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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. 7.5
  2. 6.25
  3. 6.69
  4. 7.25 @rjfryman
  5. 5.25
  6. Christmas is good because of
  7. FiRsT
  8. Ducking Davis
  9. Im here for my butt check up
  10. Perry good GG
  11. Even Vancouver is stunned by the luck of their success
  12. Hello, VHL. Usually with my VHL.com articles I spend my time doing a quick little blab about random things throughout the league or something silly to get people talking.. HOWEVER.. this week we’re going to go the personal route and let the members in on some things going on in Bana’s life. As I’ve always tried to tell people, the world is different and at times difficult but there’s a lot of positivity left in it and things will only get better. Now, let’s dip into things... because they’re pretty damn big! Let’s start with the biggest??? 1. As a lot know, my girlfriend was diagnosed with a tumor in May, and did a biopsy in June and July (the first one they fucked up the sample). In august we learned she had diffuse large b-cell lymphoma which is an aggressive form of cancer of the blood etc. It was also a good sized tumor.. Pretty scary, difficult times... especially because she can’t get sick and we’re finding our way each day through a pandemic full of anti-mask wearers and angry people lol.. she lost her hair and chemo took a pretty strong hit to her... there was some very rough days for her especially as it went on (and me too, but she’s the one who has it).. but this is not about those bad days, sleepless/sick nights etc.. HOWEVER, oct 31 was their final planned chemo cycle (#4) and then we waited until December 9th for a PET scan etc to see how things are... and based off their findings... SHES 100% clear.. just needs to check up every 3 months as it could come back etc.. woo hoo! 2. I’ve quit smoking. Both things. Nah, not crack. Mariguana in September and I quit smoking cigarettes 31 days ago some time today.. I’ve done it once before with Champex (a pill everyday that makes smoking garbage) but this time was cold turkey and I haven’t struggled near as bad as last time.. I’m using money as my main thing but of course health too. Still grumpy days and moments and a few triggers and such for good cravings but I’ve battled through it all so far. 3. It’s fitting that this is #3 because there’s 3 of them.. but we have 3 Xmas trees up this year. We normally have two. One in the living room area, one in our bedroom... but this year we expanded to the guest bed room.. just in time for more albertan Covid restrictions haha... Keep doing good things VHL. Stay strong, stay smart and stay safe out there.. remember - it’s not just you going through it all. We’re all on this planet doing what we can to live the lives we want.
  13. @Motzaburger BEARZ steal
  14. Ya fuck me am I right
  15. I honestly put in a great amount of effort. It’s been a thing for over 5.5 years (yes, years - not seasons) with my VHLM stint as well, plus tournament gigs such as WC, WJC etc.
  16. There will never be another SEA 66-72 or whatever that era was. We’ve had quite a few good forum LR’s too. There was moments where that LR was crazy great. The LR now Id say is pretty normal. Also, don’t VHLM LR’s have like 300 members not on the team in them? If they only had members on the team, or a limited amount of extras, I’d think it would be very similar. Some VHLM teams look like VHL general.
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