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Posts posted by Girts



    Warsaw's sophomore sniper Girts Galvins is gearing up for a big season in S84. He's already announced a new stick sponsorship with Sher-Wood now he's happy to announce a new skate Sponsorship with Bauer! That's right, Galvins will be wearing Bauer's top of the line skates this season, Bauer Vapor Hyperlites! This is the elite skate on the scene today and features a choice of 3 specializes blades. Galvins has chosen the Carbonite blades which are made from ultralight carbon fiber and are 35% lighter than traditional steel. They also feature increased torsional flex for more acceleration and power in every stride. I simple terms, Galvins is going to be fucking flying out there like nobody has ever seen before. Experts predict this will be one of the biggest break out seasons the VHL has seen in a long time. There will be no containing Girts Galvins when he hits the ice in his new Bauer Vapor Hyperlites on opening night!


  2. On 6/19/2022 at 5:06 AM, Rhynex Entertainment said:

    Warsaw Predators Press Conference :war:

    Week Ending Sunday, June 26, 2022

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.


    1. Training camp is open and the team looks great for Season 84! What are your player's season expectation for S84?


    2. GM @dlamb made a Blockbuster Trade to snatch up (himself) Vasile Lamb, a former 1st overall selection, from the New York Americans. Thoughts on the trade? Did we give up too much? Or perhaps was it a steal?


    3. Heading into S84, as of right now we have 2 players under contract beyond the coming season. This makes S84 a pivotal season. Is the number of players in their contract year a cause for concern?


    4. With the start of S84 just around the corner and the S83 Awards about to be presented, let's have a look back at S83. What are your thoughts of how the first hybrid season went for the league?


    5. Does donating to the VHL give people a more competitive edge? What are your thoughts on the concept of pay-to-win, in general?


    6. Tampa is down 0 - 2 to Colorado heading home to Game 3. They just got smoked 7 - 0 in game 2. Has fatigue finally caught up to Tampa Bay Lightning? Or is Colorado just that good?


    @Scurvy  - in response

    I'm a pretty busy guy irl but trying to be more involved in the VHL community. As this is my first time taking an AGM position, I bring @dlamb a bit of assistance and a second brain to help build not just a winner but a franchise


    @MetalToday - in response

    @dlamb has taught me lots in the VHL. Thought it'll be great to learn the other side of things and get more involved in the community. Warsaw is a great team (almost got traded here with RE, so I'm finally here)


    1. I've completed training camp and am expecting big things in S83 for myself and the team. I think we can go deeper in the playoffs and I think I can approach 30 goals, that's my expectations for this season. 


    2. dlamb trading for dlamb is always a great move. You have to get your own player on your own team and sometimes it's costs a lot but there aren't many players like dlamb in the league, this was a win for Warsaw. 


    3. Having a lot of players in a contract year can be a concern but if you run a good team and everyone is happy then shouldn't be worried about players re-signing.


    4. I thought it was an ok season, warsaw did great but my player did poorly and had a large drop in points coming out of the minors, so I have mixed feelings about the first season with the new attributes. 


    5. I think it does give people and edge if it's buying tpe. Not everyone can do that or will do that, so yes it's an advantage and I'm not crazy about the idea since I haven't done it and won't be doing it. I'm still top 15 or so in tpe in my class even with starting late. 


    6. Colorado looked great in game 2, but I think tampa will rebound in game 3 and in fact they just did winning 6-2. 

  3. Last year's Rookie Girts Galvins didn't exactly score as many goals as he had hoped for coming into the VHL. Obviously his hockey stick is to blame so he dumped his previous sponsor Easton Synergy and is going back to his roots with Sherwood. However he is not using their top of the line new all composite sticks, he's going back to the old school all wood sticks he used as a boy in Latvia. The Sherwood pmp 7000 is going to be his stick this season and he takes on the role of one of a few VHL pros using all wood sticks. There's only a few, actually he may be the only one using a wood stick, but we'll see how it goes. The rate Galvins plans on scoring this season we expect Sherwood pmp 7000's to become the best selling stick on the market as kids throw away their 200 dollar composite sticks and opt for the 39 dollar old school wood stick. Should be a fun season for Girts as he brings back the wood stick to the masses! 



  4. On 6/14/2022 at 11:27 PM, Rhynex Entertainment said:

    Warsaw Predators Press Conference :war:

    Week Ending Sunday, June 19, 2022

    Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE.


    1. As your new AGM of the Warsaw Predators, what could you tell me about your player that you would deem useful and helpful?


    2. S83 has ended. How did you felt your player did overall?


    3. The European Conference was a gong show of powerhouses facing one another, but the championship trophy end up staying in the North American Conference, what do you suggest that could help bring the Cup over to Europe?


    4. What is your player doing in this off season before the gruesome S84?


    5. NHL Stanley Cup Finals between Tampa and Colorado is starting tomorrow, who's going to win it all?


    6. What is one thing you would like to know about me?



    1. Hey congrats on the new job and welcome to warsaw! My player Girts Galvins is a sniper who is coming into just his 2nd season in the league. I'm a quiet but hard working player who will reach high tpe levels and help us win a championship in the near future. 


    2. S83 my rookie season was not what I had hoped for stats-wise but we had a good season as a team. I'm hoping in year 2 I get more ice time and can contribute more and be a key player. 


    3. Someone needs to nerf Seattle. But in reality I think if the European teams keep working hard eventually we will win. 


    4. I'm working my butt off to come into the season as good as possible, did a re-roll and am ready to help us win a championship in S84. 


    5. I think Colorado will take it, but won't be easy because Tampa is very experienced. It's currenty 2-0 Colorado and they looked dominant in game 2 but I think tamp will still make it a series. 


    6. Sorry I don't know anything about you because im not that active socially in this league, so I guess I'd want to know your previous experience in management and how you think that can help bring Warsaw to the top! 

  5. Girts Galvins rookie season is in the books and while he didn't light the world on fire on the scoresheet, he had a great run with Warsaw getting some playoff experience and learning what it takes to win in the VHL. Looking ahead to his 2nd season he's more prepared and knows what to expect. He had a rough time getting going with the new attribute system but has a good plan for season 2 and re-rolling his tpe to maximize his effectiveness and add to the scoresheet much more in season two. One of the hardest working players on the team he's coming into the season with over 600tpe and should get some powerplay time this season which should help his stats and hopefully the team. Galvins was always a dynamite player on the powerplay in the VHLE and VHLM so he knows how to produce there and should be in for a good year. Hopefully Girts Galvins has a monster sophomore season for Warsaw and helps lead the them the championship. He's poised, motivated and ready for greatness! 

  6. 2 hours ago, Berocka said:

    Q1. @Banackockis a bit of a controversial character, but you can't doubt he knows how to win cups. Do you think Seattle can follow it up next season?

    Q2. Who do you think will be 1st overall in all three drafts?

    Q3. What is your favourite offseason activity


    1. Seattle seems to know how to win and had a great season, I don't know much about Banackock but team-wise if they stay together they probably have a good chance to win next season. 


    2. Hmm.. I don't know the players well so I'll go with whoever is the #1 tpe in each draft class. 


    3. Favorite off-season activity has to be golf, always enjoy spending a day outside chasing the little white ball around and of course losing a few. 


    1. What are you looking forward to for your player going into next season?

    2. How did you like the first season with the new attributes, will you be re-rolling your tpe?

    3. Favorite kind of potato chips, bran and flavor. 

  7. 1 hour ago, JeffD said:

    1. Do you play video games? If you do what is your favourite of all time? 

    This is a tough one, but I have played Skyrim more than I want to admit. 


    1 hour ago, JeffD said:

    2. Who is currently your favourite player in the VHL outside of your own?

    I don't know tons of VHL players so I will say my teammate in Warsaw and also from Bratislava Brian Payne, he's awesome. 

    1 hour ago, JeffD said:

    3. If you had to choose one stat (Goals, assists, penalty minutes etc.) to lead the VHL in for a season, which would it be?

    Definitely goals, my player is a sniper so that'd be a lot of fun to lead the league. 



    1. Currently in the NHL playoffs it looks like Colorado will make the finals, who would you rather see them play NY or Tampa? 


    2. If your VHL player could be sponsored by a company or brand who would it be? 


    3. What is your favorite music album of all time? 

  8. Warsaw's Latvian sniper Girts Galvins played his first two career VHL playoff games yesterday and it was a special experience as he got to do it in his home country of Latvia! Many of Girts friends and family were at the 2 games vs the Riga Reign. The first game was a close one but saw Warsaw lose 3-1. Galvins had a solid game with 3 shots and a block in 20 minutes of icetime. Game 2 Girts came out flying and scored his first career playoff goal just 1:26 into the game, a partial breakaway where he roofed it over a sprawling Tobias Reinhart for his first goal, assisted by Zack Kissingler. Girts took 3 shots in the game in only 16:58 of icetime as there was a lot of special teams play and penatlies. Warsaw won the game 6-2 and tie the series heading back to Warsaw for games 3 and 4. It was a special experience for Girts to play a playoff game in his home country and one he will surely never forget. 

  9. Coming into the league a couple seasons back as a new player I needed a lot of help figuring out what to do each week, tpe opportunities, how the league worked, etc. There was a lot to get comfortable with and I was a bit of a deer in the head lights. There were a couple people who really helped me my first season in various ways and I appreciate them greatly. My first GM's in the VHLM for the Las Vegas Aces @MubbleFubblesand @ajwllmsn were huge helps to me in my first season and not sure I'd still be here without them. They were always available and nicely answered all my noob questions, they even created a forum discussion thread for me to interact with the team as I am not a discord user. Mubbles spent countless hours talking with me about my player and discussing the sim, it was very helpful to a new member and I really appreciate all their time. They did a great job as GM for the team that season and are one of the main reasons I'm still here, they made sure my player had a good season and it got me hooked. 


    Next people I'd like to thank are my GM's in Bratislava my 2nd season in the league @FrostBeardand @Shindigs who took the place of Mubbles and AJ as my go to people for questions and help as I was still pretty new and needed continued guidance on what to do, what was available as a 2nd year player, etc. They made sure I didn't miss any tpe opportunities and also put me in spots to succeed in the line up and I had another great season which I enjoyed, building on my 1st season. Can't thank them enough for all the time they gave helping me as a member. Also shindigs and I pm'd a ton about the sim and he chatted with me about sim trends and shared all his fancy stat analysis and graphs, I knew myself and the team was in good hands and it was fun to learn from him, much thanks. 


    Now in the VHL I'd like to thank my current GM @dlambfirst for having the confidence to draft me 17th overall as a new member and secondly for all the help he's given me, again being available to answer my questions and also support me during what was kind of a tough rookie season for my player. He made sure I knew that my work and effort on tpe earning was not going unnoticed and it definitely helped me and kept me motivated. I'd also like to thank and give a shoutout to my teammate of 2 seasons now between two leagues @Scurvy it's been fun being on the same team in Bratislava and Warsaw and I always love seeing the sig I made you in your posts around the league. Thanks man. 


    One last thanks to @Spartanwho denied one my pathetic graphic PT's early on and when explaining why he told me about pixlr website and that's what I've used since. It's been way better for graphics, they actually look decent now and I've enjoyed making them every week. Without him telling me about that website I'd probably still be making terrible graphics and getting them denied lol. So thanks for denying that one and being cool enough to help me find a way to get better and continue to earn tpe. 



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