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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Be nice to get a S50 store lol but ive kept track so Player:Pavel Komarov Team: Davos Cash i have:4.5million Thing im buying Position Change (S50) Cost of Purchase:3million Money left:1.5million
  2. You already know my offer Robbie to return S50:3mill S51:3mill PO And if i step down as GM at any time a guaruntee your moved to a contender before hand
  3. I dont think Davos has won a playoff series since i joined the league lol maybe i need to leave the franchise
  4. For some reason TSN said 2 years 10mill so i thought it was 5mill per lol
  5. Colbourne had to be the worst cap hit for player value. Lucic comes in at one that will be worst deal signed this day in a few years
  6. Thanks but did it have to be a penguin yuk signed a caps fan
  7. It appears to be that the express will get the bye, but only by the hair on their chins. Davos went on to lose their last game in overtime, had they won it would have meant the first division title for Davos in a long time. They will face Riga, though they are easily the favourites they wil not underestimate their opponent. They know this is a young team hungry to prove the league wrong. Davos however has cup aspirations, though they will not be favoured in any match versus North America. First challenge will be versus Riga, if they get past them they face Colgone, who have been extremly cold well Davos just hit a hot streak minus the over time loss. Time will tell how the playoffs pan out, but for the first time in 4 seasons Davos fans feel excited for the playoffs.
  8. Meanwhille my activity has gone up, since my son is getting older now
  9. Just bought overwatch, not a huge gamer but all you youngens seem to like it. Havent actually bought any games for my ps4 yet minus nhl
  10. Fixed that so many names this year versus last hard to keep track.
  11. Davos is a historic franchise that up untill this season, had hit some hard times. With constent GM changes fans were happy to see fan favourite, and Davos Legend V. Komarov take on the role. In two seasons he turned the team from bottom feeder to a threat in the euro conference. It took calculated risks, but it realizes it needed to bring faith back to its fan base. Even if they compete for a few years before a rebuild. This years work has paid off likely not to win first in europe as Cologone had a commanding lead, Davos will be a playoff team. It has a few players to thank for that 2 of them are all stars. The first is the ever large ego or Davos forward Sir William Covington. He has been an offensive cataylst for the Dynamo since he joined the team. He leads the team in scoring. Though rumours and his word state he will leave this offseason Davos GM is confident that his moves may sway the young star to stay. Untill the offical desicion is made, it will be a fun player to watch in Davos finals run. Sandro Clegane is the next offical all star, though he has not played all season in Davos since the trade the team goals against have dropped. Thats nothing against young star Jakab Holik, but Clegane brings the experience he lacked. Clegane himself since the trade has returned to his old form looking more like last years Shaw winner. He will be a key piece they hope till retirement. Another of Davos all stars in Biggu Kyagon, hes not as big a piece early on but he hopes since coming over can be a piece that pushes them over the top. A top tier defender who shpuld stabalize the back end for Davos. Well not all stars, V. Komarov states everyone from potential rookie of the year Kai Roberts, son Pavel Komarov have also played big roles in returning Davos to glory and the playoffs. Well Shawn Muller had brought his much needed scoring touch to the front aswell as veteran leadership. Key depth pieces Pablo Escabar, Vincent Adultman, and Saul Hackett have all played their roles. Nez, Fiend, and Mercer well only around for short periods all had key parts to play. If not for them maybe they wouldnt even be in the spot to take the risks they have. They thank each and everyone of them for their services, and wish them all the best going forward. Komarov also stated he felt Holik, played argueably the biggest part in Davos run. He was a great goalie, and should be a perenial all star and could win a few Shaws. He was a player, that Komarov had no intention of trading, but when a strong offer came along though hard thought he decided to pull the trigger.
  12. Davos is a historic franchise that up untill this season, had hit some hard times. With constent GM changes fans were happy to see fan favourite, and Davos Legend V. Komarov take on the role. In two seasons he turned the team from bottom feeder to a threat in the euro conference. It took calculated risks, but it realizes it needed to bring faith back to its fan base. Even if they compete for a few years before a rebuild. This years work has paid off likely not to win first in europe as Cologone had a commanding lead, Davos will be a playoff team. It has a few players to thank for that 2 of them are all stars. The first is the ever large ego or Davos forward Sir William Covington. He has been an offensive cataylst for the Dynamo since he joined the team. He leads the team in scoring. Though rumours and his word state he will leave this offseason Davos GM is confident that his moves may sway the young star to stay. Untill the offical desicion is made, it will be a fun player to watch in Davos finals run. Sandro Clegane is the next offical all star, though he has not played all season in Davos since the trade the team goals against have dropped. Thats nothing against young star Jakab Holik, but Clegane brings the experience he lacked. Clegane himself since the trade has returned to his old form looking more like last years Shaw winner. He will be a key piece they hope till retirement. Another of Davos all stars in Biggu Kyagon, hes not as big a piece early on but he hopes since coming over can be a piece that pushes them over the top. A top tier defender who shpuld stabalize the back end for Davos. Well not all stars, V. Komarov states everyone from potential rookie of the year Kai Roberts, son Pavel Komarov have also played big roles in returning Davos to glory and the playoffs. Key depth pieces Pablo Escabar, Vincent Adultman, and Saul Hackett have all played their roles. Nez, Fiend, and Mercer well only around for short periods all had key parts to play. If not for them maybe they wouldnt even be in the spot to take the risks they have. They thank each and everyone of them for their services, and wish them all the best going forward. Komarov also stated he felt Holik, played argueably the biggest part in Davos run. He was a great goalie, and should be a perenial all star and could win a few Shaws. He was a player, that Komarov had no intention of trading, but when a strong offer came along though hard thought he decided to pull the trigger.
  13. Better for the league that an underdog wins like Davos tbqh
  14. Held Cologne to 18 shots still almost lost :/
  15. Your teams not really in the rebuild race though, your contenders. I wouldnt be racing you guys. Id just be waiting for you to fall from grace.
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