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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Our starter is rather firmly entrenched in net well back up is nice id rather you have the chance to play more games than you would here. Wish you the best of luck though!
  2. outside of the obvious which you stated will be done regular season we are missing our recent signed player please place him when i submit my lines soon at second line RW thanks @Higgins https://vhlforum.com/topic/52009-lw-bilal-syed/
  3. 2nd line 1million to play on the wild. We have a pretty good roster just need a few pieces to make us full on contenders
  4. Id have applied but he only wants new blood ?
  5. Marchie is more than proven hes a top 6 winger by now. This will just be if its top end or just good. Wild Bill i think regresses but still very good. Schmidt i loved in Washington but hes a top 4 guy at most
  6. Ya what @diamond_ace said part of the reason i kinda just let your player slip was because i knew we could get him abit later. Well snagging a guy like Toast in the process.
  7. Top line RW with chris F and Ryuu Crimson awaiting in the Wild of Saskatoon @nicolas01
  8. I have them misssing the playoffs you have them as a top 4 team. The Sharks have gotten significantly older. Added no signifcant piece, since last year. Flames got better, Vegas will still be a threat, Anaheim outside of Kesler is actually healthy to start the year. LA got better, i think SJS run ends, with Jumbo, Pavelski, Burns starting to slow down.
  9. Saskatoon offers 1mill to play top line on a mid tier team probably battling with a few teams like Ottawa and Halifax for whose the best
  10. Gooningitup


    13th overall being traded like a whore u can buy for a loonie.
  11. Gooningitup


    So your making a trade down with a team not allowed to pick certian players acting like their isnt 4 other GMs who can pick them lol
  12. Player name: Sergei Komarov VHL Team Quebec Cash i have: 20mill Purchase Name: Old But Not Forgotten/Jaromir Jagr(scoring) Cost of Purchase:16mill Cash Left: 4mill @Will @Beketov I know this is season 61 bank but im doing it for S62. This way given im going on another mini vactation i dont miss out. Thanjs
  13. Lol well given you werent in this league when i had Pavel id assume u didnt
  14. So my players apparently only traded to Quebec lol. Pavel went to Quebec when Davos rebuilt, now Sergei to Quebec when NYA rebuilt
  15. Wait caps going down despite last 2 draft classes growing the league? And this one looking like its shaping up to be more. Makes no sense unless we expanding lol
  16. @diamond_ace did u make sure to copy roster to all days? Lol only way i have ever had that issue
  17. At 200-300 TPE youd have to restart the whole league. Or give the members already playing an extra 200-300TPE. Honestly we lose so many members being overwhelmed with how the leagues set up. Also your arguement of having members missing out my VHLM lockeroom minus rebuilding years is 100x more active than my VHL one and im on a roster that was a contender for many seasons. Weve also seen many new members come back to aid the VHLM Beavis, Spade. It also creates jobs for new members, just this year we saw 4 brand new members step up and be VHLM GM/Co GMs. Your right new members should not come in to dominate, but why as a new member am i going to stick around playing 8-15minutes a night putting up like 10points if im lucky. Well being overwhelmed by all the new things i gotta learn. I left the SHL because i couldnt even crack a top 4 and got sick of watching no results. This is a league where all we have is results and friendships. So unless a new member builds a quick bond early on, they arent going to want to stay with there guy buried. Not to mention careers would now be a season shorter, meaning even less time for them to figure out how it all works.
  18. Why? Same question i ask every major member that brings this up. What your proposing is that new members join lets say we give em 100TPE start. Now they come in on a deep team(or if lucky a rebuilding team). Get slaugthered by vets or just not enough ice time. Discouraging new members, VHLM may suck for older members here but its a place where new members can learn this complex league, well putting up good points rather than being overwhelmed on what to do PLUS sucking or not having much playing time on top of it
  19. Saskatoon Protects 2nd rounder 3rd rounder Waste of time but hey gotta have an expansion team better than the rest were the NHL now ?
  20. So were gunna put our other teams at less than 5 actives? Lol. Id have less than 5 given i own 0 right now. I think thats the case for a few teams with there best players graduating. Legit makes 0 sense to me. Basically id be starting next season worse than the expansion team because i have 0 useful assets lol
  21. Why? This is the VHLM not a single team is good for more than 2 seasons. Makes legit no god damn sense why we are giving up anything when the league doesnt keep players for more than 2 seasons unless they inactive. @Beaviss
  22. Any other draft year Komarov is a top flight player. But i just had to be drafted in the year of you and Ay Ay Ron. Effectively killing any chance of any of my players making the HOF lol
  23. Sadly wont be likely we can keep you both around next year in Saskatoon can draft 1 first overall #fighttothedeath. Unless GMs are nice and let one of you fall to 2nd round
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