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Recruitment Crew
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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Dusting off an oldie.
  2. I'm a potato. 

    1. STZ
    2. Will


      More like one of those creepy sprouts that grow out of a potato

    3. Frank


      U wanna fight me m8

  3. Wrong section ya fucking cunt.
  4. Much butthurt such wow.
  5. Well it won't be run by you so it should be anything but a joke this time around.
  6. Wow such good goaltending much impressed.
  7. Tumack not taking our shit.
  8. I'm looking to bring back the player card crew. There are currently 3 openings. Job openings are: 1 Graphic Artist (good photoshop experience and ability to do cuts/jersey changes as needed) 2 Writers I'm looking for active members who have the time to put in a constant week by week effort Pay outs will be enforced strictly, if you don't do the work for that week you don;'t get paid. The payout will be 3 capped TPE a week. What will be expected of you? At the being of each season me and the other gfx member will create a design and template that will be easily edited. The writers will be responsible for writing snippets on the back of each card and gathering data such as past season stats/awards. Yes the pay out is capped but this is a job and if you're doing this and a point task then your maximizing your tpe intake for the week. I'll be sure to not overwhelm either parties will work together to make the process as smooth as possible. But the expectation is that each member completes one team per week. Post below if you're interested and I'll contact you via pm.
  9. I pressed the like button 35 times, now release the pack.
  10. Claiming 3 TPE Kendrick Cole hits 50 TPE.
  11. Bunch of pussies, in my day you had to earn your 6 TPE...
  12. Reporting posts is an instant banning.
  13. Mcz > piece of shit you scrape off your shoe with a stick > iSIS > robbie
  14. You were just added to the team. I was able to adjust the lines and send them off just about 30 mins ago. Top pair, top PP. Not a problem.
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