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Everything posted by Nykonax

  1. RW - Duncan Idaho @dasboot hi frens
  2. too bad the meta build only takes like 740 tpe so have fun with the extra i guess.
  3. whats the loophole. dont you just go up to the vhl in your 5th season with 400 tpe lmao
  4. i dont know whos joking and im scared to ask
  5. learned from rory, good shit dlamb
  6. its ok u can become a vancouver fan
  7. i mean the interesting thing that ive heard but havent been able to confirm is that builds with higher passing are still good, and maybe even better than 40 99 in some cases. like on a line with two 80 99s another 80 99 or 70 99 is better than a 40 99. its just a whole line or team of 40 99 outperforms a whole line of 80 99. so unless your whole line is 40 99, the build might be suboptimal or less versatile than one with higher pa.
  8. So maybe BoG leaks here but idrc since it's tests I proposed lmao. Ran tests with a max 15 gap and Vancouver still won the league in s80, although not as heavily. Like 70-100 less GD. Thing is s80 vancouver with 84pa 99sc wouldn't exist with the cap rules. Restricting gap helps to make things a bit more competitive, but it also comes with other problems that need to be looked at like the cap issues. Can't really just quick-fix it with a gap restriction, takes time to actually iron out problems with it. I also just want to say that Moscow this season, last season, and Chicago last season, were all close to coinflip series imo with Vancouver, so it can definitely be competed with.
  9. "haha guys totally joking after i get insane backlash haha, i totally didnt say the same thing in gm chat xd haha"
  10. wheres all the meta posts guys?
  11. 1. Of course, we have them right where we want them 2. @Renomitsu tbh 3. The one your mom cooked me, it was wonderful 4. of course. no brainer for the bog 5. nah I don't think we will 6. I like PBE but haven't updated there for like 2 weeks yikes.
  12. 1. Gotta shoutout @osens, heck of a rookie season 2. @Ryan Li, should be coming up next season 3. Either breaded shrimp or pizza, my cooking streams are legendary. 4. I really like the theme from Howl's Moving Castle 5. I've fluctuated between like 4 and 10, VHL right now is probably an 8 for me. 6. It was nice, my grandma and uncle flew out from Regina so was good to see them.
  13. i was gonna get vancouver a cup for @Renomitsu but I think this one has to go to Wesley... grats!
  14. happy to see your still sticking around, even if you didn't accomplish everything you wanted to at least you saved the league from shawnglade.
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