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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. That'll be tough with Seattle in the final, borderline against the rules really.
  2. Oh, so you plan on beating the record again? At least you're aiming high. You know, in S30 Satan got a S% of .851, I believe you can do worse!
  3. Plenty of sucking though.
  4. Lowest playoff S% in 23 seasons. Yup, totally cup ready.
  5. Hey if he wants to waste his last two seasons with Velvet losing because of a shitty goalies that's his choice. If he'd rather get another cup though he knows where to find me.
  6. It's going to be so funny when I replace you.
  7. Put yourself on the bench for a season and I'll show NY a good time instead Seriously though, I just want to compete next season, I don't care where I am.
  8. Curses gotta start somewhere
  9. 3-0 Curse. We bringing this all the way back!
  10. I'm really not. I'm pointing out easily recognizable facts and you're making bold faced claims with no proof. FACT: I faced more shots than you while playing 20 fewer games. FACT: Our S% were more or less the same, in fact I beat you. FACT: S48 Davos Scored 146 Goals. S53 Helsinki scored 226. Don't think your team carried you, really? Our rookie seasons have comparable numbers in the grand scheme of things but your team carried you and my team was rebuilding. So yeah, if Moon had been on S48 Davos he easily would have done worse, there's no real way to deny it. You're letting a solid team in front of you go to your head. The fact is, you played like shit, both in the regular season and the playoffs. The only reason you got as far as you did is because the team in front of you managed to score enough that your fuck-ups didn't matter. I'll gladly eat my words if your career numbers are better than mine (factoring in the likely 6 seasons less you will play) but that's not going to happen.
  11. Crunched? You faced fewer shots, playing basically 1/3rd more games. And yeah, rebuilding vs. competiting does make a hell of a difference; if you think it doesn't you're more insane than I thought. Your team had a goal differential of 67 and mine had a goal differential of -87. Given that our save percentages are basically the same (as you lovingly pointed out) that means your team carried you FAR more than mine did. Put Moon on S48 Davos and he has possibly the worst stats any goal has ever seen.
  12. Taking numbers out of context proves absolutely nothing. You were on a strong team in your rookie season while I was on a rebuilding team AND STILL beat you in S%. I also faced more shots than you while playing 20 games fewer and still had comparable stats. So yeah, your numbers prove nothing. Also, fun fact, this is the lowest S% of any starter in the playoffs since S30. Just let that sink in for a minute.
  13. We'll see, so far I really don't see how that's even going to remotely happen. BTW, yours is the worst GAA in the playoffs since S45 (just barely) and I haven't found a worse S% yet but don't worry, I'll keep looking. Oh, just found this Gem, in S44 Jax Barnstormer had a better playoff S% then you. So yeah, to your point from the other day, Helsinki might have been better off with Barnstormer.
  14. Joke I call a goalie? At my worst in the regular season I still outplayed you and in the playoffs you feel on your face even more. I'll admit I played bad the first three games of the series (3 was kinda close but I still wasn't great) but I've let in only 3 goals in the last 3 games and did so against a more offensive team. Meanwhile you let in 13 in your last 3 games and 27 on the series vs. 14 for me. So tell me again how I'm trash and Stockholm just got lucky? You're team outplayed Stockholm in several regards except for 1 key one: you. Hell you got pulled so much that in 2 fewer games Power played over a period more minutes than you.
  15. Loses the entire series for his team by playing worse than a CPU: claims the team that wrecked him sucks anyway. Ah, the DT life.
  16. Moon finishes the playoffs with an abysmal 0.865 S% and just shy of 4 goals allowed per game. The forwards really tried to keep this close but hard to win like that.
  17. We wait all this time to get a 404 error! Come on! The suspense is too much. Edit: Checked it in the schedule, don't know who scored but Bears win 4-1! The reverse sweep is possible boys, we're bringing this back!
  18. Just curious, should we maybe brand this for the VHL in general? Maybe shared login and have all the podcasts centralized to one location. The CoDCast already goes to YouTube so it wouldn't be hard for me to just put it on a different account. Could probably convert stuff like the see podcast to have a video. Just a thought. If we want to use YT as a way of advertising with our podcasts it makes sense to use it for more than 1.
  19. Pretty sure the people who said Yes Yes (not that I did) should get the points here. Considering what teams were up 3-1 for game 6 to happen (as predicted) only Seattle and Helsinki could have won. Since they predicted game 6 in both series they, thusly, also Predicted Seattle and Helsinki.
  20. Adding 40 points to passing and not touching anything else isn't automatically going to make you an assist machine. With no points in puck handling, skating, or defence you are likely not holding the puck long enough to get anything done.
  21. I'll take that game winner, GG boys. The comeback is real.
  22. 100%. Anything from 30 minutes to 1 hour I usually love. Anything less seems too easy to be really good and anything more I'm starting to second guess everything above done but don't want to have lost the hour.
  23. 10/10 Best Mock
  24. Depends how much I'm struggling to get it to look how I want. Can be anywhere from 20 minutes to 3 hours in my experience; usually the shorter ones I don't like as much though.
  25. Taking this one game at a time and hoping STHS has a slider for momentum. Good win guys.
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