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InstantRockstar last won the day on January 11 2023

InstantRockstar had the most liked content!


About InstantRockstar

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    Theo Allard
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  1. Made it easy @LucyXpher which I like. Thank you for the talks & good luck to Malmo moving forward
  2. 30. Rate your player from 1-10 this season on their stats. Are you happy with it so far?! Happier to be on a team that is seeking contention & actively communicates. 31. Thoughts on where Seattle stands right now? Do you think that recent trade will help things out more? Biasly, I think it's working out pretty damn good so far. Two first stars in two sims 33. Any big plans for the rest of January? Hoping to be moving jobs after just moving houses, so a lot to come in January. 34. What are you looking forward to this week? The end of it Seriously though, some quality time coming up with the family. 35. What's something you could do better this week? Be more grounded and stop taking time away from the family with work. 37. What's an outside of the box idea for recruitment that is crazy, but could also work? Going outside of the norm with youtubers (that have little to no relevancy to leagues & sim leagues) and actually going after sports fans overall. Finding groups or discords or reddits of like causes. I don't necessarily think we'd found the most success with the YTers as none of them stick around so all those that followed them here, also leave.
  3. That’s how we do! LFG
  4. Happy to be back on Seattle all these years later. Let’s win a cup!
  5. why don't you follow me 

  6. Happy to be back!
  7. Taylor Swift has been called up by the LA Stars @Beketov approved.
  8. $2 per entry on behalf of my Stars. All actives, so that'll be: 11 total players x $2 (including myself) = $22. Merry Christmas
  9. Class act of a GM, never a bad moment speaking with you. Congrats on a heck of a GM career, congrats on everything going on in your life as well
  10. Another trade I never anticipated making, but the last 2 off-seasons have sadly made it necessary to do. A "re-rebuild" shall we call it. @Tetricide Honestly never change who you are. One of the best in the LR, one of the easiest to talk to, and I'm sure we'll cross paths again. For now, enjoy your time with Frank in Van City, I have no doubts you'll be happy there. @Frank Another EXTREMELY easy trade talk with you, seems like I have certain GM's that I just always make trades with. Good luck to the Wolves this season
  11. @Hogan Never, ever easy moving an amazing user and person. Not something I wanted to do but sadly felt I had to, to bring back any type of future to LA. @Banackock another deal done this off-season, let's hope these picks I got don't retire on me too or leave the league Seriously though, thanks for making it easy.
  12. @Banackock seems to always be my trading partner at this point haha! Thank you for the very easy and smooth talks as always. @Berocka welcome back to LA! Enjoyed having your last player and cannot wait to see what we can do with this one @UghSike & @GoodLeftUndone while I know you both, don't think I've ever had the pleasure of coaching you though I've been around so long it's possible lol. Regardless, cannot wait to see what we can do on LA!
  13. Accepted. As always, a great but bittersweet deal to make. Thank you to @Spartan for at least making the conversation simple. Never fun moving a former top 5 pick, especially with such an active and charasmatic user attached to the player, however fates were not meant to be and with alternate plans being made, LA had to make a decision that was best for both the player, and the team. Thank you so much @samx for your time in LA. While I wish I could've made it a bit better than the growing pains we've gone through, I can always appreciate sticking through to some degree. Best of luck in Moscow.
  14. Unfortunate as I had a lot of fun as GM in the E, but obviously understand it from a logistical standpoint for the league. Goodbye VHLE, a lot of good memories
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