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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Good question. I want to play in an official. Don't you dare put me in some ECHL BS or I'm suing.
  2. Yes, I know. Bana was saying instead of 12, make it 4 and have each division feed their players into 1 team. Do you have a concern that once this opens up, some teams will have some players and others won't have many? Like I said, gotta see how you guys role it out. Curious. Will need tweaking. Good luck, Acyd. You da man, man.
  3. Of course. Please don't make it 12 teams, lol. Hell, do it as 4 teams and have each division or whatever feed into 1 team. Makes it more competitive and "full". More active and lively too.
  4. Strange idea, but I get the goal. You are smart. I will reserve judgement until I see it in action. Potentially, over time, it can be evolved. Who knows.
  5. So uh... is there going to be team names, logos etc for these junior teams? lmao
  6. TEAM USA CAPTAINS ASSISTANT #1 Scott Greene - @DoktorFunk ASSISTANT #2 Thomas Landry II - @Doomsday CAPTAIN AMERICA Raymond Bernard - @Mr_Hatter My trusty, strong and incredibly intelligent AGM, @rory , and myself have discussed lines and who we want to lead the way for TEAM AMERICA. While we know any man on our roster is strong enough to defeat the enemy, we have chosen these 3 amazing people, players and members to lead us to the hopeful glory land (not hole) that is all things golden, drunken and happy (this could also be hole I guess too). We extend our best wishes to the rest of the teams and do so now because after posting this, we back to kicking yo ass. See you all in #trashtalk GO USA GO!
  8. ?

    1. rory


      U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A 

  10. Rory talk about USA
  11. Rivalries can be a lot of fun! I’ve cherished many throughout the years.
  12. You can still have faith. We’re currently in a developmental phase and myself and my amazing AGM @rory are currently discussing a foreign exchange student position.
  14. Best of luck to you!
  15. Team USA has named their roster! #74WCoH

  16. Team USA Rosters F O R W A R D S Scott Greene - C - @DoktorFunk Benny Graves - C - @STZ Thomas Landry II - W - @Doomsday Robin Winter - W - @Sonnet Erik Draven - W - @Jbeezy76 John Merrick - W - @Steve D E F E N S E Michael Gary Scott - D - @Motzaburger General Zod - D - @Matt_O Randy Marsh - D - @oilmandan Tony Bolonee - D - @Tbeez99 G O A L I E S Raymond Bernard - G - @Mr_Hatter Stone Wolski - G - @DollarAndADream Congratulations! You have been selected to represent your player nation, Team USA, at the S74 World Cup of Hockey tournament. We kind of have a nice mixture of young, in the middle and older players on the team and have a great group of members to make up the roster this season. I do feel like Team USA is built nicely in all areas and we're going to have a fun time chasing gold together. Best of luck to us and all the other teams and members taking part in this fun tournament! If you want, join the WCoH Discord: https://discord.gg/r99tUpFH
  17. You all really gonna let me hire RORY?
  18. Was Rayz 417 TPE? Impressive if so
  19. Now all you need is a goalie above 350 TPE edit: knowing STHS, youre 340 TPE goalie will win goalie of the year.
  20. Sorry about your luck @thadthrasher
  21. S E A T T L E B E A R S S 7 5 C A P T A I N S A S S I S T A N T # 1 K R I S R I C E @Ricer13 A S S I S T A N T # 2 U H T R E D @leafsman C A P T A I N O D I N O M D A H L @zepheter I'll keep it short and sweet (coming back after done writing this to say LOL). Last season, the loss to Toronto was probably shocking for everyone but it's something in the sims and even real life that we have to accept. Toronto was a good group of members and it was fun to watch their enthusiasms. Moving into this season, we made a few moves and positioned ourselves once again to hopefully make the playoff and chase another championship. For me, we're entering the season with one of the scarier offensive cores going in the league right now, a complete 180 from last season where it was arguably our defensive core. These 3, including many others, have been awesome in the LR but these 3 stood out to me. Tons of people in their bleed the Bears colors and while he is new, Rice is a massive part to the LR and some I trust to help steer the team. The other 2, They're at the very top. Both of them are loyal to the bone and would do anything for the team. I've been very lucky to have both of them on the Bears and while I know a fake letter in a online league isn't much, I'm very happy to reward and show appreciation to each of you. GO BEARS GO!
  22. https://globalnews.ca/news/7448660/us-election-texts-trump/
  23. Trump was close enough. All he had to do was drop the “O” from COUNT in #STOPTHECOUNT and he finally would of been correct on something. 


    1. Banackock


      Had to fix it before Rory thought “STP”. 

    2. Mrpenguin30


      I am selling Copium if you need some.

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