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diacope 2

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    diacope 2 reacted to Bigb33 in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    .1 HEy anything can happen, but it’s not looking good.
    .2 I would definitely say San Diego has the best shot 
    .3 A mixture of both I love to win but you work hard you wanna win 
    .4 for sure ranch
    .5 the Pittsburgh Penguins 
    .6 for sure Sidney Crosby
  2. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to pugsood in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. We're down in the series 2-0 to San Diego. Is that too big of a hill to climb? - it's ironic because I play for San Diego in the SBA. That being said, I think a comeback is in the works. I hope.
    2. Who do you think wins the Founder's Cup? Whoever is most deserving. I think it's going to be that team. 
    3. What is more important to you, personal success or team success? Really I think both are related, I'd love to contribute to team success. I've never been a guy who rides the pine and feels like I was part of something when I didn't do anything on the ice to contribute. So let's get both for Lattimer.
    4. What is your favorite type of salad dressing? Thousand island dressing at times, otherwise just straight Italian i asbolutely love (and it's keto friendly)
    5. What is your favorite NHL/hockey team? Washington Capitals but I'd be lying if i said i really cared about hockey. I loved the Canucks when they had the Sedins.
    6. McDavid is pretty unanimously the best player in the world, but who do you think is the second best? Ovie? I mean let's just call him that since he's on the precipice of an insane milestone.
  3. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to DreMin15 in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. God I fucking hope so.
    2. Always important to secure a higher spot, unless you’re intentionally bad (eyes last year’s “team”)
    3. Teamwork. We work together really well, bounces just don’t always go our way. 
    4. Graphics, especially now that I’m not totally dogshit at making them!
    5.  Thankfully yes, though damn that was expensive…
    6. Disgusting. I don’t care if it’s a tradition, it takes like garbage. Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people anyways.
  4. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to GioSivo in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. I might be a little biased but I think so. Jasper is already proving to be a critical player, with a goal every game so far.

    2. I'm sure it would be. Facing a team similar to us I'm sure would be beneficial in the playoffs, should we make it.

    3.  I can't say I've been here long enough to say, though our chemistry has been promising.

    4. So far, graphics, though thats... the only one I've done.

    5. Yes, honestly I'm the type of person to wait until the last minute. Very happy I didn't.

    6. Never had it, can't have an opinion on it really.
  5. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Quarter Finals: Games 1 & 2   
    stop the count!
  6. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Frank in Quarter Finals: Games 1 & 2   
    stop the count!
  7. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to sadie in Games: 274-280   
    GM 278: Istanbul vs. Oslo
    Istanbul earned a hard fought win over Oslo today by a score of 2-1, helping solidify their spot in the playoffs. It took a shootout to separate these two teams, with an impressive defensive struggle making up the rest of the game. Sebastien dokis opened the scoring in the second for Oslo from Randy Bobandy and Hunor Solyom. After a pretty even game up to this point, Istanbul turned up the pressure in the 3rd, outshooting Oslo 19-7 and tying the game up courtesy of Nagy Al and Halvar Torbjorn. Both teams fought through an even overtime until the shootout, where Reno Reinhold got one past Alexander Minion to win the game for Istanbul. The goalies put in a stellar performance today with 38 saves on 39 shots for Geoff Bezos and 48 saves on 49 shots for Alexander Minion.
  8. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Ente2997 in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    Missisauga Hounds Press Conference
    1. The team hasn't looked super good lately, can we still get out of no man's land?
    2. How would you describe your season so far (4 words max)?
    3. How would you describe the locker room atmospheare?
    4. What you favourite flag in the world (country, state etc.)?
    5. Whats the most underrated abitlity to have in hockey? (for me it's getting lost on offense for example)
    6. How was/is your favourite subject in school?
  9. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to WildfireMicro in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. I'm sure we can, but the fact that we did so well after what happened last season is very respectable
    2. A season of growth
    3. Pretty friendly, but understandably a bit quiet
    4. Ether the US or Canadian flag
    5. Not too sure, but maybe the ability to not get too nervous in the clutch
    6. Ether reading or chemistry
  10. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to DreMin15 in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. Absolutely, I believe this group is just going through a rough patch and is going to get it together.
    2. He shoots, he scores!
    3. A little bummed, but a great place to be.
    4. The Quebec Flag. Simple but perfect.
    5. Hockey IQ. Knowing when to do certain things on the ice like make passes, pinch, back check, etc.
    6. History. Only class I ever managed to get a perfect score in a class in. I’m also a huge history nerd, as my player Hannibal Barca would indicate.
  11. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to pugsood in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. The team hasn't looked super good lately, can we still get out of no man's land? We haven't looked good? I hope Lattimer hasn't contributed to that. Sounds like I need to step up and grow a pair.
    2. How would you describe your season so far (4 words max)? I. Have. No. Idea. 
    3. How would you describe the locker room atmospheare? Seems quite good, active, but admittedly I'm on the edges, i have many commitments and so i don't spend as much time there as i probably should. Seems cool though. Everyone seems to get along.
    4. What you favourite flag in the world (country, state etc.)? I did a country report on Argentina when I was growing up so I've always been mildly partial to their flag.
    5. Whats the most underrated abitlity to have in hockey? (for me it's getting lost on offense for example) Moving the defense with your eyes. Same with hockey as it is in basketball or football.
    6. How was/is your favourite subject in school? I had no favorite subjects, I hated school. Ironically my favorite subject in college became my minor - Education.
  12. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Arce in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    so my disrespectful and inappropriate questions have to be directed at you, big sad
  13. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to DreMin15 in VHL Holiday Charity Auction call for items: 2022 Edition   
    I’ve got an unopened Rosewill HIVE 650 Watt 80+ Bronze power supply, would be a nice smaller item to be sold off
  14. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Ente2997 in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    Missisauga Hounds Press Conference
    After the first couple of games, what are your thoughts on:
    1. The teams performance?
    2. your Players performance?
    3. the locker room atmosphere?

    4. Whats your favourite Logo from every league?
    5. Whos your favourite irl player?
    6. whats your favourite irl team?
  15. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to DreMin15 in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. We’ve played well, a few bounces go a different way and our record is a lot better than it is right now.
    2. I’ve got nothing to complain about, 2PPG is nothing to scoff at!
    3. We’re a chill place, which I’m cool with. 
    4. Aces, Watchmen, Legion
    5. Carey Price, the reason I fell in love with Hockey.
    6. Les Canadiens, for the above reason.
  16. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to pugsood in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    . Has the team met your expectations this season? I had no expectations to be honest since I don't pay attention but apparently I'm 7th in points and the team is very competitive so that's good!
    2. What goals do you have for your player at this point of the season? No goals or expectations. If my GM wants to give me som then sure! It's really up to my GM to tell me when to earn and what to put it into, and if he does that, he gets whatever he wants. If he doesn't, then I do nothing.
    3. What player on the team has had the most surprising performance so far? Again I really have no idea. I hate that my responses sound like I don't care about how special this league is, it's not lost on me how special it is but I just don't have much interest in it other than getting my 2 affiliate TPE per month for SBA.
    4. How has your favorite NHL team fared so far this season? I really don't follow regular season hockey. Playoff hockey is some of the most entertaining sports-watching one can do, though. I find myself cheering for all the Canadian teams.
    5. Are you celebrating Thanksgiving this week? Sure am/did. Dominated food, alcohol, and watching a shit ton of sports.
    6. What is the greatest TV show of all time in your opinion? Hard to say, could easily make the case for Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things. Classics like Seinfeld will never get old. 
  17. Angry
    diacope 2 got a reaction from JardyB10 in A Response to the VHLM Goaler Crisis   
    One time on a ubereats order they didn't deliver half of my order. I ordered 1 big mac + fries and drink and added 1 junior chicken to get the free shipping
    They only delivered the burgers, no idea what happened to my fries and drink. and then they only gave me a $5 credit
  18. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Dil in 2022 Charity Suggestions   
    That was going to be my suggestion as well. With our help we can get those doctors some borders
  19. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    Mississauga Hounds Press Conference 
    1. What are your thoughts on being draft to Mississauga?
    2. What did you think of your player's performance last season?
    3. What are your player goals for this season?
    4. The D.C. Dragons won their first Continental Cup. Do you think this is shocking?
    5. What attribute do you think your player needs to work on?
    6. What is your opinion on skim/0% milk? 
  20. Hmmm
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1. What is your favorite Halloween ghost or ghoul story? Why?
    I don't have one, I hate halloween.
    2. Do you believe real monster, witches and creatures are living amongst us in the real world?
     Dil is living among us so close enough.
    3. If you could use a magic spell on somebody; who would use the magic on and what spell would you use? Why?
    I would use a spell of vanishing on Nico Pearce because he is mean.
    4. Is your jack-o-lantern still out?
    I did not make one.
    5. Do you think Halloween is appropriate to celebrate today?
    No, it's a very dumb holiday and I think it should go away.
    6. Riddle: The person that built it, sold it. The person that bought it, never used it. The person that used it, never saw it. What is it?
    Probably a coffin. Someone has to make it and sell it. The person who buys it isn't the one using it, and the one who uses it doesnt see it because they are dead.
  21. Cheers
    diacope 2 reacted to WildfireMicro in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. I am very happy to help rebuild the locker room 
    2. He didn't exist last season. He's doing OK in Juniors tho!
    3. To just grow and prepare for the next level
    4. I do not know enough about them to answer 
    5. All of them really 
    6. Milk is milk as long as it came from a cow 
  22. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from WildfireMicro in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    Mississauga Hounds Press Conference 
    1. What are your thoughts on being draft to Mississauga?
    2. What did you think of your player's performance last season?
    3. What are your player goals for this season?
    4. The D.C. Dragons won their first Continental Cup. Do you think this is shocking?
    5. What attribute do you think your player needs to work on?
    6. What is your opinion on skim/0% milk? 
  23. Woah
    diacope 2 reacted to DreMin15 in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. I’m glad to be here! I know that I can make a positive impact and make sure we have a better season than the last one.
    2. He did not exist! 
    3. Put up a lot of points and grow as a player.
    4. Fuck the DC Dragons, they sent Jannik Nylen into retirement with a cup finals loss. Friggin pulled a Shea Weber instead of a Ray Bourque. Buncha jerks if you ask me.
    5. Probably my puck handling. I put so much attention into scoring, passing, and skating that my puck handling is lacking.
    6. Both suck in comparison to 2%
  24. Very Nice
    diacope 2 reacted to Shindigs in (S83) D - Jo Bohansson, TPE: 69   
    I'm stuck in the damn dryer AGAIN! 😭
  25. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from rory in (S83) D - Jo Bohansson, TPE: 69   
    what are you doing step shindigs
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