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About monkeywrench15

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  • Player
    Lewis Dawson
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    NJ Devils and Long walks on the birch.

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  1. We are good to go man. I don't think we ever had any personal grudges, maybe some disagreements; but nothing that would change my views of you as a good father and individual.
  2. Yes, I am stoked on being on your team again!
  3. You're a real one William!
  4. You son of a monkey nut, love you
  5. If only they allowed me too. I guess they could re-assign my player to that profile? @Beketov how does that work?
  6. That's right, I'd never leave you hanging for long!
  7. Yeah I had 8 jobs as well, but not sure if it was updated at all
  8. Everyone has my deepest apologies, except this man. JK, Hi Smarchy!
  9. We worked together a short while ago with players. It might have been when I was going into FA and you were as well with Tyson Kohler. I enjoyed that and you are an incredible writer as well
  10. Yeah the end of that run was stressful and tensions could be cut with a knife. Safe to say that's behind us and this league
  11. I think it was the fact Cologne/Quebec was hit hard with an expansion thing very well linked to the Grizzlies and Raptors not getting low picks.
  12. Likewise. I would love to move forward, with a common ground of trying to improve this league more as we go along. I appreciate your response
  13. Hello everyone, if you do not know who I am you may not have figured it out or heard through the grapevine. My is Kendrick and I used to be a member here under that username. I left on terms that weren't what I would have preferred to go out on. I have left a few leagues on better terms than this one, and I find that disappointing because for a large chunk of my time online; this was the place to be. For a while there there seemed to be some people I clashed with for whatever reasons they may be (every interaction with some users was a different experience). I won't deny that I got into it with some people when I could've either avoided it or simply bit my tongue. I owe a bunch of people apologies and a public airing of those seems the best way so they can see it here for reference. I tend to usually make private discussions to do so, but some of those people don't have discord so I don't know how to find them. Anyways, figured I'd get to the nitty gritty. First off, @Beketov. I was hard on you in the days/weeks leading up to me leaving as I was also overwhelmed with the lack of respect from others and putting pressure on you was unfair on my part. I should've handled that better and you do a stand up job at making sure things are running smoothly around here. @Tagger I think in the past I've been hard on you and it bugs me a bit because you've shown to be a man of integrity and class. I apologize for anything that I may have let get away from me. @Beaviss for a while we worked hand in hand in trying to pump this website full of new members. We saw a bunch of things fail and a bunch of things turn a recruiting profit. You're committed to it and that should tell me all I need to know about you. You really do have the VHL as a thing that you pride yourself on positively promoting. @Banackock At times I was very hard on you. I would never personally attack you as I didn't often do that with people on here (more of a passive aggressive type). You re good shit and do a standup job. Your commitment to your team and the leagues growth is something this league is lucky to have. @Victor We have gotten into it from time to time. There were periods of your reign that irked me a little because of the wishy washy rules or what not, but you also never attacked anyone and seemed to have the VHL's growth at the top of your list. @flyersfan1453 I'm not sure what exactly I did, but there was a time when you started to dislike my actions. I would appreciate a private message so I can begin to understand what it was that set us apart because when I brought you to Cologne, I was very excited and for a long period of time we worked like a good tandem. @Devise I have no clue if you will see this (because I don't know if this is your username) but I respect you, appreciate your knowledge on many different things and can always get behind your ideas when it comes to this league. @boubabi We clashed a lot. Many people have heard about the clash. It was like an oil and water sort of things. I think you're a dedicated member when you're here and you taught me a bit about graphics (something I still have room for improvement on). You've said somethings that I scratch my head at, and at times touch topics that are better left in the mud but I honestly feel that maybe it's just a bunch of different personalities that don't see eye to eye. I honestly don't feel like that pits us against each other though, you have a view on things as you are opinionated and I appreciate that. To be honest, if you didn't state your opinions on matters I'd probably be pissed because "if you have a voice, use it". To anyone else that may feel slighted by no personalized note, feel free to get ahold of me to hash things out, shoot the shit, take the piss or whatever you want to address. I've met some pretty talented, knowledgable, generous (the recent donation fund was great to see!) & inspiring people here and I don't think that will change. For some that may need some air to be cleared. In relation to my voting habits, for a long period of time I was a very unbiased voter for league awards and trophies. A few times I did vote biased because I did see some other members pump their own tires when I felt it wasn't justified. Not saying it was a reactionary thing, but I let my own emotions get in the way of voting. There were times when my personal life seemed like it was raked over hot coals for some to destroy; which I felt pretty disappointed in. I'm a good man, work hard and yes at times wear my heart on my sleeve but I do think this site has grown and I still feel there is more positive growth coming it's way. Thank you for reading, enjoy your day!
  14. Lewis Dawson was wondering where he would be selected in yesterdays VHL Entry Draft. It turns out he will be headed to Sweden. However, since Dawson was also selected in the VHLM Dispersal draft, chances are he heads to Ottawa first. Dawson will likely start his VHL career in the VHLM with Ottawa and that could teach him a few things about different aspects of his game. Dawson is a very two-way thinking player and has a strong knack for checking the opposing team but also setting up plays in the other end. Dawson will look to learn from some VHL veterans and coaching staff in the Malmo training camp this year. Lewis isn't one to shy away from being taught new things in his game. His face-offs were a point of teaching last year by the Mexico City coaching staff and it ended up helping him big time going forward.
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