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Everything posted by McWolf

  1. How are the Vancouver Wolves doing so good? In this three-league era, during which clickers were mostly banished to the new middle league, I expected the teams at the top to look kind of the way they've looked for a couple of seasons now - filled with stars and role players, with nothing in between. But Vancouver is kind of creating a meta of their own. Truth is, the past meta might not have been viable under this new set of rules, with the depth players now being at least 350 TPE to even be eligible to play in the VHL, pushing them a whole salary bracket over the 250 TPE depth players of before. While others are trying to replicate it to various degree of success, Vancouver is doing their own thing - 7 forwards and 5 defensemen, one extra per position, without a single player crossing the 700 TPA mark. And I'm all for it. Down with the Goliathes (Goliaths?), led by a couple of kTPE players, go to the Davids joining forces and actually winning the war.
  2. @Kelsier is my kind of goon
  3. Long weekend, forgot to do tasks. 150 words and fast cause I wanna sleep. Go. - Scoring is out of control in the VHLM. It most certainly has to do something with our new rule. We might have to rethink it in the future. But for now, it's a great time to be a forward and a bad time to be a goaltender. - Talking of which, where are the goalies? Finding spots for goalies has been an issue for so long that the warning at the creation as been up for them for literally as long as the warning toggle has existed, but the future goaltending picture looking so bleak, it had to be toggled off for now. Let's just say that Beketov's goalie is going to have close to no competition when it comes to being the goaltender with the most TPE, and for a long time too. - London is doing surprisingly well. We're hanging around 500, which is better than I honestly expected.
  4. he was picked earlier D - Reylynn Reinhart D - Jiggly Gumballs @Advantage
  5. F Aloe Dear F Taro Tsujimoto @Advantage
  6. yeah, players retiring this week can play the season, but he retired last Sunday.
  7. 3rd and 4th line would still play. The ice time% isn't exact. It's like how the coach will try to do it, but they still rotate the lines, and the 3rd and 4th won't just have 0-second shifts. They'll play. And yeah, I guess active players losing ice time is the disadvantage of going this way, but if the last couple of seasons are any indication, teams will mostly be full by the time the playoffs start. Teams running two lines would be outliers at that point and should not be rewarded with the advantage of double shifting their better players.
  8. Hi everyone. McWolf here with a couple of announcements. 1 - Revamped Rulebook Since I was hired as VHLM Commissioner last offseason, I decided that my first big project would be to re-organize the rulebook. Most of the information that we needed to function was in it already, but it was necessarily easy to find or understand. There were years and years of changes added on top of each others until it felt like the whole thing was held together by duct tape and the hope that we wouldn't need to look for stuff in it too often. So I did revamp the whole thing tonight. Copied the format from the VHL rulebook, and also copied some parts from it, in cases where our rules are similar and inconsistent wording would be confusing more than anything else. One more thing that I also didn't like about the rulebook was that there no traces of the changes that happened in it over the years, so I'll do my best to keep that updated when we do make change some rules in the future. VHLM Rulebook. 2 - Double shifting In an nth attempt to make sure everyone follows the VHLM Prime Directive, which is that the development and retention of new member should prevail over competition, we have decided to limit double shifting. The new rules appear in sections 2.1 and 2.2. In the past, teams were encouraged to make offers to waivers until they reached a certain amount of players. While it was mostly successful, it was tough to have all 12 teams follow suite. Most times, the result was that the teams that were the best at recruiting were actually at a disadvantage over the others, because they were filling their 3rd and 4th lines with newly-created, low-TPE, players, while some teams that were half-assing recruitment were coasting with 2 top tier lines repeated onto the two bottom lines. Trying to track down which GM offered to which player to see if they made a genuine effort to recruit new players or not was more often than not a mess, so we decided to give an incentive to teams that recruited better. With double shifting being disallowed (except for lines 3 and 4), teams that have less than 9 forwards and 6 defensemen will be forced to play 0 TPE bots - over which even newly-created, low-TPE, players would be an upgrade. 3 - Inactive Players Coming Back To Activity We had a situation last season, where a player was released after they went inactive for the required 3 weeks, only to come back and sign with a different team. To prevent players from using inactivity as a weapon to change team as they see fit, and to penalize the team that sign or acquired the player in the first place, we are going to allow the teams releasing inactive players a priority claim if they do come back to activity. 4 - Conditional Trades The rulebook previously said that conditional trades weren't allowed, though they had been for a couple of seasons, under the condition that the general managers would keep track of the conditions themselves. Well, starting now, we're adopting the VHL way and allowing them altogether, as long as the condition is set to be resolved before the end of the upcoming offseason. A couple of other things were slightly changed here and there in the rulebook, but the rest of these changes are pretty much just tiny details and fixes to break in continuity between the rules that have been in place for a long time in the VHL and rules that, for some reasons, were slightly different in the VHLM. It'll make a lot more sense for everyone involved if we keep the details similar when it's possible. McWolf cc: @VHLM Commissioner @VHLM GM
  9. McWolf

    VHLM Rulebook

    Changelog (22-09-2021) Rearranged and reworded most of the rulebook. Adjusted TPE threshold mentions throughout the rulebook to reflect the new 199 limit for VHLM players. Formerly 1. VHLM GMs: Removed, unnecessary. Formerly 2. VHLM Player Rights: Removed. The section had a bunch of different information than can now be found in 2 - Rosters, 3 - Waivers, 5 - Dispersal Draft, and a bunch of outdated information. Formerly 3. Finances - Pay for ALL Act: Amended to 2 - Rosters. Formerly 4. VHLM TPE Restriction: Amended to 2 - Rosters. Formerly 6. VHLM Graduation Bonus: Removed, will be reworked with the addition of the VHLE between the VHLM and VHL. Formerly 7. VHLM Practice Facility: Removed, the practice facility is now claimed directly on the portal. Formerly 9. Releasing Players & Inactivity Release Rule: Amended to 1 - VHLM Prime Directive. Formerly 11. Draft Picks: Amended to 4 - Trades and 5 - Dispersal Draft. Formerly 14. Draft Lottery: Amended to 5 - Dispersal Draft. Formerly 15. Commissioners Cup: Removed. Formerly 16. Juniors: Amended to 2 - Rosters and simplified. We don't exactly need an exhaustive set of rule for the farm system. The details will be up to the Commissioners if they need to enable them. 1.1. Releasing Inactive Players: Added the part about teams releasing inactive players having a priority claim on them if they come back to activity, to prevent players from using inactivity rules as a way to get out of a team and into a new team. 2.1. Roster Size: Changed the requirements for teams to be considered full. 2.2. Lines: Added. Preventing teams from double shifting players will inevitably give incentives for teams to actively offer spots to new players, so that they can replace 0 TPE bots with these new players. 4 - Trades: Changed. Pretty much copy-pasted rules from the VHL Rulebook. Rules were basically the same already, but they were worded differently which made it confusing. The only notable change is in 4.3. Conditional Trades, with conditional trades now being allowed, under the same rules as the VHL. 6.4. Tampering: Added. Copy-pasted from the VHL Rulebook. Rule existed in the VHLM forever too, but wasn't in the official rulebook.
  10. It's mostly natural progression, and also trading for Lexi Glass, but Moscow looks like a legit team this season. I've been a GM for about 10 seasons, overall, if we count the stints in the VHLM, and I've never played for myself. I think the fit would be right with where the team is heading though, so I'd love to be able to draft myself in S81. I used to be team cat, but since then I have had a dog and I have completely switched. I want dogs, for sure. 1. What did you think of the draft streams that happened this weekend? 2. Which team is the most cursed, in your opinion? 3. Who should the VHLE MVP Trophy be named after?
  11. 29B69133T7201260A\n doubles week 5 uncapped 1mil
  12. We miss you already Quik. Thanks for everything you've done over the years. You take care
  13. McWolf

    HOU/MIA; S80

    at least it's not two picks from the same draft
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