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Posts posted by rory

  1. 1. Welcome to the kings (or welcome back for some of you). We are throwing a pitch in party, what are you bringing?

    That sweet, sweet, Mexican snow.

    2. For those of you who were drafted, are you surprised at your draft position. For those not drafted how do you feel about Chris Hylands going first overall?

    Felt the gears turning for a while. Was thinking I'd be skipped over at 14 and picked up later in the second, but I'm glad our benevolent GM kept the boys in town.

    3. What is your main goal this season?

    Cup or bust, all the way.

    4. What do you think the Kings chances are this season?

    We'll have three VHL ready players by mid season, mixed in with players who'll be in contention for the all VHLM teams. We gotta be favourites.

    5. The kings are looking for a new mascot, what do you think it should be?

    My dog, Charlie, is a chihuahua. I'll throw him into the mix.

    6. Who are you picking as your training partner on the team this year?

    Yeah you know I was gonna pick my prospective linemate and captain but it seems he FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY me, so Jones and I will just have to outshine him and Kamenov

  2. Jeffrey Pines - Junior Review


    Jeffrey Pines is a type of athlete that is becoming ever present in the modern sports world: a multi sport talent. Pines was born to two American immigrants in Edmonton, Alberta. His father is a former professional baseball player, and currently head coach for the local Edmonton squad. Pines inherited his fathers baseball prowess, and played since childhood. His hockey career, however, is a different story. All of Jeffrey's friends in junior high preferred hockey, so his father signed him up and he took to it like a natural, becoming one of the top players in the Edmonton area at the age of 13. He was never the best player in the league, or even his team at points, but his consistency and good work ethic always placed him in the top percentages of the players.


    When he was 16, he joined the Drayton Valley Thunder of the Alberta Junior Hockey League, as other leagues would suspend his baseball career. He played for two years, collecting back-to-back thirty goal seasons. The big decision came once he graduated high school, whether to continue his baseball or his hockey career. He received multiple scholarship offers from American and Canadian universities, however Minnesota State offered him the opportunity to play both sports - an offer he could not refuse. This of course put limits on both sports progressions, but after four years he received a contract offer from the Mexico City Kings, and his love for Mexican food and other recreational activities popular in Mexico made the team a perfect fit for the young star.

    Some skills that carried over from Pines' time as a shortstop include his stellar reactions, hand-eye, and having a great shot power and accuracy. Combined with his short stature, Pines plays a speedy, scoring focused forward who focuses on getting into A+ scoring opportunities and making space for himself. His short time in Mexico City proved an unnerving adjusdment from the NCAA - only scoring an assist in 22 games. Public opinion blames star LW Chris Hylands - projected top 3 in the VHLM dispersal draft, who consumed all of the ice time from the younger forward. Pines is projected to be an early-mid second round pick in the dispersal draft, and is eligible for the VHL draft next season, where he is projected as a late first rounder. Pines has previously stated his preferred VHL draft destination is "anyone but Calgary", citing his hometowns long time rivalry within Alberta.





  3. 1. How is your off-season going?

    Sucks to be out of hockey and for the golf courses to be closed. Nothing to do but sit at home and mope.

    2. Who do you think is going to go on to win the VHLM cup?

    I haven't really been paying attention to the league since our season ended. Yukon was dominate all year though, so I'm guessing they take it.

    3. If you went up right now, which VHL team would you want to play for?

    Seattle has some pretty sick jerseys, so I'm going to say them.

    4. What are your goals for next season?

    Hoping to get a good full developmental done and prove I have allstar potential. I'd also like to clown on every GM that passes over me, that'll be fun.

    5. If you had to switch positions right now, what would you switch to?

    I think I could be a stud goalie. I got the speed, and reflexes, and I think I could score a couple with that giant paddle.

    6. Do you have any good youtube videos you've been watching lately?

    I've been rewatching the Hot Ones catalogue. Good stuff, watching celebrities suffer. Think theres a couple VHL players I'd like to see on there.

  4. 1. How do you feel about missing the playoffs?

    Yeah it's a tough pill to swallow but we had a good bunch of guys here in Mexico City and I'm looking forward to competing for a title next year.

    2. Where do you see yourself landing in the VHLM dispersal draft? (or the VHL draft)

    I think the draft ratings underrate me. I'm definitely first overall potential in the dispersal draft and I'm sure theres going to be lots of GMs being clowned on in a couple of years because of it.

    3. Who were Mexico's top players this season?

    My one assist all season was pretty clutch in the 7-1 win so I'd put myself in the top ratings. Soupcan came in late and was dominate, and MacBurn is a bonafide stallion.

    4. What are your thoughts on the new "latecomer" TPE rules?

    Great to see that the VHL is improving itself based on its members suggestions. Proves that we're playing in the very best league.

    5. What stonk are you investing in next week?

    The stonk market is a big scam run by crooks and frauds. That being said, I'm all in on turnip stalks this week.

    6. What's you favourite fast food restaurant and why is it McDonalds?

    McDonalds is a cultural icon in the States and the Mexican McDonalds are pretty disappointing in comparison. The best fast food restaurant is the taco place across from the arena.

  5. 1. Only a handful of games left. What do we need to do to turn it up an extra notch and get some wins?

    Gotta run our sets, put the puck into positive places on the ice. Stick to our game, don't get forced playing a style of hockey we're uncomfortable with. And of course, getting pucks deep and get getting pucks to the net.

    2. What are your feelings on the new TPE catch up rules?

    Great to see that the VHL is improving itself based on its members suggestions. Proves that we're playing in the very best league.

    3. What forum improvements (games, etc.) from other leagues would you like to see in the VHL?

    You know, who doesn't love seeing ways to make more TPE. Would be great to see non-hockey related ways to grind.

    4. We've got 2 players, @BigTittySmitty and @DizzyWithLogic, who are in the top 10 of shot blocks. What makes them so good at stopping the puck?

    Yeah their big boys, if they want to get in front of the puck it's kinda hard for the opposition to get around them.

    5. We've all been stuck inside for a while, what are you gonna do first when things get back to normal?

    Crush a couple cold ones with the boys on the patio and enjoy a beautiful Mexico City summer. Of course, my main focus right now is winning some hockey games.

    6. What games, movies, music, or books have you been consuming lately

    Not really much of a reader, and I don't have the attention span for movies. Vikings and The Last Kingdom are big ones for me right now, the viking age is my favorite time period and Anglo-Saxon names are hilarious to say.

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