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Beketov last won the day on January 5

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About Beketov

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  • Player
    Cardinal Copia
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    Halifax, NS
  • NHL Team
    Detroit Red Wings

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  1. For the first time in 11 years I’m considering skipping CoD... this feels weird.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Beaviss


      @Beketov buy god of war and do Godcast (see what I did there?)

    3. Beketov


      @Beaviss maybe on that one. I do find single player tricky because I have to focus on the narrative while also focusing on casting. CoD is good because it’s mindless more or less for me.

    4. DollarAndADream


      GoW is good where you can talk VHL during the killing, and just pause for the cut-scenes and talking gameplay. There's obviously a lot of mindless killing, and treasure hunting in there where you could easily talk about VHL, etc.


      There's a lot of parts where they talk during gameplay too, but you could definitely just stop talking yourself, since you could make it like a Let's Play....and your VHL audience would probably like to know what happens too. Depends how you would do it, if you'd only do it for streaming purposes, there's like 30 hours of story. But if you also would play on your own and not record, then your viewers wouldn't get to know what happened.

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