Busy week over in the VHLM. We were informed earlier this season that @JB123 was stepping down from his role as GM of the San Diego Marlins at the end of the season. Then, over the last couple of days, @Alex was named as the new GM of the HC Davos Dynamo in the VHL, and he decided to turn this GM poach into a double GM poach, bringing @N0HBDY along with him to act as his AGM, vacating the GM roles in Philadelphia and Mississauga, respectively. @diamond_ace and I would like to thank the three of them for their runs as GMs with us. You were all fun to work with, and you will all truly be missed. However, we're excited to see how you do in your future projects.
In the end, this all means we opened the application for one spot, but we need to hire three different people to fill all these roles. It's a good thing that we haven't ran out of great candidates yet! So, our three new General Managers are going to be:
Congrats to the three of you, and good luck this upcoming season!