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Posts posted by rory

  1. 1. How is your off-season going?

    Sucks to be out of hockey and for the golf courses to be closed. Nothing to do but sit at home and mope.

    2. Who do you think is going to go on to win the VHLM cup?

    I haven't really been paying attention to the league since our season ended. Yukon was dominate all year though, so I'm guessing they take it.

    3. If you went up right now, which VHL team would you want to play for?

    Seattle has some pretty sick jerseys, so I'm going to say them.

    4. What are your goals for next season?

    Hoping to get a good full developmental done and prove I have allstar potential. I'd also like to clown on every GM that passes over me, that'll be fun.

    5. If you had to switch positions right now, what would you switch to?

    I think I could be a stud goalie. I got the speed, and reflexes, and I think I could score a couple with that giant paddle.

    6. Do you have any good youtube videos you've been watching lately?

    I've been rewatching the Hot Ones catalogue. Good stuff, watching celebrities suffer. Think theres a couple VHL players I'd like to see on there.

  2. 1. How do you feel about missing the playoffs?

    Yeah it's a tough pill to swallow but we had a good bunch of guys here in Mexico City and I'm looking forward to competing for a title next year.

    2. Where do you see yourself landing in the VHLM dispersal draft? (or the VHL draft)

    I think the draft ratings underrate me. I'm definitely first overall potential in the dispersal draft and I'm sure theres going to be lots of GMs being clowned on in a couple of years because of it.

    3. Who were Mexico's top players this season?

    My one assist all season was pretty clutch in the 7-1 win so I'd put myself in the top ratings. Soupcan came in late and was dominate, and MacBurn is a bonafide stallion.

    4. What are your thoughts on the new "latecomer" TPE rules?

    Great to see that the VHL is improving itself based on its members suggestions. Proves that we're playing in the very best league.

    5. What stonk are you investing in next week?

    The stonk market is a big scam run by crooks and frauds. That being said, I'm all in on turnip stalks this week.

    6. What's you favourite fast food restaurant and why is it McDonalds?

    McDonalds is a cultural icon in the States and the Mexican McDonalds are pretty disappointing in comparison. The best fast food restaurant is the taco place across from the arena.

  3. 1. Only a handful of games left. What do we need to do to turn it up an extra notch and get some wins?

    Gotta run our sets, put the puck into positive places on the ice. Stick to our game, don't get forced playing a style of hockey we're uncomfortable with. And of course, getting pucks deep and get getting pucks to the net.

    2. What are your feelings on the new TPE catch up rules?

    Great to see that the VHL is improving itself based on its members suggestions. Proves that we're playing in the very best league.

    3. What forum improvements (games, etc.) from other leagues would you like to see in the VHL?

    You know, who doesn't love seeing ways to make more TPE. Would be great to see non-hockey related ways to grind.

    4. We've got 2 players, @BigTittySmitty and @DizzyWithLogic, who are in the top 10 of shot blocks. What makes them so good at stopping the puck?

    Yeah their big boys, if they want to get in front of the puck it's kinda hard for the opposition to get around them.

    5. We've all been stuck inside for a while, what are you gonna do first when things get back to normal?

    Crush a couple cold ones with the boys on the patio and enjoy a beautiful Mexico City summer. Of course, my main focus right now is winning some hockey games.

    6. What games, movies, music, or books have you been consuming lately

    Not really much of a reader, and I don't have the attention span for movies. Vikings and The Last Kingdom are big ones for me right now, the viking age is my favorite time period and Anglo-Saxon names are hilarious to say.

  4. Jeffrey Pines - Scouting Report




    Pines is a small, agile forward who specializes in defensive play, and the penalty kill. Despite being undersized, he is not afraid to chase the puck into the corners and attempt to outwork the opposition. He is not known for his offensive ability, and will mostly acquire secondary assists, assists from breakout passes, or on the rebound. He is fiercely loyal, and has a team-focused drive. He has broken his nose after taking a fight for an injured teammate, and has claimed he would do it again in a heartbeat. "I love these boys. I would do anything for them and if the table was reversed I'm sure their would be a line to stand up for me" he said in a post-game interview.


    On the ice, Pines has a stoic and serious attitude. He has a high level of poise, often being called up during clutch moments in the game. However, he plays the same game when his team is down by a goal with a minute to go and when his team is up by five. Off the ice, Pines remains calm and serious. He is not a locker room presence as he remains quiet unless he has something to say - which he rarely does.


    His nicknames by teammates and fans reflect his play style. In junior, teammates called him "The Raccoon" for his speed and size, stealing the puck from opponents, and affinity for garbage goals. Fans in Mexico City have called him "El Chihuahua" due to his Napoleon complex of taking on bigger opponents and biting off more then he can chew.


    The biggest weakness Pines faces is his size. Weighing in at 158 pounds, most coaches would prefer a smaller player to be an offensive dynamo, and leave the gritty play to the taller and heavier players. Pines is an anomaly in this sense, as his play in the offensive zone is abysmal. He works on his offensive play during practice, however there has been little to no progress in the last couple of years. Some scouts reckon a breakthrough will happen soon, and some have questioned if he belongs on the back line as a defenseman. Concerning this, his backwards skating is below par, and would also need a breakthrough to see serious improvements.


    Overall, Jeffrey Pines is a fringe prospect who could make an immediate impact in the VHLM, and could make the VHL in 3-4 seasons depending on his growth in the upcoming campaigns.

  5. 1. Yeah you know it's kind of a damned if you do damned if you don't kinda situation. Sometimes you'll get screwed and sometimes you'll come out on top. Lots of hockey left in the season, we just gotta focus on not dropping points.


    2. I was born and raised cheering for the maple leaf and I don't think I'll change my opinion this year. Think there's guys on this team who should be getting the call and i'll definitely cheer for them as well.


    3. I've been trying to put more weight on before signing here in Mexico City, hoping to continue that


    4. I think theirs some guys on this team using sticks that are taller then I am. It's crazy. My stick is short, gives you more control.


    5. I think ours is great. The colours really blend well.


    6. Usually I'd say I'm more of a dog guy, but I've always admired like, birds of prey, you know? I saw one on the drive in from the airport. It was, uh, majestic.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Motzaburger said:



    Welcome to the VHL @rory! :) 


    I am the GM of the Mexico City Kings. I can offer you 3rd line minutes on our squad.

    We'd love to have you become a part of the infamous Cartel ☠️


    Quote this and say "acepto" if you want to join the team!


    Please let me know if you have any questions or need help getting started!


    - Motza


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