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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. #VHLWedding
  2. Bumping this in light of recent events. A reminder to everyone that it will not be tolerated and it does not matter who starts an argument. If you get into it with other members and things start crossing the line you will both be punished. Not to sound like your grumpy dad but I don’t care who started it, I will finish it.
  3. That’ll work. Just needed to pass on our mistakes to make sure others don’t make them haha
  4. Take it from my experience: unless it’s a very small wedding is she can prep far in advance, she will DEFINITELY regret doing her own food. My wife did our cake (just one small tier to cut) and cupcakes and absolutely hated every second of it. A day or two before your wedding there’s so much shit going on that trying to focus on making good food doesn’t end in anything but piles of stress.
  5. My wife and I looked at a place in Riverview that offered weddings as well as coprporate events. They offered the exact same things for both (space, 5 hours, tables, cleanup, decorations, etc). Corporate event was $500, wedding was $2500. The market as soon as you slap “wedding” on something is mind-boggling. If you keep it small it’s very possible to not spend a shit ton of money though. We did our entire wedding for around $3500 total. $2200 of that was food and photographer. Which leads me to my 1 main piece of advice @diamond_ace. Don’t cheap out on the photos. So many people now just get their guests to take photos or whatever; don’t. They’ll look like hot garbage and the photos are the one thing you have left after spending all that money. Don’t cheap out on the one thing you get to keep. Food gets eaten, flowers die, decorations get taken back or sold or whatever. Good photographers book early and are expensive but they are worth it.
  6. Trust the Process
  7. We moved the cap up by 1 mill and completely changed the brackets to make most guys cheaper. Pepperidge farm don’t remember shit.
  8. To be fair, Finn joining did majorly slow down Cornerstone’s production.
  9. Lack consistency? He banned Boubabi and then threatened to do the same, how is that lacking consistency? We’re ya doing things but having everyone constantly calling for everyone else to be banned isn’t helping anything.
  10. Season 60 VHL Entry Draft Board Draft Begins: TBA Red = VHL Hall of FamerS60, S61 = S60, S61 Continental Cup Champion, etc. Round One 1. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE: Veran Dragomir 2. CALGARY WRANGLERS: Oyorra Arroyo S62, S64, S65 3. HC DAVOS DYNAMO: Noel Roux S61 4. CALGARY WRANGLERS (From Riga): Jóhannes Vilhjálmsson S62, S65 5. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE (From Toronto): Bryce Zhields 6. HC DAVOS DYNAMO (From New York): Billy Pilgrim 7. TORONTO LEGION (From Helsinki): Jónas Vilhjálmsson 8. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE (From Seattle): Tristan Iseult Round Two: 9. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE: Jakub Vilhjálmsson 10. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE (From Davos): Arbin Asipi Jr 11. CALGARY WRANGLERS: Bastion Logan Mac Finscéal 12. TORONTO LEGION (From Riga): Matthew Keller 13. TORONTO LEGION: Molholt 14. CALGARY WRANGLERS (From New York): Veikko Bjornberg 15. CALGARY WRANGLERS (From Helsinki): Albert Albert 16. CALGARY WRANGLERS (From Seattle): Patrick Triscuit Round Three: 17. SEATTLE BEARS (From Quebec): Billy Von Goon 18. HC DAVOS DYNAMO: Hinga Dinga Durgen Jr. III 19. CALGARY WRANGLERS: Ludolf von Gooch 20. TORONTO LEGION (From Riga): Marcus Högberg 21. TORONTO LEGION: Max Rockatansky 22. NEW YORK AMERICANS: Vince Brown 23. HC DAVOS DYNAMO (From Helsinki): Greg Gregory 24. SEATTLE BEARS: _______________________________________________________________ Center (4) Jóhannes Vilhjálmsson, 134 TPE Matthew Keller, 60 TPE Albert Albert, 50 TPE Vince Brown, 30 TPE Left Wing (4) Veran Dragomir, 256 TPE Oyorra Arroyo, 155 TPE Jónas Vilhjálmsson, 72 TPE Greg Gregory, 30 TPE Right Wing (6) Bryce Zhields, 163 TPE Patrick Triscuit, 80 TPE Jakub Vilhjálmsson, 79 TPE Veikko Bjornberg, 66 TPE Ludolf von Gooch, 33 TPE Defense (7) Noel Roux, 181 TPE Billy Pilgrim, 159 TPE Bastion Logan Mac Finscéal, 89 TPE Billy Von Goon, 54 TPE Marcus Högberg, 44 TPE Max Rockatansky, 36 TPE Molholt, 30 TPE Goaltenders (3) Tristan Iseult, 124 TPE Arbin Asipi Jr, 70 TPE Hinga Dinga Durgen Jr. III, 52 TPE
  11. Definitely are not. I'm guessing @DollarAndADream hasn't received any offers or at least any offers he likes.
  12. Will informed me they were after the fact but honestly I see no major reason they should be. Every other award has votes hidden, why should the slobo be any different? Cor what it’s worth they weren’t last year either, I handled it exactly the same way.
  13. I'm fine with having some rewards for something like this but finding time where we could get a good amount of people would be challenging at best. I like the incentive though.
  14. User Name: Beketov Cup Winner: Nashville EASTERN CONFERENCE Lightning (A1) vs. Devils (WC2) Winner: Lightning # of Games: 5 Bruins (A2) vs. Maple Leafs (A3) Winner: Leafs # of Games: 6 Capitals (M1) vs. Blue Jackets (WC1) Winner: Capitals # of Games: 6 Penguins (M2) vs. Flyers (M3) Winner: Penguins # of Games: 5 WESTERN CONFERENCE Predators (C1) vs. Avalanche (WC2) Winner: Predators # of Games: 5 Jets (C2) vs. Wild (C3) Winner: Jets # of Games: 6 Golden Knights (P1) vs. Kings (WC1) Winner: Knights # of Games: 6 Ducks (P2) vs. Sharks (P3) Winner: Sharks # of Games: 6
  15. Was checking stats for HoF Discussion and noticed that Holik finished ahead of DeGrath in shutouts by 2. This makes me happy. @STZ will definitely still get into the hall before me (unless I do this season which I find highly unlikely) but at least he didn’t beat the one stat I’m most proud of.


    Also interesting. @Bring Back Player 2 (Tri) probably would have beat me if he didn’t retire early. Might have actually been able to top Clegane.

    1. STZ
    2. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      I was aiming for most wins but saw it was out of the realm of possibilities

  16. Had to put put some fires so 

    going live for maybe a shorter stream tonight. Come hang out!


  17. Yup, error on my part. Didn’t see the former post, just went off the scheduling we’ve used before.
  18. For what it’s worth I appreciate you being honest but the vote is intended for the player, not the member. So even if you disagree with his actions (I don’t blame you) it’s not reallylogical for the vote to change.
  19. Seriously why is this still going? Since this bitchfest started DeGrath has gained 1 vote and Cornerstone has gained 5 or 6 (I don’t remember the exact number he was at). Clearly all this arguing is pointless because people are continuing to vote however they want anyway and Boubabi can’t even complain because they are voting for him. This is arguing for the sake of arguing if I’ve ever seen it.
  20. I already said I voted for you, I pointed that out in my first response. Don’t drag me back into your paranoia. Edit: Correction, I guess I just said I didn’t vote DeGrath. Well still, I voted Cornerstone, but that does t mean everyone needs to tell you how they voted so you can yell at them.
  21. You're comparing his stats to previous slobo winning goalies; it's the same thing. Saying that .930 isn't enough to win it because it wasn't in the past says nothing about this season.
  22. Every season is different. Dearth isn't being compared to the goalies of the past, he's being compared to the goalies of the present. Campbell had better stats than you in S1, does that mean you don't deserve it? Just let the members vote. I'm not defending anything. I'm saying that calling people incompetent, rattled, and emotionally unstable isn't a healthy thing to do; for you or the league. Everyone gets a vote; that's the point. You can disagree with those votes all you want but fighting with literally everyone that crosses your path doesn't change anything. So either calm down or remove yourself from the situation.
  23. Perhaps telling everyone they are incompetent for not agreeing with you isn' exactly getting anyone on your side. For someone who complains so much that everyone is against them, you aren't exactly acting in a way that would change the situation. Back in S1 I did literally have everyone on the board against me, no one wanted me to be around anymore. I changed their minds not by fighting with them but by proving I could be a valuable member. Perhaps you should take a lesson from that. If you don't want everyone against you (not that I agree they are) don't treat them like they are all beneath you.
  24. Which is why I said you can bring other criteria into it if you so choose; it's a public vote, we don't expect it to be ridiculously strict or else the top scorer would likely just win every year that a goalie doesn't have record setting numbers. All I was saying was that by definition of the award most outstanding means compared to everyone, not most valuable to their team. They can be one in the same, obviously DeGrath and Cornerstone both had MVP worthy numbers as well, but they aren't necessarily. Louth was valuable to Quebec but not necessarily Most Outstanding (despite being in the vote here).
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