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diacope 2

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    diacope 2 reacted to Baby Boomer in All roads lead to Rome (and to the Cup) ep.5   
    Welcome everyone,
    the playoffs started yesterday and the season ended three days ago, so it is time to do a recap of Rome's season and what will happens next for them. One week before the end of the regular season, the Gladiators were fifth in the league and a couple of points short from a playoffs spot, but an incredible last week helped them reach a record of 43 wins, 23 losses and 6 overtime losses for a total of 92 points in 72 games and only one more point than the Bratislava Watchmen who did not make the playoff. At the end of the season, four players had a really really good season witht Rome. First we have Flynn Remy @jhatty8 who had 93 points in 72 games has a defencemen, second we have Noah Mashford @Mashy with 93 in 58 games, third we have Biggie Cheese @a_Ferk with 91 points in 72 games and a +47 differential and finally we have Milk Jugs @NerdyCowz with an impressive 88 points in 60 games.
    Thanks everyone and see you next week and let's go Gladiators!!!
    @InstantRockstar@tylerwest@Howie McMeeker@MetalToday@JCV@Rjdixon01@Gaudette@Tomat0@Lilmar
  3. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Shindigs in Houston Bulls AGM Opening   
  4. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Ledge in VHL Spelling Bee!   
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    diacope 2 reacted to Gustav in Spinning the Wheel, Turning the Page   
    Hello, VHL...
    With the conclusion of the regular season upon us, I think now is the right time to talk about the conclusion of something different. That being...
    ...that this will be my last season as Davos' GM.
    I was (controversially) originally brought on in January of 2020, meaning that at the end of the playoffs, I will have served the league (somewhat) faithfully for just about exactly 2 years. This will also be my first time not being a GM of some sort since April of 2019, when I became the first GM of the Mississauga Hounds. I know that this will come as a surprise to some of you, but I have given this a great deal of thought on my own time and think it's the best decision to make for myself and for the league. Bear with me, because I'm going to try to address whatever I can about it in this post.
    This is an interesting question, and it has a few answers.
    Davos will be hit hard with retirement, and I don't have the heart to deal with it. We've had some not-fun times with me here, including S70-71 when we set the record for most consecutive seasons in last place (which wasn't really my fault) and S74-79 (I think?) when we underperformed and rebuilt (which kinda was my fault). While we're a playoff team now, I don't have the same enthusiasm for turning things around that I did then. It might be possible to make it work, but I've asked myself whether I see myself working to do that and I really don't. Hopefully we get someone who will! I haven't lived up to the hype. This by itself isn't a reason to step down--the reason is mostly represented in the first point--but I was meant to be the savior of the franchise and things didn't work out that way. I will always think it's more important that everyone had fun, but with one failed attempt to compete gone and another probably gone unless some playoff magic comes out of nowhere, I also think it's unfair to the league that a consistently underperforming team has the same GM for eternity. The league and I are moving in different philosophical directions. This actually isn't about the VHLE. Everyone's also aware of the whole meta thing, and it's more about that. I'm not here to criticize anyone for going along with it, but it's another "do I see myself doing this" situation where the answer is no. I am NOT saying that I want any replacement to try to make Davos a meta team--in fact, I very much do not want that--but I find the idea of running a team less fun when "this is what I want to do" is very different from "this is what I should be doing if I want to win a championship". Like the second point, this is a very minor issue for me in relation to the first, so please don't make me "that guy who left over the meta" or anything. Just something I find worth mentioning. I don't like that I'm saying any of the above, but I've had this on my mind for weeks and I think it's the most fair explanation of my thoughts.
    Are you going inactive?
    No. In fact, I hope I stay as active as always in the future.
    Do you want to GM again?
    I hope I do at some point, and at that point I hope I'm hired! Right now, I just need a break.
    Are you leaving the BoG?
    No, you can't get rid of me that easily. I like arguing too much.
    A few (alright, quite a few) shoutouts to people who have made my time as GM fun:
    @Berocka: I cannot possibly make a list without putting you on top. I don't like to speak in absolutes, but you are my best friend in this league. Thank you for putting up with all of my bullshit, and thank you for always being there to talk. It's been great working with you almost from Day 1 and I hope we'll do some other cool stuff in the future.
    @Ahma: It's no secret that you LOVE Davos, and I'm amazed by your ability to stand by this team through thick and thin. Thank you for your loyalty, and also for reminding me to care when I start to lose it.
    @WranglersSuck, @Banackock, @Darth Kaprizov, @Tyler, @KC15, and @JardyB10: to the rest of the active members of the current roster, hi! I know this comes on short notice, but thank you so much for getting Davos where it is today and making it a wonderful place to be. Best of luck!
    @Brrbisbrr, @McWolf , @Laine, @FrostBeard, @Grape, @Snussu, @samx, and probably a whole lot of others I'm missing: you were the people who made the past 12 (yes, 12!) seasons fun as players. I hope you're doing well, whatever you're up to.
    @Doomsday, @Renomitsu, @Esso2264 , @DoktorFunk, @diamond_ace , and especially @GlowyGoat (if you ever see this): you never played for me, but you still showed up to our server because you wanted to. I appreciate this endlessly and consider you my friends.
    To the @VHL GM crew: some of you have given me advice, some of you have given me some respectful negotiations, some of you I've never really interacted with on a GM level. But none of you have ever made me feel unwelcome, even when I wasn't making the smartest moves, and I think that's great.
    @Commissioner: I haven't talked to you about this, so I'd like to apologize again for the zero-notice thing. But here's the announcement. Thanks for keeping things running for all of us! If you'd like to talk to me about the next GM, feel free to do so; if you'd rather make the decision on your own, I respect that as well.
    To anyone else I missed, and to many others I'd like to tag here but won't because the reasons don't really connect to my time as a GM: thank you for being you.
    This isn't an easy post to make, but I've been hesitating to make it for a while now and it's time to push the button.
    But before I do...
  6. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from youloser1337 in Houston Bulls AGM Opening   
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    diacope 2 got a reaction from AJW in Rome's Road to the Playoffs   
    The Intro
    In an unlikely set of circumstances, the Rome Gladiators secured a playoff spot in the VHLE in the final sim of the season. After leading Rome by 10 points at the trade deadline, the Bratislava Watchmen only managed to post a 6-8 record in their final 14 games. Rome on the other hand went 11-2-1, which put them ahead of the Watchmen by a single point and sent them to the playoffs. It does seem a little bit strange that a team with 91 points missed the playoffs, and perhaps some change will come next season. The 6th palace Oslo Storm were a respectable team with the addition of Yun Chiang after all. What exactly happened to Bratislava after the deadline? Did they simply have a tougher schedule than Rome, or did they choke?
    Games: 233-240
    The first sim after the Trade deadline saw Bratislava play the Istanbul Red Wolves and the Vasteras Iron Eagles. The Watchmen beat Istanbul 5-3 after Dolant Fertitta scored on the empty net with a minute left in the 3rd. Austin Towbaker recorded a hat-trick for the Watchmen and was the first star. In their second match the Watchmen chased VAS G2 out of the net in just 16 minutes of the first period, paving the way for Tadhg Byrne to enter the game. Bratislava would hold on to claim a convincing 7-3 victory over the Eagles. 
    The Gladiators’ first match was against the Oslo Storm, who did not go out without a fight. Rome would storm back with 2 goals in the third to put Oslo away 5-4, despite Yun Chiang’s best efforts. In their second game Rome played against the  l;eague worst Geneva Rush, who they crushed 10-1. The game started ugly, with Gabby Dugan fighting Wolf Weiss and Noah Mashford fighting Zen Raider. Both fights were ruled draws. Raider would promptly receive a 10 minute misconduct and be ejected from the game for instigating. GEN G1 would enter the game 4 minutes into the 2nd period, after Rome had recorded 5 goals. 
    At this point anyone would be forgiven for thinking Rome would miss the playoffs. There were 12 games left and the 2 teams were still separated by 10 points.
    Games 241-248
    Bratislava’s first game was against Stockholm, who won 5-4 over Bratislava in a close one. Matt Avens of the Vikings was the first star of the game, knocking in a pair of goals. Their second was against the Cologne Express. Cologne won the game quite convincingly, beating the Watchmen 6-3. Kyosti Karjalainen recorded a hat-trick for the Express in their victory. 
    Rome again played the Geneva Rush in the first game, this time beating them by 7 goals and shutting them out. Geneva’s GEN G1 would again enter the game 5 minutes into the 2nd period, replacing GEN G2. It was quite similar to the last time the two teams met. Match two was a lot closer, a 2-1 victory over Vasteras. Tahdg Byrne did all he could and stopped 40 of 42 shots, but it was not enough to stop Rome. 
    At this point Rome was now trailing by 6 points. Although it was a closer margin, they were still back 3 games with 10 games left to spare. It didn’t look that possible yet.
    Games 249-256
    The Watchmen played Istanbul next, and fell 4-3 in another close game. Orion D H Chiester IX was pulled from the game after allowing all 4 Istanbul goals. Bratislava’s Alex Parise entered the game and stopped all 17 shots he faced, but it was not enough as Bratislava would only be able to score once in the comeback. Bratislava won their next one 4-2 against Vasteras in what was a bloodbath of a game. Deagun Rust beat up Finn Davis and Nils Godlander and Willy Myers fought to a draw in a line brawl at 11:16 in the 2nd. Davis had not had enough apparently, as he was beaten up by Rust a second time at 15:59 in the third. 
    Rome’s next 2 games would be against the Cologne Express. In the first of two, Rome was able to get up to an early 3-0 lead and Cologne was unable to recover. Rome would pile on ever more later in the game to take it 6-2. In the second match, the game went into overtime after the two teams were tied 3-3 after 60 minutes of play. After nobody scored in the overtime, it went to a shootout and Cologne took it 4-3 after Mats Zucarello scored the only goal. 
    Again, this was not really that eye opening. Rome gained another point and were now 5 points back with 8 games left.
    Games 257-264
    The Watchmen convincingly beat the Oslo Storm 8-3 in their first game of the sim. William Groves had himself a hat-trick, and Bratislava chased Michael Fletcher out of his net. OSL G1 entered the game at 3:25 in the second after Fletcher allowed 4 goals on 18 shots. In the second game Bratislava again met the Cologne Express. The Express did not mess around and beat the Watchmen 5-4. Arthur Kimura scored the game winner 16 minutes into the second period. 
    The Gladiators had two matches against the Vasteras Iron Eagles in this sim. In the first game, the Gladiators triumphed over the Eagles 5-3. Deke Rike had a very good game for Rome, with 2 goals and 2 assists, though strangely he was the third star. In the second matchup Rome won 6-5 in a shootout. Brendan Marner scored the only shootout goal for either team, and Rome defenseman Milk Jugs recorded a hat-trick. 
    With Rome going 2-0 and Bratislava splitting their games, the gap between the two teams was now 3 just points. 6 games remained. The sim that came next would be critical for both clubs, as they played each other twice. In Rome’s locker room I sent the Jim Carrey gif, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance?”.
    Games 265-273
    In this sim Bratislava and Rome were scheduled to play each other, but the Watchmen also had a game against the Istanbul Red Wolves first. After getting up to an early 2-0 lead, the Red Wolves held on to win 3-1 over the Watchmen. In hindsight maybe this was a bad omen for Bratislava.
    The next two games would be season defining for both. THe first match was a convincing Gladiators victory, as they took it 6-3. Rome had a complete team effort, with 6 players recording 2 or more points in the game. In the second match Ben Aky had a goal and 2 assists for Rome, including one with just seconds left in the 2nd period. Nobody would score in the third period and Rome would go on to win it 4-3. 
    Rome was now a point ahead of Bratislava with a game in hand. What looked extremely unlikely at the deadline was now reality.
    Games 274-280
    In their first game of the day the Gladiators played against Istanbul, and beat them 7-4. After trailing 3-2 after the 2nd period Rome went on to score 5 straight in the 3rd. Istanbul answered with one of their own, but it ultimately did not make a difference.
    Bratislava and Rome were scheduled to play each other for the 3rd time in 4 games in this sim, and Bratislava finally got revenge for what happened in the last sim, taking the match 7-5 after scoring 2 goals in the 3rd. Biggie Cheese recorded a goal and 3 assists for Rome in the match, but it was not enough to win. 
    Despite Bratislava’s 1-0 record and Rome’s 1-1, Bratislava still trailed by a point due to their 3 game sim in the previous sim. Rome had Oslo and Istanbul in their last sim, while Bratislava had Geneva and Cologne. Rome simply had to win one game, and hope Cologne could help them out.
    Games 281-288
    Bratislava played Cologne in their first match and got absolutely dunked on, the final score ended up being 6-0. For the 3rd time since the deadline, they had been handed a loss by the Express. Orion D H Chiester IX was chased out of the net for the Watchmen after 4 goals and Alex Parise had to take his place. In their second game Bratislava won against Geneva, but it was a lot closer than expected. Austin Towbaker scored a hat-trick for the Watchmen in a 6-4 victory. For Bratislava to make the playoffs, Rome could only record a single point in their last 2 sims.
    In their first game of the day Rome was upset by Yun Chiang and the Oslo Storm. Chiang recorded 2 goals, including the game winner in the third period. So it would be that Rome beat Istanbul, not Oslo in their final sim to clinch a playoff spot. Biggie Cheese recorded 2 goals, 2 assists and the game winning goal in Rome’s final game against the Red Wolves. Rome would win the game 5-3. 
    The Conclusion
    So why did Bratislava collapse so badly? They did have a tough schedule in the waning part of the season, but the Gladiators also thrived against the tougher competition. 7 of Rome’s final 14 were against the league’s worst 3 teams, but they also gained 3 of 4 points from Cologne, 4 of 6 from Bratislava, and 4 of 4 from the league’s best, the Istanbul Red Wolves. Bratislava beat Istanbul in their first sim after the deadline and took 1 of 3 from Rome, but failed to beat anyone else not named Geneva, Oslo or Vasteras. The Watchmen had the opportunity to take matters into their own hands by beating Rome and claiming their place in the playoffs. They ultimately failed to do so, winning only 1 out of 3 games against Rome. Furthermore, if Bratislava had gone .500 in the final 14 games of the season, Rome would have trailed them by a point. They also failed to do so. It may seem unfair that they missed the playoffs with such a good record, but looking back they weren’t good enough to participate over Rome with such a poor final stretch. Maybe next season they’ll introduce a wildcard round so this sort of thing doesn’t happen again.
  8. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to Acydburn in VHLE/VHLM   
    VHLM Receives:
    VHLE Receives: 
    This trade has been accepted by all parties and does not need further league approval.  
  9. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Baby Boomer in The twenty-fourth chapter of Baby Bob's life (End of the Season and my playoffs predictions)   
    Happy New Year. It's nice to see Prague doing well, I think this team has the potential to go far in the playoffs like you said. I personally think it will all depend on how well David Davis plays. It's crazy to think that a rookie can have over 600 TPE by the end of the regular season with the addition of the VHLE. It will be interesting to see if Baby Bob will be in the conversation for rookie of the year considering the solid season he had. Overall pretty solid read, good luck in the playoffs with Prague. 9/10
  10. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Lemorse7 in Biggie Cheese Season Review   
    Biggie Cheese had a very successful season in Rome and was an integral part of the Gladiators’ team, both offensively and defensively. On the offensive side of things, Cheese finished with 39 goals, leading all Rome players in that category. Known for his aptitude for scoring goals, he also finished first for shooting percentage on the Rome Gladiators with a 12.83% shooting percentage. He also finished 3rd in total points with 91. He was also 8th in points for defensemen league wide. Biggie Cheese also gained a reputation for coming up in big moments. He led the entire league in game winners with 10 on the season. He had the game winning goal in nearly a quarter of all Rome victories. Perhaps the prime example of this was in the final game of the season where he put up 2 goals, 2 assists and knocked in the game winner. Defensively, Cheese finished the season with a +47, tied for first in the league for plus-minus. He also showed a willingness to block shots, putting up 154 blocked shots on the season. This was 2nd among Gladiators’ players.
  11. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to leafsman in Alessandro Nano first season in the VHL   
    Alessandro Nano first season in the VHL is coming to a close and it's been a pretty good season for him.  The Helsinki Titans have been competitive this season but unfortunately Nano season will not end in a championship as his previous ended in cups with Miami and Vesteras.  On a personal level, Nano had a great season as his production with just a game left in the season is coming clos to matching  the VHLE last year.  Nano has 15 goals and 47 assists for 62 points iin 71 games this season.  Nano has 3 more goals this season than last and is 3 points shy of his VHLE total.  Considering the jump in the quality of the league it's quite surprising to see Nano pretty much match his VHLE point totals.  It's unlikely that he will have a 3 point game in the finale but it's still been a good one for him.   Alessandro has also blocked 179 shots to go along with 172 hits.  Nano prides himself on his defensive game but as the stats have shown he can contribute at both ends of the ice.  Nano leads the titans in shot blocks by 4 so that could change in the final game.  Alessandro is second on the team in PIM but he's just 2 back so he could lead the team in that category after the final game.  Nano is the titans highest scoring defenseman at the moment with a 2 point lead over salducci.  
    I think I've had a good rookie season and I think we played as well or even exceeded expectations for the team.  We have a great young team and I think we have a great future.  Although my cup winning streak has come to an end I believe we will be contenders very soon.  I am going to work hard to his offseason to become a more well rounded player next season.  My goal is to o work on my offensive side of the game while putting some hard work in the gym to get stronger.
    Now that Alessandro has basically completed his first season in the VHL it's time to see how he fared in comparison to his father Paolo Nano who was also drafted by the titans.  Earlier in the season Alessandro had already passed his father in goals and assists but now we can see by how much.  Paolo had 6 goals and 26 assists which means alessndro has doubled his dad's goals total and came close to doubling the assists total.  Paolo played 2 seasons in Helsinki and it will be interesting to see if Alessando remains a Titan longer than dad. "I love playing here on Helsinki and would be happy to play here as long as possible.  I know it's a business but if it were up to me I'd love to be a Titan for life" said Alessandro Nano.
    Paolo had this to say about his son. "I am very proud of how Alessandro played this season.  He definitely is a more talented player than I was and I believe he will have a much better career than me.  He's already won at the lower levels and that was something I was never able to accomplish.  I also never won a Continental Cup and I truly believe Alessandro will win one one day.
  12. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Baby Boomer in The twenty-fourth chapter of Baby Bob's life (End of the Season and my playoffs predictions)   
    Hello everyone and an happy new year, 
    I wish you all the best possible year and welcome to the twenty-fourth chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. The S81 ended yesterday and it is time to do a recapitulation of what happened all around the VHL, with Prague and with Baby Bob.  
    At the beginning of the season, the expectation were high for the Phantoms with the acquisiton of Asher Reinhart via trade, and with the acquisitions of JaredN Jr, Sven Reikkinen and Kid Frost via free agency. The team changed a lot with the arrival of the new GM Acydburn and the team needed to perform. The Czech team started very slowly as they had difficulties to win games, but the more the season progressed, the more the team started to become competitive.
    The season is now over and Prague finished the season with four very important wins of which two against the strong Seattle Bears and the powerful Malmo Nighthawks and their final record is 43 wins, 27 losses and 2 over time losses for a total of 88 points in 72 games. The team succeeded to finish third in their conference over the HC Davos Dynamo to earn their place in the playoffs for the sixth season in a row. The runs were not always very long, but I hope for them that this year will be different.
    For his part, Baby Bob had a very good rookie season am he should be proud of it. Baby finished the season with an impressive 33 goals and 59 assists for a total of 92 points in 72 games. The only rookie who did better than him in points this year is his former teammate with the Hounds and with the Gladiators, Otto Numminen. Indeed, he scored an incredible amount of 95 points in 72 games. Note that he belonged to the Prague Phantoms before they traded him to Toronto with Guy Lambert and picks in exchange of Asher Reinhart. After Numminen, Baby Bob finished second in points among the rookies tie with Zach Kisslinger II who had five points in his last two games. 
    The first season is over and it is now time for the second and the most exciting season, the playoffs. I will finish this article by making my predictions of the series of the Continental Cup. In my opinion, for the second season in a row, the Vancouver Wolves will win the Cup in 6 games against the very surprising Prague Phantoms who made it to the final. The winner of the Daisuke Kanou trophy for the playoff MVP will be their young star Jerome Reinhart.
    Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 
    512 words 
    27 december – 2 january 
    @rjfryman@jared @Devise@TownBizness@Otto Numminen@Spartakiller2 @Kisslinger@MexicanCow123
  13. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from AJW in The resolution of the Vegas situation   
    I like AJ but agree with the ruling. If he was given a warning and another GM did this in the future, the commissioners wouldn't be able to fire them without being hypocrites. It would set a bad precedent.
  14. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Gustav in The resolution of the Vegas situation   
    I like AJ but agree with the ruling. If he was given a warning and another GM did this in the future, the commissioners wouldn't be able to fire them without being hypocrites. It would set a bad precedent.
  15. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from McWolf in The resolution of the Vegas situation   
    I like AJ but agree with the ruling. If he was given a warning and another GM did this in the future, the commissioners wouldn't be able to fire them without being hypocrites. It would set a bad precedent.
  16. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Dil in VHL Minecraft (v1.18.1)   
    Hello friends & Jardy, today I am here to announce that the next edition of the Victory Hockey League minecraft server will be setup and ready to join on January 3rd 2022.
    This time around, we will have anti-griefing and various QoL plugins installed to start off.
    This version of the server will be Java 1.18.1, meaning you need the JAVA EDITION of minecraft to join the server.
    This thread will be updated with the ip when the server is released, and everyone who reacts to this message will be notified via a ping on the discord!
  17. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from jhatty8 in All roads lead to Rome (and to the Cup) ep.4   
    Yeah there are, the top 5 teams have between 80-89 points and the bottom 3 are below 50
  18. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to atw2592 in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    1. Wasn't that the multi? If so, it's actually pretty impressive that he was able to keep up with that many players.
    2. I suck, but I'm a 3rd liner playing on a great team averaging like 6 mins per game so it's whatevs.
    3. Probably Higher by Creed
    4. A new sweatshirt, pair of shoes, and some cash. Christmas is overrrated.
    5. I still have to figure that out.
    6. I have not, although I did see some games got canceled cause of Covid. Doesn't surprise me.
  19. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to jhatty8 in All roads lead to Rome (and to the Cup) ep.4   
    Must be some really bad teams then if we have a good record and are out of the playoffs
  20. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to TeeJay11 in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    1 offence and we need to work on defence and being a bit more consistent 
    2 my scoring trying to get it as high as I can 
    3 no need for concern yet if they over take us the. We can see what we can do 
    4 tastes good I love it
    5 spending time with family
    6 cash and no snow
  21. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to MrMonkey in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    1. Probably our first line defense, and offense. We may need to work on depth
    2. My TPE bank pool thing
    3. Yes, but I know we can take them down.
    4. I don't like egg nog, unless there is enough alcohol in it that I just don't care about the taste.
    5. Go to Europe.
    6. Success of my second semester at Michigan Tech.
  22. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to atw2592 in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    1. Probably offense, we are always scoring a ton of goals. Weakness is defense, we are always giving up a lot of goals.
    2. I boosted my scoring and defense.
    3. Yes they are very good.
    4. I hate it
    5. spending time with family
    6. I’m too old for gifts
  23. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to wcats in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    1. Offense and more specifically the wings. Some beasts there.
    2. I spent it on scoring, puck handling, strength and faceoffs.
    3. I mean anything can happen of course. They have a great squad there. But we are very consistent I think if we continue to do our thing we will maintain our lead.
    4. Fire some rum into it and it's not so bad. Don't understand it on its own though.
    5. Had dinner at my brothers last night. Spending today with my girlfriend doing our own thing.
    6. I don't really have a good answer for that. There's not really anything I wanted. Mostly just to spend time with family. Oh and some alcohol I guess haha.
  24. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Baby Boomer in All roads lead to Rome (and to the Cup) ep.4   
    4 out of 8 teams make playoffs and we are 5th.
  25. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to jhatty8 in All roads lead to Rome (and to the Cup) ep.4   
    Hey that's me. Maybe I'm not very well hockey versed but how are we out of the playoffs with 36 wins and 26 total losses? That seems pretty good.
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