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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. You got almost as many points as they had shots haha
  2. I'll admit I'm guessing on that one but I don't see a lot of reasons for Gow to have signed with Quebec unless something like this was pre-planned.
  3. Maybe it's because I'm on the team he chose to leave, maybe it's because you got a top player for very little. I can admit I'm probably bias on this one but it's still annoying. Having something like this pre-arranged just kinda kills the integrity of Free Agency. No other team standing a chance is one thing but this also adds in the fact that you guys don't even have to pay full price for him.
  4. D - Bobby Digital @Advantage
  5. Never said it was new, doesn't mean I have to like it. Seems like the kind of thing that should involve a loophole getting closed. Something along the lines of "Players signed via FA during the off-season are not eligible to have part of their contract covered via trade." Of course the commishes gain from it so it's not likely.
  6. Well there's a way to skirt the cap, get the player you want to sign somewhere else and then trade basically nothing for them.
  7. Had some major recording issues for my historic 25th anniversary podcast but I think I managed to get the commentary audio to sync up and work, hopefully it's not off. For the 2nd Podcast this week I decided to play some MWR while I answered questions from @Kendrick, @gorlab, and @mpclardy so enjoy! *For Sokolov
  8. Mental Note: Anything posted by Boom in the LR is likely very NSFW.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BOOM


      What else would they be? Pie charts are pie charts and cameltoe graphs are cameltoe graphs. I never mix the two.

    3. BOOM
    4. der meister

      der meister

      I watch it for the plot. 

  9. Managed to sync it at lunch (at least close enough, thank god I work with editing software) but my company's upload speed is abysmal so its going to take awhile. While we wait, why not ask some questions for next time? @eaglesfan036 @Shaka @ADwyer87 @boom @der meister @Victor @YEAH!stlemania @Phil @tfong @ChrisF @George Costanza @Molholt @Mr. Power @Draper @Banackock @gorlab @JardyB10 @evrydayimbyfuglien @Jericho @DollarAndADream @Kendrick @mpclardy
  10. D - Biggu Kyanon @Tylar
  11. I’ll have to see if I can salvage #25. I recorded the whole thing this morning and, for some reason, my commentary is gone. I can hear it in a raw file though so maybe I’ll get lucky and be able to sync it up and get a video out. I can’t guarantee anything though; I don’t normally do any post work on these.
  12. I actually played 1 quick game of infection after I stopped recording so that I could get to the prestige without wasting too much XP.
  13. Another early morning CoDCast, first for this week. Answered questions from @boom and @Phil while playing Infinite Warfare. Will be recording another episode tomorrow; maybe featuring MWR. Questions will be from @Kendrick, @gorlab, and @mpclardy so if you guys want to give opinions on MWR vs. IW I'll take them into account. *For Holik
  14. Having full carryover when most of us are 2nd player prospects doesn't hurt haha
  15. That doesn't make any sense though? He's keeping Mexico out and making Mexico pay for it so if we're keeping Google out shouldn't Google pay for it?
  16. F - Max Molholt @Advantage
  17. First goal of my career is the team's first goal of the season; plus a win to boot. I'll take it!
  18. Even though I couldn't stay long I will confirm that @mpclardy is a fantastic host for guests and people should go hang out with him.
  19. Not sure when the next time you’re planning on doing a podcast is but might as well get my questions in: 1. What do you think the North American Conference playoffs in the VHL will look like this season? 2. Any teams you think will make a big push this year? 3. Do you think Podcasts are starting to take over from the more traditional Point Tasks? If so, why do you think that is? 4. Do you think people should give the same questions to multiple Podcasts or come up with original ones? Personally I like hearing different people’s takes on the same questions. 5. Would you ever consider being a guest on the CoDCast if I could ever figure out a way to do it or would the timezones be too tough?
  20. 1. What do you think the North American Conference playoffs in the VHL will look like this season? 2. Any teams you think will make a big push this year? 3. Do you think Podcasts are starting to take over from the more traditional Point Tasks? If so, why do you think that is?
  21. 1. What made you decide to join back up? Be honest, was it the CoDCast? 2. Coming from an outside perspective, what do you think the North American Conference playoffs in the VHL will look like this season? 3. Any teams you think will make a big push this year? 4. Why stop at 1 TPE? Why not make it longer and go for the full 6. 5. Do you think Podcasts are starting to take over from the more traditional Point Tasks? If so, why do you think that is?
  22. Got a new adapter ring just in time and got my mic orientation fixed so that (lack of pop filter aside) everything sounds perfect. Gonna record 2 CoDCasts this week, 1 tomorrow and 1 Wednesday so get your questions in while there is still time!
  23. No doubt. I'm not concerned about it not getting done really, just bringing it up as a point that would need to be watched out for. Especially given how busy updaters are at the start of every season.
  24. Gotcha, fair point. Definitely would need policing in that case to really make sure people don't keep them since we' could potentially be talking about a fairly sizeable boost.
  25. You said it would bump from 80->95 though which isn't true. At 15 TPE it would bump from 80->85
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