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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. When is cut-off?
  2. Congrats teams
  3. Haha hoky fuck. Talk about underdog central. SUPER shitty to NYA. Should have had the series in 4 games. Good year NYA.
  4. I tried SBA, zero interest. Don't follow basketball a whole lot but am a big enough sports fan to know big players and basic shit. Likely same thing goes for football too. Just searching for maybe one more hockey one if possible... GOMHL, SHL and VHL.. Let the BURN OUT ROLLLLL That baseball league wa okay but if you wanna burn out, join that league. If you don't do the 300 PT's a week, you fall behind the TPE whores and good players - if you do do them, you have zero life because there's a new one every 3 days it seems.
  5. Good career, great player and a better person. Was great sharing an LR with you - even if it was for a short while. Take care, man. Hope to find you back on here one day!
  6. Yeah I know. Only bugging hahabana
  7. Based off regular season play, yes. Not based off overall skill and potential.
  8. Either way, too many reasons and arguement could be made. Natural feeling and all. You'll still disagree and we'll/I'll still agree. Thats okay. Good season TOR. Come back stronger after a rebuild. Maybe leave Beketov off the team. He's cursed
  9. Could be a bit of both. Should this be how the players are playing though on Seattle? Yes. is Seattle younger? Yes. Likely so. Is SEA TPE average better? It would be close but I'd say yes without including goalies.
  10. Goalies have always been weird. Look at some of King's game.. if Beketov needs and further convincing.. look at Holik. If you wanna find a goalie that chokes like Ironside, lol
  11. It's easy to find excuses when you lost.
  12. Reading that now - we're talking HSK though. Yeah. If anything, THEY make zero sense lol..
  13. Little different.. Seattle is actually a better team. Seattle, based off age and TPE, was better than Riga. Please, do me some kindness and find the avergages for TOR VS SEA and see where we stand. Maybe, opposing your theory of Seattle getting "lucky", they finally played true form and like the "better" group they were.
  14. Also, @DollarAndADream and @Beketov, since we're looking excuses - let's refer to the team stats page. Would you not say, looking at the playoff scoring totals, that Seattles looks much more realistic and normal now? 18-18-15-11-10 PT's in 9 Gp Maybe the regular season was a crapshoot for us. Underplayed (let's face it, TPE wise we weren't off TOR - NOR were we older...) and look at the losses to hsk and CGY. Pretty explainable.
  15. Presidents trophy > Stanley Cup.
  16. Everyone has that excuse. Could be the right line changes, or a whole lot of things. Gretzky and McAllister finally playing how they should? I think we can agree they should have done a hell of a lot better in the reg season. Last year it should have been TOR because of all the overtimes and was literally anyone's season and might have won the cup if they beat Seattle (but couldn't even do that - but that was an excuse). This season should have been TOR's because of luck. But it was 1 game quicker. Face it - yeah lost. Did you also know? For the longest time I was running with fucked up lines and strats? 0-1-4 on a defensive line, which if you know me and my style, wasn't on purpose. That was fixed in round 1 vs Riga and that's when we won the series after game 2. Maybe minor tweaks this round, can't even remember - but that's it. If you want to talk about weird or anything, how about a really garbage looking team anyway you look at it - beating New York and have the regular season they did.
  17. No. quebec was still shit all year
  18. I wouldn't say better... statistically in the regular season based off this past performance - sure. Number crunch and check OV/TPE. Likely be pretty close etc.. or maybe even in favour for SEA... So.. for wins.. they were better - maybe chemistry too but not necessarily players in the long run.
  19. It's been almost 10 minutes since the last sim. What the fuck @JardyB10? Trying to bore us? Let's go!

    1. JardyB10


      Suck my dick Banana dick

  20. More like DeGrath blows it.. lol
  21. Positivity, young grasshopper. Joking aside, good series. I was nervous, but more confident this season than last. Good series and good year, Toronto. Back to the finals we go! @Bring Back Chat
  22. Agreed, sure. Just busting balls
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