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Everything posted by Mr_Hatter

  1. Never thought Paul was really destined for the HoF. Hall of very good maybe Also not fully disappeared just log in once every few months
  2. Congratulations on the new position @Pifferfish! Welcome to the ranks :) congratulations as well to @Alex for the tenure, happy you're continuing as a writer as well! You're too kind :)
  3. I understand your point about deserving an interview, and I do agree with that in general principle. Was your application never acknowledged?
  4. I'm not going to quote your individual parts as I am on mobile, but a few comments. 1) You don't "earn" a position by nature of being in the league for X amount of time. You earn it by being a good fit for the job. A good GM will increase retention far more than a bad GM getting a job, as that satisfies one member, a good GM will satisfy 20+ over the seasons. Your example of Frank being a bad thing for league retention is IMO ridiculous. 2) You are consistently pointing to the mod team as examples of bad staff, specifically fong and fishy. While I don't always see eye to eye with every action taken by every current or former member of the mod team, it's an absurdly demanding job where they get almost no credit and all the blame. It's easy to screenshot instances of people making jokes or comments that are "toxic" in a vacuum while ignoring the hundreds of comments and bullshit that they would have to deal with and endure prior to that. Attempting to launch initiatives to improve the league's health and crackdown on toxic behavior, then being constantly slandered for it will erode anyone's goodwill. I haven't read up on the circumstances of your ban, or the podcast you linked, so I can't comment on whether or not you think it's justified, but what I will say is that you really have to work to get on the mod team's bad side. It's not just a one time thing. If you're getting called out, then you probably deserve to get called out. And if you are going to call someone a toxic person, you'll get a response in kind.
  5. The VHL isn't a business, nor should it be. And even if it were, the league jobs would be closer to retail jobs rather than corporate, ie getting harrased by customers more often than having to deal with poor bosses. Fully agreed that toxicity is a huge problem in the league, but not sure we agree on where that toxicity originates
  6. Congratulations my friends well deserved, I enjoyed my time playing with you both
  7. you wash your mouth
  8. Hi all! I have a somewhat bittersweet announcement today, the contents of which may or may not surprise you. Coming with the retirement of my current player Paul Atreides, I have decided to take a step back from the VHL at the end of this season as I take some time off before recreating (not sure how long at this stage), and in doing so, I am stepping down from the position of VSN's Editor-in-Chief. I have spent the better part of my 3 years in the VHL thus far as a member of the team, from my early days as the VHLM correspondent with Under-250, to the past 9 seasons or so as the editor, and it has been my absolute pleasure to lead this league's media network. I have worked with so many talented, dedicated individuals who have, in truth, made my job easy. To attempt to name all of you would be an effort in futility, but I would specifically like to thank @FrostBeard for giving me my start at VSN and @Doomsday for his dedication to the team as both an editor and history specialist, and for providing me a blueprint for how to transition from writer to editor. To all my writers, thank you for giving me something interesting to read and work with week in and week out. To the VSN Graphics team, thank you for all that you do; for consistently amazing me with graphics I could only dream of creating, and at a speed that blows my mind to this day. To our podcasters, and any other individuals who have spent their time contributing to VSN productions, thank you all for your hard work; I appreciate you. Finally, thank you to the commissioners for giving me this platform and working with me on everything I have tried to do with VSN; your support has been invaluable. There's only one more person I want to specifically name, and that is my replacement. Coming as a shock to almost no one, considering how prolific and involved this individual is at VSN, it is my honor to introduce the next Editor-in-Chief of VSN: @Alex I am so excited for Alex to take over VSN; I know he has a lot of fantastic ideas and an abundance of passion for this league, and I can't wait to see what he comes up with. I look forward to the future of the team, and the league, and I look forward to eventually returning to full activity. I will still be around, so this isn't goodbye, and I hope to return to potentially contribute to VSN again as a writer or podcaster someday. But for now: so long, and thanks for all the fish!
  9. Great read! It's interesting to see how peaks and troughs can effect your HOF chances, with Bernard having a much easier time getting in thanks to said peaks despite the poor seasons early on. I think it helps too that the truly awful seasons were early on, before he really started to play consistently great for the remaining seasons
  10. hbd all you nerds ❤
  11. Thank you for the kind words and the honor of my second jersey retirement with the Menace MOSCOW MOSCOW MOSCOW Was a pleasure spending so much of another career with y'all.
  12. Please take a step back and consider your position in the community and the kind of speech that you are implicitly allowing. You know that I have as much reason to dislike jRuutu as just about anyone, and I agree with your position on this issue in pretty much every possible way. But if you are resorting to the point at which your crass joke is considered "unrestricted warfare against an enemy combatant" then why is he just not banned already. I understand that you are trying to protect members of this community who are feeling deeply vulnerable, scared, and otherwise in a bad place right now with regards to the ruling, and I agree that it is my duty and the duty of any and all allies of marginalized people to stand up now, but literally making a "your mom wishes she could have aborted you" retort is making light of a decision that is deeply personal and incredibly sensitive. Abortion, miscarriages, and any adjacent discussions are not something to joke about. It's very fucking serious. If you are going to call him out, then attack his direct comment, tell him he's a piece of shit, say anything directly at him. But don't make a joke about abortion. If you care about protecting community members, what about protecting potential members who have had to make the difficult decision to have/not to have an abortion? Because your comment is directly violent against them. For the record, fuck jRuutu for deciding that this is the right time for a "lol Americans kill babies" bit, and fuck the illegitimate Supreme Court that flies in the face of democratic values, and most importantly fuck the fact that my entire adult life has been spent watching my country and people I care about continuously slide back into regressive policies that look like they belong more to 1922 then 2022. But please be more cognizant of all implications of your comments when you are discussing a subject like this.
  13. i am a dedicated member of this league and I refuse to be slandered like this
  14. Paul Artreides - idk man whatever is highest
  15. And speaking of beautiful si(gh)t(e)s.. what a beautiful, punny transition that was Thanks for recognizing the hard work VSN writers put in! Though I haven't been a writer for a long time, I was for many seasons before becoming editor; like you said, the amount of work that goes into those articles is pretty crazy so it's nice to know it's recognized
  16. It's been a pleasure having you on the crew
  17. 1) I'm feeling good! We had a strong season and should be looking to maintain that moving into the postseason 2) Honestly, I'm surprised I did so well. I've rarely been setting the pace for points like I did this season, can't thank the players surrounding me enough for it. 3) Really well! Second in my group 4) A few mentions Always nice to see the positive impact people feel I've had on them; it's what I endeavor to be. 5) 1! Pollen is a vital aspect of life 6) I think accepting defeat.
  18. Speaking of when are we gonna play HOTS again
  19. Here's a thought; if tagging the people you're talking about in your media spot would lead to "sanctions" for harassment, then maybe you shouldn't post that media spot. Maybe you should try to write more positive content.
  20. It's a close one this season should be a fun run out. I'd probably go Idaho for the harder conference personally
  21. Nah you're good haha I already listened, was just meming
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