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Everything posted by MexicanCow123

  1. Jordan Tonn FORWARD Points Assists
  2. 3 points let's go! Probably my best game!
  3. 109 Bears 110 Meute 111 Americans 112 Titans
  4. Ok that is what i thought. Thanks for everything!
  5. Thanks! That one worked! Now i would like one too work on my desktop. You said that one would not work right?
  6. Not sure what you mean. I would like the FILE smaller just so i can put it on my profile. It says a max of 50kb file size. So if that is the only way then yes please half size.
  7. Also is there a way you can make it bigger and look clean. I want to set it as my computer background. That shows how much i like it! Also, idk if there is a way you can make the file smaller i want to have it as my profile pic for this website too! If so much appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Name: Jordan Tonn Render: really whoever you see me as. Big RW Sniper. Mean and aggressive.
  9. 10th ok not to bad. I just joined like 4 days ago so ya. Not that bad in my opinion.
  10. 1. Will be on for a few hours every day! 2. I plan on building him to be powerful and have a great shot. I want him to score goals. Also, I want him to make it to the big league VHL! 3. I have not been on any websites like this. But I am feeling pretty good and am making my way around a lot better as the days pass. 4. Hockey is my 2nd favourite sport I am a soccer/Football guy. Just like TWalkerFC. 5. I want to be able to build a fun environment for everyone! 6. I AM READY TO BE A STAR! Jordan Tonn or MexicanCow!
  11. Wow! Great work on theses graphics. Very detailed.
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