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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Contrast is too strong so your white is getting blown WAY out. Text is kinda tricky to read and the contrast makes the render look like something out of a horror movie. I liked the idea you were going for but get your curves under control.
  2. It looks like you made a fun underwater sig and then took a shit in the bottom right corner. Get that sludge out of there as it throws everything off for me. Lighting and contrast are a bit all over the place, text looks slapped on. Try to play with your stocks a bit more and don't be afraid about masking areas out if they won't work with the piece.
  3. I would like to see the animation loop be a bit shorter as it's a really cool part but it's gone before you know it and then doesn't seem to get around to repeating. Text is very much a focal point so I think it could have looked a bit better. the spacey looking stock doesn't really fit I don't think since you only see it on the text. The actual work done to the photo looks pretty nice and the animation seemed like a cool film burn thing which I like.
  4. Kill a few of the bubbles and also try to blur some of them to get the illusion of depth out of that stock. Double render works decently well here and the BG is kinda funky but I wish it's thumbing had stuck around a bit longer. Text is okay but needs blending so that it doesn't look slapped on.
  5. I love the idea behind this but it's missing it's mark a bit. Get some stronger lighting on the render so that it isn't hidden behind everything and I think it would really make this pop. The overall dreamy kinda effect works it just buries everything and makes the text stand out. Slightly larger text and better render lighting could make this pop.
  6. Blending is the main problem here, in that it doesn't exist. I see the exact separation between BG, render, and text. Try to have some of those splatters go over the render maybe. Also, the text stands out a lot thanks to the colour and the stroke. Needs lighting and some exposure work as well which would help blend.
  7. This feels kinda old school sig making, it's cool. The render effects are a little weird but I think they work. Lighting could use some work since it seems a little unrealistic. Text is the main downside; try to work with different fonts for each piece of the text maybe and see what happens; no need for it to all match.
  8. I want to see you make a sig without text, I really do. I feel like I type the same thing every week. The BG literally doesn't exist since it's pure black, i don't like that. render looks kinda cartoony which is okay I guess but I don't love the style. Text is fine but it's the only real focus of the sig.
  9. The pixel style text doesn't work well with the overall theme of the piece. It also stands out way too much, try to blend it in a bit; at least colour wise. Render needs some light to really make him pop instead of just disappearing into the BG.
  10. I want to like this piece but there are a few things working against it for me. I think the BG colouring looks amazing but the render having blue in it looks odd. I would have used a different render or changed the blue to a different colour to blend with the kinda fiery BG. A desaturated face might have been nice too. The liquify thing on the shoulder is a bit too sharp and the text could use some work.
  11. 701 nailed the comments regarding the text so I won't go into detail about that. overall it feels very contrasted (blacks are crushed, white is blown out) which is a little hard on the eyes. Would like to see the scan lines used more sparingly as well. Slapping them over the whole thing looks a little odd but they could be a good piece in certain areas.
  12. Love the overall feel of the colours and I think the text works really well. As a whole the piece is a tad dark and some nice lighting could have really brought the render out. I also think the liquify might be a tad strong since it doesn't really fit the overall theme.
  13. Same kinda style as my last one but obviously aimed more at an all-star feel. Probably the last time I’ll make one of these, just needed some time to get my computer back up and running properly.
  14. How is it Calgay always puts up under 10 shots against me and I still let at least 1 in
  15. Doctors and drug dealers. That's about it though.
  16. I guess? I mean I don't know where the distinction is. Even if I have to take welfare some weeks I still pull in around 7 after grading and trivia. If 7 TPE a week minimum is "semi-active" then sure.
  17. Terrible game to be a goalie but I'll take the win haha
  18. Wanted to do something different, and it fit the recruitment kinda theme, so I put together a clean looking VHL poster. A lot of work done on the original image to get the look quite right.
  19. So would all extra TPE after the 30 capped be banked or just completely wasted on the second player? 30 is next to nothing, even without a bio, RP and end of season stuff that's only 5 weeks worth of PT's, even less if you have a job and are very active. When you add in all the other stuff it's barely anything at all. If the extra points are just lost it will be impossible to do well as a rookie since you'll be coming up in the VHL with essentially no TPE at all. On the other end, if it's banked, you'll likely hit the 175 before your other player is retired and then, as I understand it, be forced to retire the capped player that never did anything of value. As I understand this proposal it seems far more complicated than it needs to be. You either lose out on a ton of points or a whole player really early. On top of that it's way more to keep track of and doesn't reward re-creating at all because it kills carry-over. I would much rather the other system if we are going to do this.
  20. Not 100% sure why that render has to do with anything but oh well. A decent clean sig, the render looks fine, the lighting is good, text is good, nice use of purple accents. I'm not sure about the large glasses in the BG on the right; maybe tone those down a tad or remove them. overall pretty solid though.
  21. It's definitely different but I think it's actually really cool. The style of the actual piece is very simple and elegant but the contrast and everything looks spot on. Alone it would be a tad boring but with the animation I think it really works well. Very well made piece.
  22. I'm not sure I've dropped enough acid to enjoy this unfortunately. The colours don't really play well together, the render looks a little odd (again, the colour I think), the text stands out way too much, lighting doesn't really exist. Get some exposure and curves layers on this and try to really bring everything together and I think you'd have a much better piece on your hands.
  23. I think the canvas size is your biggest problem here; it kinda looks like you tried to squish everything you wanted into a tiny box instead of just making the box a bit bigger. Text takes up almost the entire canvas (small canvas, + big name = issue) which can work but doesn't really here. Lighting is okay but there almost seems to be a film grain over everything that's making it look LQ to me. Would like to see a bit more stock work or maybe a small splash of colour to make something pop.
  24. Meeh is sadly kinda accurate. I like what you had going with the slanted dipping mask and the colour vs. B&W play but sadly I think you stopped short of making this fantastic. Maybe work the slants into the text and have it be broken up a bit style wise. Also needs some stronger lighting on the face and ideally a little less saturation in the BG of the slanted part. It's a little meeh right now but with a few tweaks it could be wow.
  25. The red on the face definitely has to do, it feels odd. Text has a little too much punch for me, I think it;s the colour. Brush work is cool but wish it helped blend the render a bit more; maybe try some clipping masks with it. Render looks a little oversharp.
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