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Everything posted by Nykonax

  1. sent an email but the address wasn't found. Is there a typo?
  2. Look at the NHL game I sent. Every now and then a team will have a lucky slaughter win. If you guys are so good why don't you slaughter us every game?
  3. If this was the playoff wildcard series you guys would be eliminated. We've beat you guys twice, you've beat us once https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-ab&ei=nrsqXK7YEMXa5gLusqmIAQ&q=arizona+schedule+coyotes&oq=arizona+schedule+coyotes&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30l8.2128.4035..4165...0.0..0.385.2170.2-3j4......0....1..gws-wiz.......0j0i71j0i20i263.ceQPb4Oqxo8#sie=m;/g/11g0vyjsnk;7;/m/05gwr;dt;fp;1;; ^ that also. Tampa is the superior team (Ottawa) Coyotes is the inferior team who got a lucky win (Vegas)
  4. Thanks, but I'm just stooping down to your level of play.
  5. Can't wait for the biography with that name
  6. Okay by popular demand, and by that I mean one person, I added penny to the poll. Your welcome @oilmandan
  7. Seems like no one would want to be the coach of a rebuilding team like Davos then, when you'll only get like 14 tpe in the season. I don't know why someone would want to just see how their team did, get like 30 tpe a season, and not have any stats to compare themselves with others. It might be interesting if there were actual strategies that you could make/choose like breakouts, powerplay setup, etc. instead of just the PHY-DEF-OFF. I don't think anyone would want to be a coach and not have a player. The only people that would is GM's who would have the GM player and a coach. The coach just seems like a "set and forget" kinda thing. Unless players were chosen, or maybe better hired to make a coach, and would still be able to make a VHL player then it may be a good idea. Until then it's a no from me.
  8. Elias, what are your thoughts on the competition in the VHL? What did you feel when you recorded your first VHL point? How are you bonding with your new team? Are you still in contact with your teammates in Ottawa?
  9. 25 Helsinki Titans @ Riga Reign 26 Seattle Bears @ Calgary Wranglers 27 New York Americans @ HC Davos Dynamo 28 Toronto Legion @ Quebec City Meute
  10. The thunderdome in discord has now been turned into the thunderdome/memezone, and no doubt it has been filled with memes. Some of them are just funny, some are VHL related, and some are just bad (the bad ones mostly posted by @DilIsPickle) So I'm here with a new VSN segment, called meme review (definitley not ripped from PewDiePie, pls no sue). Us memers have decided to set up a Meme Monarchy, with the King Dillis having no power (like the UK system) because when we tried to challenge him he flooded the chat with some shitty memes. So every 2nd week or so we shall have a vote for the "Meme Minister" the true ruler of memes With that being said lets get right into the memes Sonnet Memes Here's one of the best memes I think @Sonnet has done. It uses a great format that can be easily modified by anyone, and it is something that we can all relate too (well maybe not talking to a girl for some of us) Another great meme for sonnet, he likes to use this format, and its a great one to use in situations like these. This is a funny meme that makes fun of the current VHL goalie situation, and overall another solid meme from him Now I haven't seen this format before, but it does fit the situation at hand perfectly, making a great meme, that I'm sure Quebec fans were salty about at the time. DimeTime Dimetime starts off strong with another uncapped tpe meme. We all want the most uncapped tpe and this format fits it perfectly I think this is something that we've all done, or atleast I have. The format isn't perfect but you get the idea of what is happening - you running to claim that sweet sweet tpe. Dimetime also makes another good meme about the goalie situation in the VHL, this one came before the draft when the goalie controversy was happening, where good goalies would fall and some were even saying they would go undrafted. A great format here for a great meme, got a good laugh from me. My Memes: So this one of mine comes during the 2nd round of the S63 VHLM playoffs. When I saw the score I knew it was memeable, and went with the popular Gru's Plan format. I personally think this one is funny, and others found it funny too (I believe) This one comes during the DilIs controversy, when during the VHLM draft he was chosen 7th round as a 199 tpe player by the team he AGM's which is Oslo. Everyone thought he was going to the VHL, but he decided not too and stayed in the VHLM. Here's another meme I made about the Dillis event, it uses a popular format which I personally thing fits the event perfectly Conclusion Maybe I should just make this into a podcast next time. Get your votes in for who you think the Meme Minister should be, and if you want to be featured in next time's meme review, Message me memes on the forum, post them in the thunderdome on discord, or DM to me on discord (Nykonax#7723) P.S. Accidently posted in vhl.com, meant to be an MS. Its 535 words
  11. Player Name: Elias Dahlberg VHL/VHLM Team: HC Davos Cash you have: 11,000,000 Purchase Name: Uncapped Tpe Package (20) Cost of Purchase: 10,000,000 Cash Left: 1,000,000 Uncapped Weeks (4 tpe per week) Week 1: Week ending Jan 6. Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Week 5:
  12. Call it the Gordie Howe. But it definitely is a good idea that does make you think about how to spend your player store money
  13. I think it's a good start but I feel like teams will just play their backup the last 8 games of the season, when most of the contenders are already clinched into playoffs.
  14. I definitely won every single of your mock chirpoffs
  15. Yeah still better than Dahlberg getting arrested during the off-season
  16. What a shitstorm this has turned into. You both have big penises but Ace's is a little bigger so get over it Jubo
  17. Elias Dahlberg's first pro point, book it
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