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Everything posted by jhatty8

  1. ah right, good lie though. I would do the same in his position
  2. if Sens is CL, I'm going on advantage. Poisoned anyway. @Advantage alert tonight.
  3. is Adantage confirmed as vet?
  4. If Osens is CL, I'll RB someone else. If he isn't, I'll go Flex
  5. flex isn't jester vote Osens who should I RB?
  6. while I do understand, I hate the IRL excuses
  7. I don't like any of these TIs whatsoever
  8. ah that would make sense
  9. I attempted to RB you so whoever was trans'd with you got the roleblock. Also, I was poisoned! Woooooo!
  10. I don't really want to vote lefty
  11. @N0HBDY that message doesn't mean the other one is evil. they both could be good. It just means at least one of them is good
  12. I am confirmed Esc/Cons and Mafia probably doesn't exist
  13. what did you do last night?
  14. also, considering the only kill was by the Pirate and Sixers was RB'd, bit of sus on him?
  15. vote DOMG so should I RB doom?
  16. why didn't you just tell us omg Pirate Lives Matter. Keep em alive
  17. Sixers can help out there whenever he comes online
  18. Well one of omg/doom is lying if the Psy is legit
  19. Escort. RB'd @Sixersfan594 last night.
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