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    Willie Dredge
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  1. Totally agree with you on the background, I wanted it to be a bit more visible forsure!
  2. Hey there. I was quick to judge, but after giving more time to observe I actually really like the composition of this graphic. "Drafted" seems perfectly placed and the font/color work great especially with the contrasting background, same goes for "Groovy Dood." Well done. The render is clear and I notice you did a good job with swapping the logo. I really appreciate the placement of every detail of this graphic, It just works and is pleasing to the eyes. If I had to be picky, I would say that the grunge effects do look a bit off in certain areas, but look good in others. Other than that dude, good shit! Review: 7.9/10
  3. 1. Similar to S72, Calgary is almost unbeatable at home. The difference is how disastrous on the road they have been. (HOME 10-1-1) , (AWAY 4-9-1) Why is Calgary so bad on the road so far ? I overheard that it may be a result of opposing teams delivering strippers to our hotel the night before games. I don't think its true but at the same time it's really weird that strippers keep showing up at my hotel room.. 2. The Wranglers obvious weakness through 26 games, has been their lack of goals for. Calgary has 70 GF , which ranks 14th overall. How does your team start scoring more goals going forward ? Switch up the lines until we find a spark. 3. Which VHL team has surprised you the most so far this season ? Prague. My old team seems to be playing well this season, hope they can keep it up (unless it is against us) 4. If the wranglers go on a big winning streak, are you going to change your lucky underwear ? Wait, you guys are wearing underwear?!?! 5. Which one of your teammates has the worst diet during the season ? Definitely Zod, being a supervillain must be stressful, he eats like shit. But i guess he keeps his figure anyhow so whatever. 6. what European team do you predict makes it all the way to the Cup finals ? I would like to see Prague do some damage this season, why not.
  4. First off the small details and connection of the color scheme between the player and logo is amazing and works really well especially where Crosby's arm/elbow hits the logo. Compared to your other graphics/sigs it is simple but still displays your skills in design. The font is really good, if you don't mind I would love to know what the name of that font is, I really really like the look of it. Render looks great, graphic is clear and looks amazing in a simplistic style. Great job, if you ever have the time hmu with that font name! Review 9/10
  5. Hello! First off I think you did a good job putting this graphic together, the color scheme i like and the distortion effect was put to effect carefully and works well. I know for sure that swapping logos isn't easy and requires some detail and effort, so I commend you on that achievement. I like that you put two fonts into effect on your name, especially with the green outer glow that adds to the color detail of the graphic. Good graphic, definitely deserves a 7/10 on my review. Great job
  6. CALGARY WRANGLERS PRESS CONFERENCE 1. Which Calgary Wrangler is most likely to come into training camp, overweight from drinking too much beer this off season ? I would say Sigard Gunnar if he hadn't just left our team 2. Could you still play hockey well, with a wooden stick ? If everyone had to as well, yeah no doubt. 3. This past weekend Kris Rice @Ricer13 had the team over for a barbecue. Which teammate did you see swimming in his pool with water wings? I saw General Zod with floaties barely holding on to his huge biceps, and yeah he also had water wings. 4. Are you ready to avenge the s72 Wranglers Cup finals loss ? We are coming back stronger than ever. 5. What would be your favourite pre game pump up song for our home opener? Anything with some high beats per minute and tempo 6. Which Calgary player will surprise us all the most this season ? I think General Zod is going to step up with his increased ice time.
  7. Claiming with bday triple week
  8. When I was 13, I discovered masturbation.
  9. Sigs looking good, first thing that pops out to me is the very subtle but noticeable effects and textures that are going on. I love the placement of blur effects, definitely nailed it in that aspect. You can clearly see the name and text even with the effects which I believe adds even more to the signature, along with the addition of the dots, can't really say why I like them but I know for sure that they add some depth to the image in my opinion, and it seems to be a recurring theme for your sigs so good on ya. Solid clear sig that is easy on the eyes yet retains dramatic effects, can't get much better than that. Review 9.5/10
  10. This is a solid signature! You've got your textured background and I really enjoy the contrasting color scheme you got going with the render and backgrounds. Really liking the placement of renders and text, and I think you definitely chose a great font for this graphic. If I must nitpick, the top render could be clearer as there seems to be a lot of size scale distortion on it, but for the first graphic you nailed it my man, couldn't do much better myself on my first! Great job bro. Review 8.5/10
  11. 1. The Toronto Legion forced the first series to 7 games. Going into game 7 how confident were you that the Wranglers would come out victorious ? We came out victorious, had no doubts in my mind. 2. Which Calgary Wrangler player has been your playoff MVP so far ? Gunnar is stepping up to the plate. 4. It is never good to look ahead but lets say you find a way to beat New York. You have Riga waiting for you in the finals. How well do think Calgary would match up vs Riga ? I think Riga v Calgary is going to be fast paced and full of offense. Better defense wins. 5. Why has Home ice been so crucial for the S72 Calgary Wranglers ? regular season ( 29-4-3) , current playoffs (4-1-0) Calgary gets loud, when we step out on the ice the place is intimidating for the other team. 6. Do you do yoga as part of your daily training ? Nope, just the doobie. 7. When on the road in New York what hotel do you wish The Wranglers stayed at ? I was hoping we would stay at the nicest hotel they had, but they stuck us in the motel. Assholes.
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