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Tagger last won the day on July 2 2020

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About Tagger

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    Edwin THE Encarnacion
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    Manchester, UK
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    Being OK

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  1. My thoughts on transparency in sims: Yes, absolutely. We've got the technology, let's do our best to eliminate any doubts about the simming process. My thoughts on the accusations: I'll admit, I have my suspicions, and it's not based just on Beketov winning awards. Just focusing on awards provides no real context because, at the end of the day, Beketov is a member who earns a lot of TPE and has proven before he started simming that he's capable of making players that win awards. Typically before he started simming, Thompson was winning awards solely down to the ridiculous number of shots he was putting up. I seem to remember one season (probably Season 62), where he had over 800 shots and let's face it, if you have that many shots, you're going to score a lot of goals regardless of how many go in. My suspicions focus on those seasons where he didn't have a high volume of shots, yet still managed to find himself very near the top, if not at the top. The two main examples of this are Season 68 and Season 72. Season 68 was Thompson's final season in the league and he was after goals, that much was apparent. But in reality, Malmo was not a team that was able to give Thompson the volume of shots that he'd had previously, as he was all the way down in 17th in total shots, and had over 100 shots less than the top three players in shots. Regardless, Thompson did the incredibly improbable and managed to record an 18.75% shooting percentage and take home the goal-scoring title comfortably. How incredibly improbable was this? Well, prior to this season, the previous shooting percentage record for a player who was in the Top 50 in points was 16.02% (Lars Berger), and that was set all the way back in Season 20, so to not only break a record that stood for that long, but to also break it in such convincing fashion was unfathomable really. The anomalies carry over to the Nighthawks as a team who collectively struggled to shoot (2nd lowest shot totals in the league) and weren't exactly playing elite defense (mid-table in shots against, but were only 30 shots off of having the third most shots allowed in the league whereas they conceded 100 shots more than the Seattle Bears, who were the other team in the mid-table of shots against). Along with that, they didn't have a particularly standout season from their goalie Michael Johnson, whose .917% was average for a goalie that season. Yet they still won the Victory Cup despite having over 150 less shots for than shots against, making them the only Victory Cup winning team in the trackable indexes to win the Victory Cup despite having a lower number of shots than the number of shots they faced. Along with that, they actually had the highest point differential in the league, despite the fact they were the third worst team in the league in shot differential. There isn't as much to Season 72 as Season 68, but it was another instance of Beketov's player (this time Lahtinen) defying the odds that no other player that I can recall has ever really challenged by getting close to the Brooks trophy without having the shot totals to realistically think about competing. This time Lahtinen was way further down in the shooting rankings, all the way down in 49th in total shots, yet somehow managed to finish second in goals. For the second time in three seasons of Beketov simming a season with a player on the first two lines of a team, Beketov's player (and a different one at that) broke Lars Berger's 16.02% shooting percentage mentioned earlier with a 17.45% shooting percentage. Again, not just scraping over the record, but a sizeable leap over it. This is just my stats in an easy to compile area. Again, the fact that Beketov is winning awards isn't a reason to suspect questionable sims, but looking at the anomalies that have cropped up in these sims do make me question the validity of them for the first time in 40-odd seasons.
  2. The extra hours I’m having to do at work due to COVID are still taking up too much of my time atm to put up content for the site so I can’t guarantee I’ll have it up any time soon. If you want to take it off me you can do.
  3. Tagger

    Jaromir Jagr

    Edwin THE Encarnacion - Protect Scoring
  4. . The draft has come and gone. If you were drafted, are you happy with the team that selected you? If you were a waiver signing, why did you choose the team you did? Yeah Im happy that Calgary drafted me 2. If you could sign with any VHLM team based purely upon their logo, where would you go? I would say The Marauders one looks alright 3. Who's winning the cup this season? Take a look at the teams here if you're unfamiliar with them. I hope that it will be Calgary that wins 4. Are there any VHL teams that look interesting to you? Where do you hope you'll be drafted? If you've already been drafted by a VHL team, what's it like? Calgary is a good team and I enjoy playing for them 5. Describe your player in ten words or fewer. His shooting is clinically shit 99 days out of 100. 6. What's something that the league would be interested to know about you as a person? While on a Skype call with other sim leaguers, I accidentally started a small fire in my microwave.
  5. I am ok with this performance
  6. 1) Calgary started slow this season, did it concern you? I'd say so, we had some losses I definitely wouldn't have expected 2)the rookies are making an I mediate impact, do you think that this will bring some competition inside the team? Well, they're certainly competing with me for points already at least. 3)our Goalie has been on point this last couple games, has the team ambience has anything to do with that? I think it's mainly that Lafontaine is very good at what he does. 4)what's Calgary's biggest threat now that we proved we could beat Seattle? I think it'll still be Seattle in truth, 5) what would you consider it's your biggest strength? Looking at my stats so far, I really don't know if I have a strength 6) and your major weaknesses? Consistently failing to find the back of the net with my shots.
  7. Tagger


    The most uneducated rambling you'll hear about the VHL this millennium.
  8. Tagger


    If you're looking for eight minutes of well-researched material then by god is this not the place for that.
  9. 1. You lost in game 7 vs Seattle. How painful was this loss compared to others you have experienced ? Given that we've lost two finals, this isn't as rough as those. 2. The VHL finals are upon us. Who are you rooting for ? I would've been rooting for Helsinki but hey ho. 3. The S74 draft is right around the corner. Who is someone you would like Calgary to select ? I've heard good things about this Eoin Byrne chap 4. What are your plans for the off season? I'm going to rest in a vegetative state 5. What is something you would like to accomplish in the S74 season ? Actually have a points tally that matches my TPA earning 6. The Wranglers billionaire owner wanted all players to have their own horse. All players were given a horse to ride to practices and home games. What are you naming your horse ? Numpty. Because that's what I'd name my dog if I had one.
  10. 1. How do you think your team has played throughout this series vs NY so far? I get the feeling we're going to win this one 2. A Texas Holdem cash game was played on your team's private flight to New York. Who was the big winner ? Gambling was the big winner 3. Whats your favourite tourist attraction in New York City ? The gigantic apple they have in the middle. I've heard it's huge. 4. What VHL team was your favourite city to visit this past season ? London because it's nearest to home. Oh hang on, I'm Dominican aren't I? 5. With his retirement announced is Jet Jaguar a Hof player ? I would say so, it's difficult to compare with older players given stat changes, but he should be good 6. Do you take a nap every game day ? Going off my stats, I had a nap out their during the Seattle series
  11. I’d planned on using a proxy server at least until being signed so that should at least prevent any advantages from occurring
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