future is in full swing. This week we give you a little bit of the skinny on what this draft is about and who is who. A lot of interesting storylines but also a lot of little facts about this draft that might reach someones eyes who looks to declare in the future. Give this a read over and then go recruit someone from another sim league to get their name in the rankings! Shoutout to @TheLastOlympian07 for his recruitment this week, where he was able to pull a few returnee members and a couple new ones as well!
  6. @solas I love how simple this is but at the same time it all meshes so well with its beauty
  7. Arsenal, we meet again...and again and again.
  8. CGY robots are MVP's
  9. Claimed
  10. Claimed
  11. Claimed
  12. Yeah thats a safe bet. He is the only guy that they have that puts his shot on net from the point. Alex Elder isn't playing but gosh has he taken a turn for the worst.
  13. Don't you ever talk shit about Mike Green! He had the best car in the league.
  14. I get that, but consistency is key. Dybnyk had a great 14-15 campaign and people were saying he had finally reached his potential. Then 15-16 happened and people forgot about him again. If you were to ask any person with a brain which goalie they would take to start their franchise right now, it would be Price.
  15. Just because Dubnyk has the best stats now, doesn't mean he is the best. I say that because in pro sports you need to take into fact their past couple season as well. Andrew Hammond would've been the best in the league at one point by your definition, and look at him now.
  16. Im not exactly sure what you are trying to say here. If you are trying to say: "Do I really think that the Habs D would allow someone who runs the goalie be untouched after awards?" - Yes yes I do considering they didn't do anything, like the past as well. The thing is is that Henrique was also pushed into the goalie on his way to the net and the Habs D just looked around for a penalty. I get the act of drawing penalties, but pushing guys into your prized possession isn't the way to do it. I like Carey standing up for himself because Carey is a good guy, a good goalie and to a certain degree he deserves to be protected. However, going by the rules that is a match penalty.
  17. I wasn't sure if it was just one or not.
  18. Not Habs hating at all. In fact I will point out that Petry pulled Palmieri away from price, he didn't hold him down like the rest of the internet thinks. When a guy is pushed from behind into your goalie, what exactly is the player supposed to do to avoid the goalie? I think the Habs need a lesson on not pushing opposing players backs so close to a sprawled out goaltender who happens to be the most valuable player to any team. It says a lot afterwards that the only person that ever stands up for Price, is Carey Price himself. Like Smarch said, the team is very soft and they will be smoked again down the line. I don't at all think Carey is in the wrong, and if I got hit I'd protect myself as well. But no one was being dirty before that. The Habs brought that upon their own goalie.
  19. You obviously read into my comment the wrong way. The Habs whopped NJ on the score. It was the physical aspect that was strange. Palmieri was shoved into Price and then Price got some blocker shots in. Those blocker shots should've been a match penalty, not that it mattered in that game anyways but that's the rules. Habs are classic at pushing opposing players in and then screaming at the refs. It's getting to be a script with them.
  20. Price had a hard time with NJ a few days ago and it sucked to see him get bumped a lot because he is the best goalie in the league. It's just funny because the majority of the time his own team was pushing forwards into him, much like Kreider in the past. I remember Habs fans scream blooding murder even though Markov had caused the injury. But hey, only the Habs can have excuses for not fighting.
  21. Yeah that would be hard to really own up to at the end. I mean from what I know, Emelin is a strong hockey player and fighting wouldn't be a bad idea.
  22. Oh the follow up was total pussy mode. The hit itself was great and I'd encourage that. Emelin does have a reputation for never facing the music though. But come on Smarch, this is a team that complains when their defensemen run opposing players into Carey Price, they are not the brightest stars in the sky.
  23. 4-1 CGY
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