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Posts posted by Girts

  1. Yes you read that correctly. Girts Galvins had a 17 shot game in the last sim vs Vancouver. The first thing that comes to mind is what the hell is going on in Vancouver that they are allowing someone to take 17 shots in a game, is the entire team drunk or is this some kind of mega rebuild with a very weak roster? We have to think it's the latter, that being said Warsaw took 83 shots in the game as a team and won 5-2. Girts Galvins 17 shots made up 20% of the shots taken for Warsaw in this game as you could say he was "feeling it." He somehow scored ony 1 goal, but also had an assist and was 2nd star of the game. The 17 shots really stands out though, I don't know if this is a record or how many shots other players have been getting against Vancouver but it's pretty exciting to see Galvins rack up such big shot totals in a game. Now with 17 goals on the season as well, he's already obliterated his rookie season total of 7 goals. Without question one of the names in the conversation for break out player of the year.  

  2. On 7/16/2022 at 10:05 PM, Rhynex Entertainment said:

    Warsaw Predators Press Conference :war:

    Week Ending Sunday, July 24th, 2022

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.


    1. We are half way done S84 and in a good position. How is your player doing with regards to preseason expectations?


    2. Who has been your favourite player to play with in the VHL?


    3. Which team does your player love to play against the most in the VHL?


    4. We mustered a "Gold" number of shots (79) against Vancouver and still end up losing, tell me what your thoughts are on that game?


    5. NHL free agency began with a bang! What have surprised you so far? How has your favourite team done?


    6. What day of the week do you normally finish your weekly TPE tasks?

    1.  My player is doing about what  expected this season, just under a point per game about a good amount of goals with 15. Of course I'd like a few more but that's twice as many as I scored last season! 


    2. I've had some good linemates in my short career but I'd probably say Vasile Lamb has been my favorite so far, we've had good chemistry on a line this season. 


    3. Right now is those jerks in Moscow, they won't go away and let us back into 1st place where we belong. 


    4. My thoughts on that game are: POOP


    5. I think like everyone I was surprised at Gaudreau leaving Calgary for Columbus, I mean wtf. My team hasn't done anything to write home about yet. 


    6. Sometimes sunday the last minute, unless i have some time mid week like now. 

  3. Since I'm relatively new member to the league I thought in celebrating 15 years of the VHL it'd be interesting to look at some of the top members over this period of time. I decided to go with the Top 15 Member Reputations since I assume that would be a good representation of members who have contributed a lot of positive things to the league. Now being new I don't know a lot about most of these members but recognize some names from around the site. 


    1. Viktor. Reputation: 9,704 - Wow this guy is the King of reputation, over 2k more rep than the next person. I can only imagine the great stuff he's contributed over the years. He's listed as an admin which makes sense given his high rep and positive feedback. 


    2. Boom. Reputation: 7,310 - Coming in 2nd is the member Boom, that's a lot of rep and this member must have been around a long time and contributed a lot of good stuff to the league. Well done. 


    3. Beketov. Reputation: 7,086 - 3rd place goes to the current commissioner who's name I definitely recognize and have seen first hand his contributions to the site since I've been here. Always good natured and humorous while taking care of business, thanks Beketov. 


    4. Banackock. Reputation: 6,560 - A name I have seen around attached to Seattle who recently won the cup, this member is their GM and apparently puts in a lot of work in the role and has for a while as he has a very high rep. 


    5. Beavis. Reputation: 4,936 - Rounding out the top 5 is Beavis who's listed as an Admin, great name and avatar so this member must be a bit of a character and obviously has contributed a lot to the league. Hopefully he is repaid with TP for his bunghole. 


    6. Gustav. Reputation: 4,856 - Just behind Beavis is Gustav who's listed as BOG which I assume is Board of Governers, which must mean this member is well trusted and has done a lot for the league over the years. I don't know him but must be solid. 


    7. Phil. Reputation: 4,755 - Phil is a member who must've been around a while and I think I've seen the name a bit since I've been here. I assume this member has contributed a lot to the site. 


    8. boubabi. Reputation: 4,723 - Another member who's probably been here a while and contributed a lot of things people liked, Good rep and also post count for this member. 


    9. Kendrick. Reputation: 4,700 - This member also has the most posts on the site with over 55,000 which is really amazing. I recognize this name from them commenting on my graphics, must be a super active member and obviously here a long time and contributed a lot


    10. STZ. Reputation: 4,561 - Rounding out the top 10 is STZ who's name and avatar I have noticed since I've been here, his post count is quite a bit lower than the others in the top 10 but he must make quality content and is very well liked to have such high rep, about half as much rep as posts! 


    11. Will. Reputation: 4,551 - Listed a Senior Administrator I can only imagine this member has been around a long time and is a trusted member who's done a lot for the league, his title makes him seem like he's a top 5 guy in the league. 


    12. Squidward. Reputation: 4,506 - A member who apparently appreciates the stanley cup and spongebob, this member has probably been around the site a long time and contributed a lot of positive content. 


    13. Devise. Reputation: 4,455 - Also listed as an Admin, the 3rd on this list, Devise must have built up a good rep over the years and is a trusted site member to be on the admin team. Keep the good work whatever you are doing. 


    14. gorlab. Reputation: 4,320 - A member who I assume has contributed a lot of content that is well received as their rep is about half of their post count, to me this means whatever the post people must like a lot, quality over quantity. 


    15. Jardyb10. Reputation: 4,177 - A member with a very high post count of almost 40k who has probably been here a very long time and contributed a lot of good stuff to the site. I feel like I've seen this name around since I've been here. 


    That's your VHL Top 15 Member Reputation ranks over the past 15 years, again I wish I knew more about these members but it's good for a new member like myself to learn these things. I'll be looking out for their posts and maybe even giving them some more rep! 



  4. We are here today to officially JINX the Moscow Menace so they start playing worse and once again fall behind the superior Warsaw Predators team. Recently Moscow has been hot going 9-1 in their last 10 and leapfrogging Warsaw who had been in 1st basically the whole season. Warsaw is still playing well but hit a slight skid going 5-3-2 in their last 10. Warsaw's human like play has allowed Moscow to move past them into 1st place in the European Division by 3 points, however Warsaw has a game at hand. When we asked Warsaw GM Dakota Lamb if he was worried he had this to say.. "Look, we've been in 1st all season and we'll be in 1st again when it counts at the end of the season, I figured let's be nice and let Moscow be in first for a week or so at the middle of the season because then when we pass them down the stretch it will be more devastating for them." An interesting plan by the legendary GM, it's also been reported that Girts Galvins purchased a Moscow Jersey online and has put it in his freezer in order to ice Moscow's winning streak. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Rhynex Entertainment said:

    Warsaw Predators Press Conference :war:

    Week Ending Sunday, July 17rd, 2022

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.


    1. We've had an amazing week of hockey and now we're in first place! What changed that gave us such an impressive offensive and defensive boost?


    2. All of a sudden, the North American conference seem to have a tougher pool than the European conference. Has the European conference gotten weaker this season or is this just a facade?


    3. We've resigned a lot of players and are in a very good position, do we need to bring in another star to bring us over the top?


    4. What made you choose to resign with Warsaw/ what would help make up your mind to resign with Warsaw?


    5. What is your favourite goal song?


    6. Did the results of the NHL draft surprise you? 


    1. We definitely had a great week, I think we just finally started getting some puck luck and a few bounces, that on top of great line management by our gm's and we are just locked in. 


    2. I think we are a better conference because Warsaw is the best team in the league! So any conference we are is automatically the best! But yeah NA confernece seems to have some parity this season which is good. 


    3. Not sure maybe a 4th defenseman but that's probably it, our group is looking very strong for the next few seasons at least


    4. I re-signed because we have a great team and friendly supportive people. Our GM's are great and there was really no reason not to sign again with the team being on the upswing and looking like a serious contender for the forseeable future. 


    5. Brass Bonzanza the old hartford whalers goal song is the GOAT


    6. Yes I did not expect to see shane wright fall to 4 so it was kind of crazy but fun to watch, some good trades also. Outside of Wright no big surprises except maybe Lambert and Howard falling to the end of round 1 and Kemmel went a little later than I expected. 

  6. The Warsaw Predators have surged into 1st place in the European Conference on the heels of a 6 game winning streak. Their current record through 16 games is 12-4-0 good for 24 points. They've scored 55 goals in 16 games which is good for 2nd in the European conference and 3rd in the entire league. This year's Predators team is looking like a serious contender for the cup and other teams have taken notice. Recently Bo Johannson of the 1st place Chicago Phoenix in the North American Conference was quoted as saying "Wow the Predators are looking scary this season, my Bratislava boys Galvins and Payne have taken a big step forward and with the rest of the stars on that team they are going to be tough to beat in the playoffs." We'd have to agree with that statement and we could even see a Chicago-Warsaw cup finals which would be great for the league. 

  7. 19 hours ago, Rhynex Entertainment said:

    Warsaw Predators Press Conference :war:

    Week Ending Sunday, July 10th, 2022

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.


    1. We are 6 - 3 - 0 after the first week of sims, what are your thoughts after the first 9 games?


    2. How has your player's production been over the first week of S84?


    3. Everyone has found themselves on the score sheet at least a few times so far, and the majority are Plus players, but we're Even in the Goals differential so far, what changes do you feel is necessary for us to start playing to our potential?


    4. What is your players pre-game meal/ pre-game ritual?


    5. What does your player do away from the game during the season?


    6. Which is your favourite NHL team?


    1. I think we've done very well through the 1st 9 games and 6-3 is about realistically what I would expect in terms of winning % so I think if we can maintain that we'llbe in good shape this season. 


    2. My production has been great and I'm very pleased. I believe I had 8 points thru 8 games, 4 goals 4 assists which is fantastic. It feels good to produce and help the team win games. 


    3. I think we just have to get some puck luck, we have one real bad game and let up 8 so I think that's skewing things a bit. Either that or it's or bot D but we can overcome that as a team with team D. 


    4. Pre-game meal I like to carb load, eat a big pasta dinner around 4pm with meatballs. This was our pre-game meal irl in high school hockey as a team at a restuarant in town. Otherwise just visualize and relax before the game. 


    5. Away from the game during the season I basically work out and sleep. Play some video games and watch tv. 


    6. LA Kings

  8. 20 hours ago, ajwllmsn said:

    Ever since you stepped foot in Vegas we knew you would be a star in this league. Great to see you bounce back already from a quiet season prior! Good luck and you also have my vote for most improved! :)

    Thanks so much! You and mubbles got me started and I never slowed down! :)

  9. Last season it somehow took Girts Galvins 47 games to score his first goal... this season he scored his 1st goal in his first game and already has 2 goals and 4 points in Warsaw's first 4 games! The favorite for S84's Most Improved Player is off to a great start and has already fired 23 shots on goal! With a point per game so far he's on pace to shatter last seasons total of 27 points. Keep an eye on Girts production this season as many people chose him for most improve player in their award predictions and we think he has a great shot at it! Warsaw as a team is off to a hot start at 3-1 with some dominant victories as the team seems to really be clicking with their new addition Vasile Lamb who has 7 points through 4 games. Sophomore defenseman Brian Payne is also off to a hot start with 7 points, 15 hits and 16 blocks through 4 games! Everyone is playing great for Warsaw and they look to be a serious contender this season! 

  10. On 6/27/2022 at 2:08 AM, Rhynex Entertainment said:

    Warsaw Predators Press Conference :war:

    Week Ending Sunday, July 3rd, 2022

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.


    1. S84 HYPE. With the season starting this week, where do you predict we'll end up in the standings come season end?


    2. I'm not sure about you, but it feels like a long off season even though S83 one was longer. What length of an off season do you feel is best?


    3. What city do you feel would be a good host for a VHL club?


    4. We introduced the Hybrid stats building system last season, is there one Hybrid stat that you feel should be different? (ie. DK instead of improving PH and DF, it could be for PH and SC; etc.)


    5. Thoughts on the 1 TPE "award" for a player winning a personal award?


    6. NHL draft hype! Upcoming NHL draft does not appear to have a "superstar" but many top end talent in the first round. Who do you feel Montreal will choose 1st Overall in Montreal?

    1. We're finishing 1st in our division, no question about it. Nobody is on our level. Yes I'm confident but that's what it takes to win. 


    2. It felt ok, maybe a little long so I'd say however long this one was let's go with 3 days shorter. 


    3. Gonna have to go with Rekjavic Iceland here, the land was named after ice, it deserves a hockey team. 


    4. They need to exchange one of the ones that adds strength and replace it with scoring. We don't really need strength and it ends up being too high and kind of a waste imo. 


    5. Should be more than 1tpe, awards are rare, I will probably never win one but if I do it'd be nice to get like 5tpe for it. Maybe 3 at the least. 1 is nothing. I fart 1tpe. 


    6. Montreal should choose Shane Wright 1s overall because they need a center. I think Slafkovsky will be a more offensive player when it's all said and done but Montreal can't pass up a Canadian kid who's been touted as 1st overall since birth. Make the pick. 

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