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Posts posted by hylands


    off-season edition!


    1. What are your early thoughts on the team's chances of success for next season?

    2. Do you enjoy the off-season break? Or are you someone who would prefer for it to be shorter?

    3. Where in New York City does your player live? Is it right in downtown Manhattan or further away in the suburbs? (i swear i'm not trying to doxx your player)

    4. What are your goals for your player next season?

    5. What is the most interesting place you would love to visit?

    6. In Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, what is your favourite trap that Kevin sets for The Wet Bandits?

  2. 1 hour ago, Nathan_8 said:




    Hello and welcome to this week's Houston Bulls Presser! Our run is over, Philly figured us out. Thank you all for the consistency of answering these weekly press conferences. You can always answer them once you join a new team if you want! It's fun getting to know people more based on their answers. Please answer each question to your best ability.

    Answer three questions for 1 capped TPE or six questions for 2 capped TPE!
    For the Week Ending Mar 3rd, here are your questions!


    1. With the VHL entry draft coming up on the 9th how excited are you to be joining a new team? Is there anybody who you would KILL to have on your team?

    2. We have new team pets with our kitty Litten, our dog Rocky, and out Puppy Growlithe how are you going to spoil them? Also don't worry you will be allowed to come back to the facility to hang with them.

    3. Once you get your big boy pay after being drafted to the show how will you spend tour newly earned money?

    4.  Your favourite AGM has been kidnapped by criminals and you have to fill his role what are you doing first?

    5. Are there any teammates who you will keep in touch, and hang out with after the gang is split up?

    6. Your AGM is doing the press conference this week do you like the change or would you rather @AJW continue doing it?



    To claim TPE:

    Go to the portal > Player > Manage > Claim Capped > Type > Press Conference

    Thank you to everyone who participates in these pressers, I read all of your answers!


    Let's Go Bulls!



    1. while i'm not in a draft, my player just got traded and i am super excited to be joining a new team in new york.

    2. i'm actually going to be taking litten and growlithe and then i will become a pokemon champion with them.

    3. you will not believe the amount of doinks i will have.

    4. after i'm done crying my eyes out over my favourite agm being kidnapped, i call the police and start the search immediately.

    5. i am actually hoping to meet some of the legendary S92 bulls as they grow and their players graduate to the big leagues.

    6. aj's questions would probably all be about being drunk and high so it's a tough choice.

  3. 6 hours ago, Fire Tortorella said:


    1.) A little bit of a cop out answer, but I'm just happy to be back in the league. Haven't had a player in a minute.

    2.) Flyers - going by the standings "above expectations" but this is supposed to be a re-build. Until I actually see rebuilding trades being made I can't say "meeting expectations". And as I'm typing this seems like Drysdale just injured his shoulder again!

    3.) I'd go back to 8 season careers only.


    1.) What's something you've recently enjoyed more than you thought you would?

    2.) What's something you've recently enjoyed less than you thought you would?

    3.) Is re-creating at the trade deadline too advantageous?


    1. i started DMing in dungeons & dragons and i'm finding it extremely rewarding.

    2. video games. i'm not sure if it's me getting older or majority of the games out these days are just worse than they used to be but it sucks!

    3. i dont think so. sure the waivers sometimes tend to pile on one team but i really don't mind it.


    1. what is something you are looking forward to in the near future?

    2. what is something you are grateful for today?

    3. if you could time travel, would you go into the past or the future?

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