Similar to the guys at work, these people will believe anything.. ANYTHING. The guys at work initially said that when schools have Covid cases, they’ll keep the kids hostage and “I’ll get my guns and get my fucking kids”. Anytime they bring stupid shit up that they’ve “seen and heard”, I remind them of how fucking stupid they are with the kids being held hostage... Trudeau paid 900Million to cover up pedo stuff even though it was during the WE scandal stuff .... Supposedly internment camps are being made in Ontario and Manitoba? “Like hitlers without the gas”.... vaccines are bad... they don’t trust doctors but one has a health concern right now and instead of going to Brad at Jiffy Lube - wow, he went to a doctor (how convenient).. it’s the same as the flu.. “I know someone who had it and they were barely sick so it’s the same for everyone”... masks are controlling but laws (barely control anything), cell phones (listen and watch your every move - cell towers always know where you at), technology (controls your ass), seat belts (it’s the law to wear it, yet.. you don’t bitch about that?), helmets or Facebook etc aren’t... bill gates is shady but Donald trump is good...
Remember that fake video that was circulating the other day? Trump is sharing it on YouTube as if it was real... but yet he wants people to believe the other side is cheating and full of shit? Come on Americans... lol
What’s scarier is all the people that are commenting are like the people I work with. If I hear something I don’t know or sounds like bull shit, it takes 10 minutes to find out the truth on whether or not it is... how come these people can’t do that? The scarier thing... it’s becoming more common, more widespread... more and more people are becoming like this. Or has it always been like this and the world just becomes more black and white as you age? I used to be a proud Albertan but man, people have become all about ME, ME, ME. They don’t care about people’s lives and Covid, they care about their “freedoms”, “oil” and their crazy ass ideologies. No one gives a shit about it anymore. People can’t even think any more and are way too far right or left...
Think about other people. You don’t have to like one another to be kind to one another. Use your head. No wonder the earth is trying to get rid of us - we’re the virus. Care more about a dollar than a human. ?